
Contemporary Methods in Cryptography, Institute For Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA

Institute For Pure and Applied Mathematics 
University of California, Los Angeles presents a workshop in

Contemporary Methods in Cryptography

January 9 - 13, 2002

The need to securely transmit and utilize ever-increasing quantities of
data, of increasingly diverse nature, has given rise to a new set of
problems and solutions which lie on the interface between number theory,
cryptography, and complexity theory.  This program will present recent
advances on this interface.  Emphasis will be on the foundational aspects of
the field (as opposed to the practical implementation of secure
communications networks). Topics of interest include: zero knowledge, oracle
separation results, elliptic curve (and higher genus) cryptosystems,
non-commutative group cryptosystems, factorization methods, discrete
logarithms (classical and elliptic), and lattices and their application to
cryptography and cryptanalysis.

There will also be two tutorials: 
Prof. Russell Impagliazzo, UCSD, on the many applications of the
Goldreich-Levin theorem and Dr. Kazue Sako, NEC, on electronic voting.

Registration is open to all interested participants.

The following individuals will give invited presentations.

Dan Boneh 	        Stanford University
Daniele Micciancio 	UCSD
Cynthia Dwork 	        Compaq Systems Res Ctr
Kumar Murty	        Tronto
Noam Elkies 	        Harvard	
Carl Pomerance 	        Bell Research Labs
Dorian Goldfeld 	Columbia
Omer Reingold 		AT&T
Nick Howgrave-Graham	IBM
Kazue Sako 		NEC
Russell Impagliazzo 	UCSD
Joseph Silverman 	NTRU Cryptosys Brown Univ
Neal Koblitz 		Univ of Washington
Jacques Stern 		École normale supérieure
Ravi Kumar 		IBM Almaden Res Ctr
Edlyn Teske 		University of Waterloo
Tal Malkin 		AT&T
David Wagner 		UC Berkeley

Organizing Committees:

Local Organizing Committee: Don Blasius (UCLA), William Duke (UCLA), and
Jonathan Rogawski (UCLA).

Scientific Committee: Dan Boneh (Stanford University), Cynthia Dwork (Compaq
Systems Research Center), and Joseph Silverman (NTRU Cryptosystems/Brown

The program is open to the entire mathematical, computer science, and
physical sciences communities.

Please visit our website for more information, including an online
registration form:

You can email questions to mailto:[email protected]

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