1996 Election of Directors of IACR

IACR nominating committee:
Tom Berson(returning officer)
Peter Landrock (chair)
Paul van Oorschot
Positions to be filled at this election:
POSITION            TERM                   CURRENTLY
Director      Jan 1 1997-Dec 31 1999       Rainer Rueppel
Director      Jan 1 1997-Dec 31 1999       Jennifer Seberry
Director      Jan 1 1997-Dec 31 1999       Scott Vanstone
Nominators and Nominees must be regular members of IACR. A member may be nominated for a position as an Officer of IACR and also as a Director. In the event that the candidate is elected as an Officer, their name will be removed from consideration (in the counting of ballots) as a Director (this is irrelevant for this election, as there are no positions as Officer available).

Candidates must submit a statement of up to 50 words in length which will be included on the election ballot form if submitted in time.


Nominations must be faxed or mailed to be received no later than SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 . Candidates' Statements must be faxed or mailed to be received no later than SEPTEMBER 20, 1996 (Note: e-mails or hand delivered "forms" will NOT be accepted). All correspondence concerning the 1996 election must be directed to:

    Peter Landrock
    Gustav Wieds Vej 10
    Aarhus Science Park
    8000 Aarhus C
    [email protected]
    +45 86 202000
    +45 86 202975 (fax)
Nominations and statements will be acknowledged by fax or e-mail within two (2) working days of receipt (before the deadlines). It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure the nominations and statements are received!

Ballots will be mailed by October 1, 1996. Ballots must be mailed to be received by the Returning Officer in the official envelopes by NOVEMBER 15, 1996 .

Retrieve the nomination form .