IACR 2003 Elections: Detailed Results
The election deadline was extended until November 20, 2003, as some members communicated that they did not receive their ballots in time to return them for the original deadline.A total of 281 ballots were received before the extended deadline. One was invalidated as it could not be verified as coming from a current member, and one was spoiled by having too many candidates marked. These ballots were not counted. Of the remaining 279 ballots, the votes were cast as follows:
Tom Berson: 116 Yvo Desmedt: 84 Niels Ferguson: 53 Marc Joye: 51 Joe Kilian: 73 Lars Knudsen: 112 Arjen Lenstra: 143 David Naccache: 56 Greg Rose: 61As the three candidates obtaining the largest number of votes, Tom Berson, Lars Knudsen, and Arjen Lenstra are elected.
We declare the above information to be true and correct.
--Election Committee --Witnesses James Hughes Hiranmayee Subramaniam Bart Preneel Zhiqiang Yang Rebecca Wright