IACR Newsletter
Vol. 17, No. 3, Fall 2000.
- Editorial
- NIST announces that Rijndael has been selected as the proposed AES
- Inventors of Public-key Cryptography Receive IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communication Award
- IACR 2000 Election Candidates and their Statements
- Andrew Odlyzko to hold 2001 IACR Distinguished Lecture
- New Reports in the Cryptology ePrint Archive
- Crypto 2000 Rump Session
- Asiacrypt 2000: Call for Participation
- Eurocrypt 2001: Call for Papers
- Minutes of the BoD Meeting at Eurocrypt 2000
- Minutes of the Business Meeting at Eurocrypt 2000
New Books
- Rethinking Public Key Infrastructures and Digital Certificates; Building in Privacy, by Stefan Brands
- Secrets & Lies, by Bruce Schneier
- Open Positions
- Calender of Events in Cryptology
- IACR Contact Information