
NESSIE - Call for Cryptographic Primitives

Version 2.2, 8 th March 2000 (Extract)

NESSIE (New European Schemes for Signature, Integrity, and Encryption) is a project within the Information Societies Technology (IST) Programme of the European Commission. It is a 3-year project, which started on 1 st January 2000. Further information about NESSIE is available at .

The main objective of the project is to put forward a portfolio of strong cryptographic primitives for a number of different platforms.  These primitives will be obtained after an open call and evaluated using a transparent and open process.  They should be the building blocks of the future standard protocols for the information society.

The deadline for the submission of primitives will be 29 th September 2000. A workshop will be organised for submitters to present their primitives.

The NESSIE project is seeking submissions of strong cryptographic primitives in the categories given below.  The NESSIE project is particularly interested in receiving submissions in categories that have not received much standardisation effort.

  1. Block ciphers
  2. Synchronous stream ciphers
  3. Self-synchronising stream ciphers
  4. Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
  5. Collision-resistant hash functions
  6. One-way hash functions
  7. Families of pseudo-random functions
  8. Asymmetric encryption schemes
  9. Asymmetric digital signature schemes
  10. Asymmetric identification schemes
Definitions are broadly as given in the Handbook of Applied Cryptography (ISBN: 0-8493-8523-7).

Detailed Selection Criteria, Security Requirements, Evaluation Criteria, and Formal Submission Requirements are available from

Further information is available at [email protected] and .

New address of Joan Feigenbaum, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cryptology

As of July 1, 2000, the address of Joan Feigenbaum, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cryptology , is as follows.

Joan Feigenbaum
US Postal Service Address:
Department of Computer Science
Yale University
P. O. Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06520-8285
FedEx, Courier, and Street Address:
51 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Email: joan.feigenbaum(at)
Phone: +1 203 432 6432
Fax: +1 203 432 0593

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