Welcome to the 11th electronic issue of the IACR Newsletter!
The IACR Newsletter is scheduled to appear three times per year, every four months, with issues in February, June, and October. I usually try hard to produce it before the end of the month, but there has been some delay last month for which I must apologize. This is the reason why the current issue appears in March only ... but perhaps I was just waiting for more input from you, readers?!?
Anyway, important events for IACR have been announced on the website as usual. This includes also the results of last year's IACR election, in which four new officers and three new directors have been elected.
Don't forget to register for Eurocrypt 2002 in Amsterdam , which is held April 28-May 2 and approaching fast!
You are welcome to send your contributions to the Newsletter to
[email protected]
The next issue of the IACR Newsletter is scheduled for publication in June 2002. However, announcements will be posted on the IACR Website as soon as possible.
Christian Cachin
IACR Newsletter Editor
P.S. If you have not received the IACR Newsletter by email and would like to receive it in the future, then please make sure that the IACR membership directory contains your current email address. A printed copy of the membership list is mailed yearly to all members.
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