Welcome to the third electronic issue of the IACR Newsletter!

This issue contains information about the upcoming Crypto '99 conference, the upcoming IACR elections, and a mix of further items about IACR's activities.

Under Bridge Tournament Deals , we bring a real-world problem in secure randomness generation to the attention of IACR's cryptographers. Poor random generators have apparently been in use to generate bridge tournament deals and have led to dissatisfaction about computer-generated deals. Cryptography and bridge certainly share common ways of thinking, which is apparent by large number of people interested in both!

For information about upcoming workshops and confereneces, check the Calendar section or www.iacr.org/events !

If you have not received the IACR Newsletter by Email and would like to recive it in the future, then check out your Email address in the IACR member list that has been mailed in February 1999.

IACR can only provide you with accurate information if you contribute your input. Please send in announcements of workshops, conferences, calls for papers, or any other item of interest to IACR members. The address for all submissions to the Newsletter and Calendar is

[email protected]

The next issue of the IACR Newsletter is scheduled for publication in October. However, announcements will be posted on the IACR Website as soon as possible.

Christian Cachin
IACR Newsletter Editor

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