IACR Newsletter
The newsletter of the International Association for Cryptologic Research.Vol. 21, No. 3, Fall 2004.
- Editorial
- President's Message
- Online Registration and Membership Services
- IACR 2004 Elections: Candidates
- Ralph Merkle to hold 2005 IACR Distinguished Lecture
- IACR Fellows nominations
- PKC 2005: Call for Participation
- FSE 2005: Call for Participation
- Crypto 2005: Call for Papers
- Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting at Eurocrypt 2003
- Minutes of the Membership Meeting at Eurocrypt 2003
- Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting at Crypto 2003
- Minutes of the Membership Meeting at Crypto 2003
- Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting at Eurocrypt 2004
- TCC 2005: The Second Theory of Cryptography Conference
- SHARCS - Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems
- ICALP 2005 - Call for Papers (New Track C on Security and Cryptography Foundations)
- New reports in the Cryptology ePrint Archive
- Open positions
- Calendar of events in cryptology
- IACR contact information