Minutes of the Business Meeting at Crypto 2000

Business Meeting
Crypto 2000
Santa Barbara
23 August 2000

IACR President McCurley convened the business meeting at 16:35.

He reminded conference attendees that they were all members of the IACR
unless  they had explicitly declined membership.  He described the
history of the IACR  which began in 1983 and has grown to approximately
1000 members, and he described  activities of the IACR including its
conferences, the Journal of Cryptology, the  Newsletter, the e-print
server, and the web site at http://www.iacr.org.

McCurley then introduced the Officers and Directors of the IACR.


Election Committee Chair Benaloh then gave a report on the upcoming IACR
elections.  He indicated that the terms of IACR Directors Tom Berson,
Tatsuaki  Okamoto, and Paul Van Oorschot were expiring and that
nominations were solicited  for members to serve on the Board of
Directors for three-year terms commencing  January 1, 2001.  He
introduced the members of the Election Committee consisting  of himself,
Andrew Clark (serving as the Returning Officer), and Kwangjo Kim.  He
then described the procedures for obtaining nomination forms and
submitting  nominations.  Finally, he described the procedures of the
actual election.


McCurley then reported on upcoming IACR conferences.

Asiacrypt 2000 was scheduled for 3-7 December 2000 in Kyoto, Japan.
Tsutomu  Matsumoto was the General Chair and Tatsuaki Okamoto was the
Program Chair.  45  papers were accepted out of 139 submissions.  Tom
Berson was scheduled to deliver  the IACR Distinguished Lecture.

Eurocrypt 2001 was scheduled for 6-11 May 2001 in Innsbruck, Austria.
Reinhard  Posch was the General Chair and Birgit Pfitzmann was the
Program Chair.  Andrew  Odlyzko was scheduled to deliver the IACR
Distinguished Lecture.

Crypto 2001 is scheduled for 19-23 August 2001 in Santa Barbara.  Dave
Balenson  is the General Chair and Joe Kilian is the Program Chair.

Asiacrypt 2001 is scheduled for 9-13 December 2001 on the Gold Coast of
Queensland, Australia.  Ed Dawson is the General Chair and Colin Boyd is
the  Program Chair.

Eurocrypt 2002 is scheduled for May 2002 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Berry  Schoenmakers is the General Chair and Lars Knudsen is the Program

Crypto 2002 is scheduled for August 2002 in Santa Barbara.  Rebecca
Wright is the  General Chair and Moti Yung is the Program Chair.

Asiacrypt 2002 is scheduled for 1-5 December 2002 in Queenstown, New
Zealand.   Henry Wolfe is the General Chair and Yuliang Zheng is the
Program Chair.

McCurley then said that bids were being solicited for Eurocrypt 2003.


Next, McCurley described the role of the IACR Secretariat and membership
services  provided by the University of California at Santa Barbara
Conference Services.   They can be contacted at [email protected].


IACR Treasurer Langford then presented a report.

She said that IACR dues were remaining constant and were used as
 - Journal of Cryptology - 73%
 - Mailing List Distribution - 10%
 - Secretariat Services - 8%
 - Student Support - 5%
 - Other costs (including web costs) - 4%

She said that IACR finances were strong with reserves of approximately
$260,000  as of 31 December 1999.  She reported that Eurocrypt '99 had
broken even, that  Crypto '99 had returned a surplus, that Eurocrypt
2000 had returned a small  surplus, and that Crypto 2000 finances were
looking solid.


Journal of Cryptology Editor Feigenbaum then reported on the state of
the  Journal.

She mentioned that the IACR web site includes a section on the Journal
and then  described several changes on the Editorial Board.  Jacques
Stern, Andrew Odlyzko,  and Ivan Daamgard were retiring after many years
of good service, and Matt  Franklin, Ron Cramer, and Arjen Lenstra were
joining the Editorial Board.  She  reported that the backlog (time from
completion of the submission, review, and  editing process to
publication) was long.  Due to a recent special issue and  increase in
the number of pages used, approximately one or two issues were ready
for publication and another one or two were nearly ready except for
scheduling.   She added that the backlog of papers was small and that
new submissions could  appear within a year of submission.


Newsletter Editor Cachin then reported on the Newsletter.  He said that
it was  distributed thrice annually and also available from the IACR web
site at  http://www.iacr.org.

Cachin also reported on the e-print archive at http://eprint.iacr.org.
He said  that there was minimal review of submissions with simple
approval by the editor,  an automated interface, and opportunities for a
submitter to remove or update  submissions as well as add comments.  A
member suggested that ".ps" format was  not as good as ".pdf", and
Cachin responded that papers could be submitted in  either or both


McCurley then reported on the Board of Directors meeting.  He noted the
issue of  extending IACR sponsorship to workshops such as Fast Software
Encryption, the use  of the IACR membership list, and copyrights in IACR
proceedings.  He referred  members to the IACR web site for details on
copyright agreements.


At 17:03, McCurley opened the floor to the membership for new business.


Cachin asked why IACR Proceedings say that copyright is owned by
Springer-Verlag.   McCurley answered that there is no legal basis for
this as copyright is owned by  the IACR.


Phil Rogaway then presented a transparency about the so-called "Deadline
Problem."  He noted that paper submission deadlines for the Crypto
conference in  the years 1996 through 2000 were set at February 14, 13,
7, 6, and 10  respectively and that Eurocrypt deadlines for the years
1196 through 2001 were  set at November 8, 4, 11, 12, 3, and 6,
respectively.  [Note that the Eurocrypt  '99 deadline was apparently
actually October 12.]  He added that Asiacrypt  deadlines in 1999 and
2000 were May 20 and 25, respectively.  Rogaway then noted  that the
time from the Eurocrypt deadline to the Crypto deadline averaged 94 days
while the time from the Crypto deadline to the Eurocrypt deadline
averaged 271  days (102 days on average from Crypto to Asiacrypt and 169
days on average from  Asiacrypt to Eurocrypt).  He argued that this
imbalance causes the Crypto  conference to receive a smaller number of
high-quality submissions then does  Eurocrypt and that without a change
the parity in the conferences would be lost.

McCurley responded that people like conferences during warm weather and
that he  would like Eurocrypt to be scheduled earlier but that many
scheduling  difficulties exist.

Benaloh asked about the possibility of artificially early deadlines for
Eurocrypt, and the membership expressed a resounding dislike for this

Yvo Desmedt claimed that this schedule had been affected by having
Proceedings  completed in time for the conference.

Arjen Lenstra suggested that people would like to move Crypto from Santa
Barbara.   The membership expressed a strong preference for staying in
Santa Barbara.

Nigel Smart suggested moving the date of the Crypto conference.  Jimmy
Upton  replied that UCSB's academic schedule prevents moving Crypto

A member suggested that the conference structure could be changed to
either add  more conferences or combine some.  Whit Diffie suggested the
addition of a  "Southern Hemi-Crypt".

Niels Ferguson suggested changing the emphasis of the conferences.
McCurley  replied that the three "premier" IACR conferences are intended
to be general in  nature.

Rich Schroeppel suggested that giving up printed conference proceedings
would  allow submission deadlines to be delayed.  Members generally
expressed a  preference for having proceedings available at the

Dan Simon asked why this was an issue asserting that it doesn't matter
if the  quality of the conferences are not in parity.

Rich Schroeppel asked about submission counts and was told that there
had been  150 submissions to Eurocrypt 2000 and 120 submissions to
Crypto 2000.

Tal Rabin asked about making the submission deadline for Eurocrypt
artificially  early.  Yvo Desmedt responded that this would impose risks
on authors.

Niels Ferguson said that Eurocrypt used to be considered a bit weaker
than Crypto  and asked why this mattered.

Phil Rogaway asked that a poll be taken of the membership on the
suggestion of  requiring at least four months between submission
deadlines.  A rough count of  the membership in attendance showed that
about 12 supported the proposal, about  50 opposed it, and about 40 did
not care.

Stuart Haber suggested simply moving Eurocrypt earlier in the year.  Yvo
Desmedt  agreed.

Greg Rose said that he thought adequate time for revision and
resubmission were  important.


A member then asked about the possibility of on-line proceedings.

Feigenbaum said that she would like an electronically published Journal
but that  the change is happening slowly.  She added her view that the
IACR should not take  on the publisher's role.

McCurley referred members to Andrew Odlyzko's home page for a report
from the  American Physical Society.  He said that IACR's ownership of
copyrights was now  clear and that we can do whatever we, as an
organization, want.  He observed,  however, that there were complaints
that tenure hearings often give favor to  paper publications.

A member asked if we could not just post the proceedings on the web.

McCurley suggested that this would likely cause Springer-Verlag to bail.

McCurley then asked how many people were unhappy with Springer-Verlag.
Feigenbaum then asked who we would get instead.

Hilarie Orman then asked if we could renegotiate with Springer-Verlag.
McCurley  responded that we had already done so.

Niels Ferguson and Jacques Stern both observed that authors can just
post papers  on their own web sites.  McCurley offered that this is why
the IACR now owns the  copyrights and that the IACR has no policy on
what authors do with their own  papers.

Whit Diffie asked if Springer-Verlag could give IACR members electronic
access to  IACR publications.  McCurley responded that Springer-Verlag
did not want to  maintain and enforce a membership database.

A member asked about IACR running a proxy server.  McCurley responded
that the  IACR community was too paranoid to do this.  Greg Rose
observed that the IACR may  not want to provide on-line authentication

Rich Schroeppel suggested that the IACR could encourage authors to place
papers  on the IACR e-print server.  McCurley responded that authors are
free to do  whatever they want with their papers.

Nigel Smart asked how many members were happy with the status quo, and
most  members present responded that they were.

Rich Schroeppel indicated that he wanted coffee.


Crypto 2000 Program Chair Bellare then presented information on the

Bellare said that web submissions were allowed and no hardcopy
submissions were  received.  He said that there had been 120 submissions
of which 32 were accepted  (for a 26% acceptance rate).  He observed
that Crypto '99 had received 169  submissions and that Eurocrypt had
received fewer.

Bellare said that most submissions were in Postscript format but that
there are  many varieties of Postscript and that some had worked better
than others.  He  added that a few submissions had been in Microsoft
Word or other formats and that  the Word format had been a problem.

He then gave his thanks to the many people who helped him with the

McCurley and the audience gave their thanks to Bellare for his work as
Program  Chair and to Franklin as the General Chair.  Plaques were given
to both.


McCurley then thanked the membership and encouraged them to volunteer.


McCurley moved the Business Meeting be adjourned, Van Oorschot seconded
the  motion, and the meeting adjourned at 17:48.


Respectfully submitted
Josh Benaloh
IACR Secretary

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