Crypto '99 rump session

As usual, there will be a rump session at Crypto '99. The rump session is intended to be an informal session in which participants give short presentations on recent results, work in progress, and other topics of interest to the crypto community (possibly including presentations that are not purely technical in nature). Stuart Haber will preside over this year's rump session, which will take place on Tuesday evening, August 17. Those wishing to give a talk at the rump session must submit a short abstract, no more than one page long, either to the program chair, Michael Wiener, or to the rump session chair, Stuart Haber. Submissions may be made either by email (at most one page of ASCII text---email submissions in any other format will be ignored) to [email protected] before Friday, August 13, or in person at the conference before noon on Monday, August 16. Submissions should include a requested amount of time for the presentation, up to seven minutes. Depending on the submissions they receive, the chairs will select a program for the session.

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