
The First Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS) - Call for Papers

The First Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS)
Preliminary Call for Papers
July 30, 31 and August 1, 2004
Mountain View, CA
Immediately Follows AAAI 2004
In Cooperation with AAAI and
IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy

General Conference Chair: David Heckerman (Microsoft Research)
Program Co-Chairs:

    * Tom Berson (Anagram Laboratories)
    * Joshua Goodman (Microsoft Research)
    * Andrew Ng (Stanford University)

            The Conference on Email and Anti-Spam invites the submission
            of papers for its first meeting, held in cooperation with
            AAAI (the American Association for Artificial Intelligence)
            and the IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy.
            Papers are invited on all aspects of email and spam,
            including research papers, industry reports, and law and
            policy papers.

                + Research: Computer science oriented academic-style
                + Industry: Descriptions of important or innovative products
                + Law and Policy: Legal and policy papers
            Research papers include experimental or theoretical,
            academic-style papers on all aspects of email and spam,
            including but not limited to:
                + Techniques for stopping spam, including
                      # Machine learning techniques
                      # Postage techniques (HIPs or computation,
                        possibly in response to a challenge)
                      # Disposable email addresses
                      # Protocols for sender authentication and
                      # Digital signatures
                      # Proof of group membership
                      # Role and significance of spam as a malware vector
                      # Spam traceback
                + New features for email systems
                      # Automatic foldering
                      # Sorting, clustering, or searching email,
                        including both machine learning techniques and
                        user interface research.
                      # Advanced calendaring and scheduling
                      # Digital rights management research as applied to
                      # Public Key Infrastructure in an email environment
            Industry papers describe products or systems (commercial or
            open source) and matters of commercial or practical
            interest. Papers claiming excellent results should include
            good experimental or theoretical evidence supporting the
            claims. Example topics include
                + Industry cooperation for stopping spam
                + New standards and interoperability
                      # For spam
                      # For calendaring and scheduling
                      # Public key infrastructure for encryption and
                      # Digital rights management
                + New products, especially those with novel features
            Legal and policy papers focus on topics such as
                + What new laws or social institutions are most
                  appropriate for spam or other email topics?
                + Legal strategies for stopping spam
                + The CAN-SPAM act and potential FTC regulations
                + International legal approaches
                + What can and should be done about Phisher scams and
                  other email scams?
                + The economics of spam
                + Email and identity: who should control it?
                + Email and privacy, email at work.
            In all three areas, submissions closely related to email,
            such as instant messaging, chat rooms, usenet groups, and
            mailing lists will also be given full consideration.

            KEY DATES:
            Paper Submission Deadline: April 16
            Notification of acceptance: June 1
            Final camera-ready version of papers: July 1
            Main Conference: July 30 and 31
            Workshops: August 1

            REQUIREMENTS: Papers may be of one of two types: extended
            abstracts (two pages) or full papers (at most 8 pages,
            including appendices and bibliography). Work may not have
            been previously published in any conference or journal, and
            simultaneous submissions are not allowed.

            Papers will be reviewed by a committee from academic and
            industrial research centers. Papers should be 11 point in
            single column format.

            Accepted papers will be made freely available on the web,
            and will be published on CD-ROM. Authors will retain
            copyright of their work.

            A call for workshop proposals will follow this call for
            papers. Suggestions for panel discussions are also welcome,
            and should be sent to the Program Chairs at
            [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>.

            PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Click for current list committee.htm

            CONTACT: [email protected] mailto:[email protected]


TISSEC EIC Search Nominations are invited for the next Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Information and System Security. Self-nominations are welcome. Candidates should be well-established researchers in Computer Security who have sufficient experience serving on program committees and journal editorial boards. Candidates are asked to send a current curriculum vita and a brief (one to three pages) statement of vision for TISSEC to: Gul Agha, Chair, ACM TISSEC EIC Search Committee, <[email protected]>, by April 20, 2004. Nominations received after April 20 will be considered up until the position has been filled.

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