Papers Accepted for Presentation at SAC 2002
The list of papers accepted for presentation at SAC 2002 is available on the conference webpage .PKC 2003, Call for Papers
PKC 2003 Miami, Florida, January 6-8, 2003 Call for Papers Submission Deadline: August 9, 2002 Background: For the last few years the International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography PKC is the main annual workshop focusing on research on all aspects of public key cryptography. The first workshop was organized in 1998 in Japan. Other PKCs have taken place in Australia, France, Japan and South Korea. PKC 2003 will be for the first time an IACR workshop. PKC has attracted papers from famous international authors in the area. The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Topics of interest: The topics of interest are all aspects of public-key cryptography including: o Certification and Time-stamping o Integer Factorization o Computational Complexity Aspects o International Standards o Cryptanalysis o Lattice Reduction o Discrete Logarithm o Provable Security o Electronic Cash/Payment o Public Key Infrastructure o Elliptic Curve Cryptography o Secure Electronic Commerce o Encryption Schemes o Signature Schemes o Fast Implementations Instructions for Authors: The paper must start with a title, an abstract and keywords, but should be anonymous. It should be followed by a succinct statement appropriate for a non-specialist reader specifying the subject addressed, its background, the main achievements, and their significance to public key cryptology. Technical details directed to the specialist should then follow. Self citations to unpublished work should be avoided to maintain the anonymity. A limit of 11 singlespaced pages of 11pt type (not counting the bibliography and clearly marked appendices) is placed on all submissions. The total paper must not exceed 18 pages. Since referees are not required to read the appendices, the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Submission instructions: Abstracts that have been or will be submitted in parallel to other conferences or workshops that have proceedings are not eligible for submission. One of the authors is expected to present the paper. The submission receipt deadline is August 9, 2002 23:59 Hawaii time (i.e. GMT: August 10 at 9:59). To submit a paper, e-mail to [email protected] an e-mail with the following two attachments: o in ASCII the title, authors names, address of corresponding author, and the abstract, o in PS (or PDF) file the full anonymous paper (i.e. title, abstract, keywords, etc.). The paper should be submitted as a Postscript or PDF (e.g. using PDFLATEX) paper also readable on non-Windows platforms. For Unix users of LaTeX using ps2pdf one should use: % dvips -Ppdf -G0 or dvips -Pcmz -G0 % ps2pdf -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true Submission Deadline: August 9, 2002 Important dates: Authors Informed: September 27, 2002 Accepted papers need to arrive: October 25, 2002. Program Committee: To be announced very soon. Sponsors: For information about sponsoring, contact general chair M. Burmester at [email protected] Program Chair: Dr. Yvo G. Desmedt General Chair: Dr. Mike Burmester [email protected] [email protected] 206 Love Building 206 Love Building Florida State University Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530 Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530More information is available on the conference webpage .
Internet Law & Policy Forum: Security v. Privacy
The Internet Law & Policy Forum is holding its annual conference on the topic of Security v. Privacy, September 18-19, 2002 in Seattle, Washington. The events of September 11th have raised the stakes on these two critical issues. Many governments have passed new legislation in efforts to increase security and stop terrorism. Many privacy advocates have criticized some of these new laws for their negative effect on privacy. This conference will explore the synergies and conflicts, both real and imagined, between these two important issues and the laws written to promote them. The conference will have a privacy track and a security track, where speakers will explore key issues and concerns in the respective areas. Some of the topics covered in these panels include: Privacy Global Survey: Legislative Regimes and Cross-Cultural Dimensions; Practicalities of Compliance with Law Enforcement Requests; Identifying and Selecting Appropriate Authentication Options.Plenary sessions will cover topics from both perspectives. For more information about this conference, including a more detailed agenda and a list of confirmed speakers, please visit . To receive a US$200 discount, register before July 31st and refer to Priority Code # NG18B2 on the registration form.
Looking for Argentinian members
My name is Federico Schroder and I`m currently studying engineering at the UTN from Buenos Aires Argentina. Lately I`ve become interested in the field of cryptography so I would like to meet the IACR members of my country. If someone wants to meet me please send a message to [email protected] .
Federico asked me to post this message because he would like to contact some IACR members in Argentina, but he ran into IACR's policy of not giving out the addresses of its members.
-- Christian Cachin
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