
New Reports in the Theory of Cryptography Library

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LIST OF NEW PAPERS (March -- June 15, 1999)

99-08: J. Camenisch and I. Damgaard, 
        Verifiable Encryption and Applications to Group Signatures and 
        Signature Sharing, March 1999. 

99-09: S. Hada and T. Tanaka, 
        On the Existence of 3-Round Zero-Knowledge Protocols, March 1999.

99-10: S. Hada and T. Tanaka, A Relationship between One-Wayness and
        Correlation Intractability, March 1999.

99-11: V. Shoup, 
        Practical Threshold Signatures, April 1999.

99-12: V. Shoup, 
        On Formal Models for Secure Key Exchange, April 1999.

99-13: R. Gennaro, S. Halevi and T. Rabin, 
        Secure Hash-and-Sign Signatures without the Random Oracle, April 1999.



10-12 April 2000, New York, New York, USA 


Fast Software Encryption is a six-year-old workshop on symmetric
cryptography. Since the first workshop-held at Cambridge University in
December 1993-it has grown considerably; the most recent conference, held
in Rome in March 1999, had 170 people. As the U.S. government's Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) reaches a conclusion, interest in symmetric
cryptography has grown considerably. In 2000, FSE is coming to the United
States for the first time, to the Hilton New York and Towers, and will be
held in conjunction with the 3rd AES Candidate Conference (same location,
13-14 April 2000).

Instructions for Authors
Interested parties are invited to submit original unpublished papers on the
design and analysis of symmetric encryption algorithms and hash functions.
In particular, we encourage submissions containing analyses of the AES. It
is strongly preferred that submissions be processed in LaTeX according to, since this will be a
mandatory requirement for the final papers. The paper must not exceed 15
pages in length. The LaTeX files are to be sent electronically, together
with the email and physical addresses of the sender. If papers are
submitted in paper form, 12 copies are required. The papers must not be
submitted simultaneously to other workshops or conferences with
proceedings. Preproceedings will be available at the meeting and the final
proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.

Under a separate announcement, NIST will invite people to submit papers on
the AES candidates to the 3rd AES Candidate Conference (AES3). Authors
should submit their paper to either AES3 or FSE2000, not to both. Papers on
AES candidates submitted to FSE2000 and rejected will (with the authors'
permission) automatically be submitted to AES3; submitting your paper to
FSE2000 does not forfeit your ability to present at AES3.

Addresses for submission: 

Bruce Schneier, Counterpane Systems
[email protected] 
101 E. Minnehaha Pkwy., Minneapolis, MN 55419, USA

Important Dates
Paper submission: December 31, 1999
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2000
Final copy for preproceedings: March 24, 2000
The workshop: April 10-12, 2000
Final copy for the proceedings: May 1, 2000

Program Committee
Bruce Schneier (Chair, Counterpane)
Ross Anderson (Cambridge)
Eli Biham (Technion)
Cunsheng Ding (Singapore)
Dieter Gollmann (Microsoft)
Lars Knudsen (Bergen)
James Massey (Denmark)
Mitsuru Matsui (Mitsubishi)
Bart Preneel (K.U.Leuven)
Serge Vaudenay (ENS)

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