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15 July 2024
University of South-Eastern Norway; Kongsberg, Norway
Job PostingWe are seeking a highly motivated candidate for a PhD in Cybersecurity. This project aims to advance the field of healthcare cybersecurity through innovative and scalable solutions. The candidate will focus on the security and privacy of healthcare systems, including but not limited to developing decentralized, secure, and privacy-preserving methods for sharing health data.
Starting date: The position is available from January 1, 2025. An earlier commencement might be possible.
Application deadline: October 7, 2024.
We offer:
- Fully funded position for three years
- No teaching obligations
- Stimulating research environment
- Competitive salary and benefits, starting salary from NOK 532,200
More information is available at bit.ly/phd25
Closing date for applications:
Contact: Mohsen Toorani ([email protected])
More information: https://bit.ly/phd25
Minglang Dong, Yu Chen, Cong Zhang, Yujie Bai
ePrint Report- We propose the first MPSU protocol based on oblivious transfer and symmetric-key techniques in the standard semi-honest model. This protocol is $4.9-9.3 \times$ faster than Liu and Gao in the LAN setting. Concretely, our protocol requires only $3.6$ seconds in online phase for 3 parties with sets of $2^{20}$ items each. - We propose the first MPSU protocol achieving both linear computation and linear communication complexity, based on public-key operations. This protocol has the lowest overall communication costs and shows a factor of $3.0-36.5\times$ improvement in terms of overall communication compared to Liu and Gao.
We implement our protocols and conduct an extensive experiment to compare the performance of our protocols and the state-of-the-art. To the best of our knowledge, our implementation is the first correct and secure implementation of MPSU that reports on large-size experiments.
Adrian Neal
ePrint ReportZhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
ePrint ReportFrancesco Berti, Carmit Hazay, Itamar Levi
ePrint ReportIn this paper, we introduce two tailored indistinguishability-based security definitions for leakage-resilient OT, focusing on protecting the sender's state. Second, we propose a practical semi-honest secure OT protocol that achieves these security levels while minimizing the assumptions on the protocol's building blocks and the use of a secret state. Finally, we extend our protocol to support sequential composition and explore efficiency-security tradeoffs.
Changcun Wang, Zhaopeng Dai
ePrint ReportChen Yang, Jingwei Chen, Wenyuan Wu, Yong Feng
ePrint ReportChristian Majenz, Giulio Malavolta, Michael Walter
ePrint ReportDana Dachman-Soled, Esha Ghosh, Mingyu Liang, Ian Miers, Michael Rosenberg
ePrint ReportUnfortunately, the size of a strike-list, and hence the storage required by the server, is proportional to the total number of issued tokens, $N \cdot t$, where $N$ is the number of clients and $t$ is the maximum number of tickets per client. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to realize a strike-list-like functionality, which we call the anonymous tickets functionality, with storage requirements proportional to $N \log(t)$.
For the anonymous tickets functionality we construct a secure protocol from standard assumptions that achieves server storage of $O(N)$ ciphertexts, where each ciphertext encrypts a message of length $O(\log(t))$. We also consider an extension of the strike-list functionality where the server stores an arbitrary state for each client and clients advance their state with some function $s_i\gets f(s_{i-1},\mathsf{auxinput})$, which we call the anonymous outsourced state-keeping functionality. In this setting, malicious clients are prevented from rolling back their state, while honest clients are guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality against a malicious server. We achieve analogous results in this setting for two different classes of functions.
Our results rely on a new technique to preserve client anonymity in the face of selective failure attacks by a malicious server. Specifically, our protocol guarantees that misbehavior of the server either (1) does not prevent the honest client from redeeming a ticket or (2) provides the honest client with an escape hatch that can be used to simulate a redeem in a way that is indistinguishable to the server.
Nir Bitansky, Prahladh Harsha, Yuval Ishai, Ron D. Rothblum, David J. Wu
ePrint Report- Small-field DPP. For any finite field $\mathbb{F}$ and Boolean circuit $C$ of size $S$, there is a DPP for proving that there exists $\mathbf{w}$ such that $C(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{w})=1$ with a proof $\boldsymbol{\pi}$ of length $S\cdot\mathsf{poly}(|\mathbb{F}|)$ and soundness error $\varepsilon=O(1 / \sqrt{|\mathbb{F}|})$. We show this error to be asymptotically optimal. In particular, and in contrast to the best known PCPs, there exist strictly linear-length DPPs over constant-size fields.
- Large-field DPP. If $|\mathbb{F}|\ge\mathsf{poly}(S/\varepsilon)$, there is a similar DPP with soundness error $\varepsilon$ and proof length $O(S)$ (in field elements).
The above results do not rely on the PCP theorem and their proofs are considerably simpler. We apply our DPP constructions toward two kinds of applications.
- Hardness of approximation. We obtain a simple proof for the NP-hardness of approximating MAXLIN (with dense instances) over any finite field $\mathbb{F}$ up to some constant factor $c>1$, independent of $\mathbb{F}$. Unlike previous PCP-based proofs, our proof yields exponential-time hardness under the exponential time hypothesis (ETH).
- Succinct arguments. We improve the concrete efficiency of succinct interactive arguments in the generic group model using input-independent preprocessing. In particular, the communication is comparable to sending two group elements and the verifier's computation is dominated by a single group exponentiation. We also show how to use DPPs together with linear-only encryption to construct succinct commit-and-prove arguments.
Ludo N. Pulles, Mehdi Tibouchi
ePrint ReportIn this paper, we show that those claimed advantages come at the cost of security. More precisely, we show that the distribution of EagleSign signatures leaks information about the private key, to the point that only a few hundred signatures on arbitrary known messages suffice for a full key recovery, for all proposed parameters.
A related vulnerability also affects EagleSign-V2, a subsequent version of the scheme specifically designed to thwart the initial attack. Although a larger number of signatures is required for key recovery, the idea of the attack remains largely similar. Both schemes come with proofs of security that we show are flawed.
Zhongyi Zhang, Chengan Hou, Meicheng Liu
ePrint ReportChristian Badertscher, Maxim Jourenko, Dimitris Karakostas, Mario Larangeira
ePrint ReportThomas Debris-Alazard, Pierre Loisel, Valentin Vasseur
ePrint ReportHossein Arabnezhad, Babak Sadeghiyan
ePrint ReportTianpei Lu, Bingsheng Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Kui Ren
ePrint ReportIn this work, we propose a new PPML paradigm that is tailor-made for and can benefit from quantized models. Our main observation is that lookup tables can ignore the complex internal constructs of any functions which can be used to simplify the quantized operator evaluation. We view the model inference process as a sequence of quantized operators, and each operator is implemented by a lookup table. We then develop an efficient private lookup table evaluation protocol, and its online communication cost is only $\log n$, where $n$ is the size of the lookup table. On a single CPU core, our protocol can evaluate $2^{15}$ tables with 8-bit input and 8-bit output per second.
The resulting PPML framework for quantized models offers extremely fast online performance. The experimental results demonstrate that our quantization strategy achieves substantial speedups over SOTA PPML solutions, improving the online performance by $40\sim 60 \times$ w.r.t. convolutional neural network (CNN) models, such as AlexNet, VGG16, and ResNet18, and by $10\sim 25 \times$ w.r.t. large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-2, GPT-Neo, and Llama2.
12 July 2024
Leuven, Belgium, 11 September - 13 September 2024
Event CalendarHang Su, Qi Yang, Zhenfei Zhang
ePrint ReportThe initial release of Jolt uses Spartan [Set20] and Hyrax [WTs+ 18] as their backend, leading to two constraints. First, Hyrax employs Pedersen commitment to build inner product arguments, which requires elliptic curve operations. Second, the verification of a Hyrax commitment takes square root time $O(\sqrt{N})$ relative to the circuit size $N$ . This makes the recursive verification of a Jolt proof impractical, as the verification circuit would need to execute all the Hyrax verification logic in-circuit. A later version of Jolt includes Zeromorph [KT23] and HyperKZG as their commitment backend, making the system recursion-friendly, as now the recursive verifier only needs to perform $O(\log N)$ operations, but at the expense of a need for a trusted setup.
Our scheme, Jolt-b, addresses these issues by transitioning to the extension field of the Goldilocks and using the Basefold commitment scheme [ZCF23], which has an $O(\log^2 N)$ verifier time. This scheme mirrors the modifications of Plonky2 over the original Plonk [GWC19]: it transitions from EC fields to the Goldilocks field; it replaces the EC-based commitment scheme with an encoding-based commitment scheme.
We implemented Jolt-b, along with an optimized version of the Basefold scheme. Our benchmarks show that at a cost of 2.47x slowdown for the prover, we achieve recursion friendliness for the original Jolt. In comparison with other recursion-friendly Jolt variants, our scheme is 1.24x and 1.52x faster in prover time than the Zeromorph and HyperKZG variants of Jolt, respectively.