To: "''" Subject: Final minutes of 23 August 1998 Board meeting Board of Directors Meeting CRYPTO '98 Santa Barbara 23 August 1998 The President, Kevin McCurley, called the meeting to order at 10:05AM. Present: McCurley, Berson, Cachin, Diffie, Feigenbaum, Hruby, Imai, Klapper, Matsumoto, Maurer, Okamoto, Pfitzmann, Preneel, Upton, Van Oorschot, Tavares. Also Present: Miki Swick, IACR Secretariat 1. Welcome and Identification of proxies Kevin welcomed the members present. Proxies: Tom for Gilles Brassard Kevin for Don Beaver Bart for Peter Landrock Jimmy for Andy Clark 2. Agenda The agenda as distributed was approved. 3. Minutes from the last meeting Motion: (Berson/Preneel) Move to aprove the minutes. Carried(11/0) 4. CRYPTO '98 Status Report(Klapper) Andrew reported that the new secretariat was doing a wonderful job and it has been a big success. As of last Tuesday, 500 persons had registered. He was expecting a surplus of $13,000, not including funds set aside for the secretariat($20K). There will be no group photo this year and there will be lots of students. Kevin enquired about stipends. Andrew replied that he was offering room, board, registration, and travel for speakers. For others he offered a similar package, but omitted the travel stipend. It was asked if the stipend was too generous? Andrew replied that to date the requests were not excessive. In response to other questions, he said there were no tax implications and no evidence of abuse of the process. 5. Review of Reports a) Membership Secretary report(delayed) b) Financial report(Upton) Jimmy said that the IRS document had been filed, and $50K had been moved into a Certificate of Deposit to earn more interest. Motion(Jimmy/Paul) Motion to increase annual dues from $72 to $80 for regular members and from $36 to $40 for student members. Carried(11/0). Jimmy said that this increase will enable the IACR to cover the costs of the Secretariat. Kevin observed that the Membership Secretary is a member of the Board and he had asked Andy to serve in this role. However, Miki Swick is not a member of the Board. Tom Berson noted that on some boards people like Miki Swick are members of the board. It was also noted that the IACR contract for the Secretariat was with UCSB. Bart Preneel offered the view that the Secretariat should provide services for Eurocrypt. Jimmy Upton reminded the Board that Andrew Klapper said that UCSB was doing a wonderful job. (Miki Swick left the room) Motion:(Berson/Upton) Move that the Board invite Miki Swick as manager to be Member Secretary(13/0/1 abs.) Carried. (Micki returned to the room) Kevin explained the role of Membership Secretary to Miki and she asked for time to consider the offer. [Note: Miki subsequently declined the offer to accept a position on the board.] Return to Item 5(a) V.P. Report from Andy Clark(Jimmy) Alert condition: CD-ROM to come Database contains list of IACR membership and has been sent to Sally Vito(IACR Secretariat) Miki said that she was learning a lot and that things were better since they were more closely involved. This was beneficial especially to new conference attendees. It was propoposed that an attendee list be published at the start of the conference and an addendum be published at the end. Kevin suggested that we consider automated electronic registration. Miki wondered if it was O.K to videotape social events. Kevin asked what it would cost to videotape talks at Crypto and what would UCSB charge for this service. 5(d) Journal Editor's report Joan Feigenbaum's term as Editor is coming to the end, and Joan is willing to stand for another term. The matter of backlogs for the Journal was raised and Joan said the real backlog was one year. Kevin said our backlog seemed to be higher than others(cf. AMS notices), but it was not out of line. Kevin said that Springer is providing access to an electronic version of the Journal. It was felt that the IACR should have the author index. Joan said it may be available on Springer's LINK service and she will ask Sabrina Paris at Springer. Kevin aked if Joan would send it to him by email. Paul said the information is available in the "Handbook"(Handbook of Applied Cryptography). Andrew Klapper pointed out that at the recent IEEE Information Theory Conference a set of CD-ROMs of all IT Transactions was distributed to all attendees. Joan said that she had written guidelines for referees and wondered how to proceed. It was suggested that referees should be listed in the back of the Journal of Cryptology. Kevin thanked Joan for doing a wonderful job. 12. Eurocrypt 2000 Status(Preneel) Moved Forward Jimmy said that that the budget seems to be O.K. It was asked who sponsors student attendees and was there a rate for academics. Kevin asked if the meeting room was big enough? The reply was that the room could hold 550 and that Eurocrypt had not grown recently. 5(c) Asiacrypt incorporation report(Bylaws and Asiacrypt: Berson) Tom said there were a number of unresolved questions: Question 1: Should there be a third Board Meeting? There should be a Business Meeting at Asiacrypt. Okamoto suggested that there should be two Board meetings per year and the Board should vote on where to hold the meetings. Jimmy observed that the Bylaws should say that there should be at least one meeting per year(could be electronic or paper). It was observed that such changes would require a change in the bylaws. Kevin added that the Bylays should not specify the conferences where Board meetings are held. It could simply state that the IACR sponsors three confereces per year. Question 2(Berson) Does the IACR need a third Board meeting. No. The Bylaws call for at least one board meeting per year. Birgit volunteered to revise the Bylaws. Question 3(Berson) Should there be a General Assembly at Asiacrypt? Yes. This raises the matter of a quorum. Jimmy noted that we can count proxy votes to get a quorum. Paul added that the wording in the Bylaws is not ambiguous. We should change the wording to count proxies. Diffie commented that there are some proxies that may be very, very, useful. The Bylaws count proxies as present. Kevin reminded the Board that the Bylaws change for this election. The Board will vote by email. 6. Report on Newsletter Status(Kevin) The new format is electronic. Kevin called Fritz Bauspiess about he Newsletter and informed the Board that Fritz has resigned as Editor. Christian has agreed to be the Newsletter Editor. Kevin then invited Christian to speak. Christian said that paper is out of date and the Newsletter should go electronic. He will make use of the IACR Website. There will be email updates two or three times per year. The content will include: IACR reports, conference reports, rump session, slides from distinguished lectures, submissions, bookreviews, etc. Don Beaver raised the isue of access. Will there be open access? Christian replied that there would be no access control. Kevin said there would be editorial control and the Newsletter would provide value to members. He also observed that the webpage would be in the U.S. and subject to U.S. government regulations. Joan added that the Journal may have a problem with source code. Christian addressed the problem of who will receive the electronc newsletter. He noted that most members have email. Jimmy said that we should provide a service for those with problems. Birgit suggested that we should send a paper version to those who requested it. Motion(Diffie/Maurer): Move to approve the appointment of Christian as Newsletter Editor. Carried(16 for/0 against). 8. Asiacrypt steering committee(ASC) report(Hideki) 1. ASC unanimously accepts accepts the BoD recommendation 2. Future Asiacrypt conferences: 1999 Singapore, Nov. 14-18, "in cooperation with" 2000 sponsored by IACR 2001 There are two proposals: * Taiwan * Australia The proposal for ASIACRYPT 2000 was circulated at the meeting. Kevin raised the matter of the budget for ASIACRYPT 2000. He said there was an approval process for the budget for IACR conferences. Tatsuaki will send the proposed budget to Jimmy. It was asked if there was sufficient hotel space available. The answer was yes. Kevin asked what was the size of the meeting room. The answer was there was seating for 1000. The organizers estimated a breakeven budget for 250 registrants. The estimated registration fee if 300 attend is approximately $180,which excludes the proceedings. The cost of the banquet will be covered by sponsors. The cost to attendees should be less than the cost of Eurocrypt. Kevin asked the organizers to clear the Registration form with the Board. Miki said that the Secretariat has the IACR database and they send out the registration material for all the IACR conferences. Kevin said he wanted registrations to be handled in a uniform manner. Motion: Approve the ASIACRYPT 2000 proposal(15 for/0 against) It was pointed out that the proposal is separate from the appointment of Program Chairs. It was also pointed out that the General Chair Guidelines need updating to take into account the creation of the Secretariat. 9. IACR 1998 Elections(Preneel/Maurer) Material will also include revision to Bylaws. 10. EUROCRYPT '99(Hruby) To be held May 2-6,1999 in Prague. Hruby made a presentation to the Board on the progress to date. There was a problem with the registration form that needed to be sorted out. 11. CRYPTO '99 Status(Beaver) The dates are August 15-19, 1999. The General Chair will decide whether or not to have a group photo. It was asked if there would be videotaping of the presentations. This will be decided later. 12. EUROCRYPT 2000 Status (Moved forward in Agenda) 13. EUROCRYPT 2001 Kevin was aware of a pre-proposal and this item was tabled. 14. CRYPTO 2000 planning Candidates for the Program Chair and General chair were nominated and discussed. A slate of candidates was approved. Mihir Bellare will be the Program Chair and Matt Franklin will be the General Chair. 15. CD-ROM of past Proceedings Kevin said that they were very close to production. The material had been scanned and there will be keyword index(from the OCR). It is necessary to compress the material as there are 16,400 pages(1275 papers). The CD-ROM should be available at the end of the year. Springer will mail the CD-ROM to those who paid for it. Bart said that we should thank Kevin for his efforts to create the CD-ROM. 16 Copyright of Proceedings Authors at IACR papers have copyright, except for EUROCRYPT '96. The copyright form has been mailed to authors by the Program Committee. Kevin said the plan was to formalize the copyright agreement with Springer for 2001. Joan added that the copyright form should be the same for the Journal and the Proceedings. Diffie said that they were two distinct things, involving three or four entities. We should empower "the employee". The goals should be free dissemination of scientific material and that the copyright should revert to the authors and/or the IACR. Kevin said that he will finalize the form by the end of September. Motion: To request Kevin to prepare the form by the end of September (Stafford/Jimmy)(12 for/ 0 against). 17. Other business Tatsuaki asked about the policy of electronic submission for future conferences. He said that we do not have the infrastructure. He was referred to Hugo on this matter. Ueli will take responsibility for the Program Chair Guidelines. He supported the view that the Program Chair should "approve" the Program Commttee. Tom commented that the Board meetings caused him some distress. There is no strategic direction and no time to plan. We also waste the time of the members of the Board. Kevin answered that he and Andy had met to discuss this and had some proposals, e.g., to email the distribution of reports. 18. Draft Agenda for Business Meeting A list of items was drawn up that Kevin would address at the Business Meeting. 19. Action Items Kevin made a list of the action items. There followed an informal discussion and brainstorming on a variety of strategic issues for the IACR. The meeting adjourned at 5:10PM Stafford Tavares Secretary of the IACR