FSE 2002
FSE Workshop 2002 PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS February 4-6, 2002, Leuven, Belgium The Fast Software Encryption (FSE) workshop has been held 8 times, the first one in Cambridge December 1993, and the latest in Yokohama April 2001. The workshop concentrates on all aspects of fast symmetric primitives: se- cret key ciphers, including the design and cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, as well as hash functions and message authentication codes (MACs). The ninth Fast Software Encryption workshop will be held in February 2002 in Leuven, Belgium. The workshop is organized by Matt Landrock (General Chair), Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen (Program Co-chairs). Instructions for Authors Interested parties are invited to submit original unpublished papers on the design and analysis of fast encryption algorithms and hash functions. The papers must not be submitted simultaneously to other workshops or con- ferences with proceedings. The submissions must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. It is strongly preferred that submissions be processed in LaTeX according to since this will be a manda- tory requirement for the final papers. The paper must not exceed 15 pages in length. The papers are to be sent electronically in LaTeX, PostScript or Portable Document Format (PDF), together with the email and physical addresses of the sender. Preproceedings will be available at the meeting and the final proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors by January 1, 2002. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference. Address for Submission: [email protected] Important Dates Paper submission: November 15, 2001 Notification of acceptance: January 1, 2002 Final copy for preproceedings: January 20, 2002 The workshop: February 4-6, 2002 Final copy for the proceedings:March 31, 2002 Program Committee: Vincent Rijmen (co-chair, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Joan Daemen (co-chair, ProtonWorld Int'l) Ross Anderson (Cambridge University) Eli Biham (Technion) Don Coppersmith (IBM) Cunsheng Ding (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Thomas Johansson (Lund University) Mitsuru Matsui (Mitsubishi Electric) Willi Meier (Fachhochschule Aargau) Bart Preneel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Further Information Further information will be made available on the conference web site:
- Jean-Jacques Quisquater held the national 2000-2001 Francqui chair on cryptography at the University of Namur (see ).
- Jean-Jacques Quisquater received the 2000 George Montefiore prize for recognition of outstanding achievements in research and development in the fields of electrical science and engineering (see ).
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