From: Josh Benaloh To: "''" Subject: Revised draft minutes of 5 May 1999 Business meeting Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 19:57:37 -0700 Business Meeting EuroCrypt '99 Prague 5 May 1999 IACR President McCurley began the meeting at 4:10pm. He began by welcoming the attendees and informed them that, unless they had taken explicit actions to avoid being so, they were IACR members for the year 2000. He briefly described the functions of the IACR beginning with IACR sponsored conferences EuroCrypt, Crypto, and (starting in 2000) AsiaCrypt. He then described the Journal of Cryptography, the IACR Newsletter, and the website at McCurley then individually introduced the members the IACR Board of Directors and told of upcoming elections for three director positions. Nominations are solicited by the Nominating Committee consisting of IACR Board members Landrock, Biham, and Franklin. IACR Newsletter Editor Cachin then spoke about the Newsletter. He said that submissions or queries can be sent to The Newsletter is published 3 times per year and distributed by e-mail. It includes announcements, reports, information on new books, and a calendar of cryptography events. The deadline for the next edition of the Newsletter is May 31. Members are encouraged to update their e-mail addresses by sending any changes to McCurley then presented a plaque to EuroCrypt '99 General Chair Hruby. Hruby thanked the Organizing Committee and ITC for their efforts in making the conference a success. McCurley then presented a plaque to EuroCrypt '99 Program Chair Stern. Stern thanked the Program Committee for their efforts in assembling a high-quality program. Next, McCurley encouraged members to get involved and listed dates and sites for upcoming conferences. Crypto '99, 15-19 August 1999 in Santa Barbara, California, USA AsiaCrypt '99, 15-18 November 1999 in Singapore (affiliated only) EuroCrypt 2000, 14-18 May in Bruges, Belgium Crypto 2000, 20-24 August in Santa Barbara California, USA AsiaCrypt 2000, 3-7 December in Kioto, Japan The program for Crypto '99 had been completed but not made public at that time. The submission deadline for AsiaCrypt '99 was May 17. Details for AsiaCrypt '99 can be found at EuroCrypt 2000 Program Chair Preneel then presented details about arrangements for this conference. He encouraged attendees to book early since Bruges (about 100km west of Brussels) is likely to be crowded and not have last minute space available. McCurley then solicited proposals for EuroCrypt 2001 and asked interested members to speak with Landrock or other members of the Board of Directors. McCurley than updated the membership on the progress of the CD-ROM of IACR Proceedings for 1981-1997. The CD-ROM will be mailed shortly to all those who ordered it as part of their EuroCrypt '98 registration. Members were encouraged to make certain that the IACR Membership Secretary has their correct addresses by May 12 by sending any updates to McCurley then briefed the membership on highlights of the May 2 IACR Board of Directors Meeting. He said that the anonymous submissions policy was discussed and that support for it is dwindling. He solicited opinions from the membership on this policy. He recounted the financial report saying that both EuroCrypt and Crypto conferences has returned a surplus of approximately $10,000 in 1998. He added that IACR finances appear to be stable, that taxes are about to be filed, and that a summary would appear in the IACR Newsletter. He then mentioned some other issues that were discussed including the possibility of a cryptography preprint server, IACR copyright policy, plans for future IACR conferences, management issues, and upcoming elections. He then asked for questions from the membership. Luke O'Connor asked for more details about the IACR Board's discussion on the anonymous submission policy. McCurley responded that there was confusion on the rules about how and to whom a paper that had been anonymously submitted could be otherwise distributed. He added that the policy was intended to promote fairness but that some now feel that it confounds fairness. Claude Crepeau asked if Springer-Verlag would object to authors republishing PDF files (from the Proceedings CD-ROM) of their own papers on personal web sites. McCurley responded that Springer-Verlag holds the copyright on these publications. They provide the IACR membership with many services and must be supported. He added that we are currently renegotiating our contract with Springer-Verlag. David Naccache asked if a CD-ROM could be produced for the Journal of Cryptology contents. McCurley responded that Springer-Verlag already had an electronic version of the Journal available on-line. He then stated that his priority was to produce a second edition of the Proceedings CD-ROM since the current version only has 300 dpi resolution. IACR Vice-President Clark then expressed his thanks to McCurley for all of the work he had done on the CD-ROM including the search engine and much more. Clark then stated that there have been some recent problems with mailing of the Journal of Cryptology and asked for a show of hands as to how many members had not yet received the first issue of this year. Approximately six members raised their hands to indicate that they had not yet received the first issue. Clark then urged members to make sure that IACR had their current mailing addresses and asked that updates be sent to Ross Anderson then made an announcement that there was no site yet selected for the 2001 meeting of the Fast Software Encryption Workshop and asked that proposals be directed to him by the end of June. The meeting adjourned at 4:39pm. Respectfully submitted Josh Benaloh IACR Secretary