
TCC 2005: The Second Theory of Cryptography Conference

                                  TCC 2005

                The Second Theory of Cryptography Conference

                               Cambridge, MA

                            February 10-12, 2005

The second Theory of Cryptography Conference will he held in
Cambridge MA, USA, at MIT. The list of accepted papers is
available at

The Theory of Cryptography deals with the paradigms, approaches and
techniques used to conceptualize, define and provide solutions to
natural cryptographic problems. More specifically, research in this area

    * The study of known paradigms, approaches and techniques, directed
      towards their better understanding and utilization.
    * Discovery of new approaches and techniques that overcome
      limitations of the existing paradigms.
    * Formulation and treatment of new cryptographic problems.
    * Study of notions of security and relations among them.
    * Modeling and analysis of cryptographic constructions. 

The Theory of Cryptography Conference is a new venue dedicated to the
dissemination of results in the area. The conference will provide a
meeting place for researchers and be instrumental in shaping the
identity of the Theory of Cryptography community. A more detailed
statement of purpose is available on the TCC web site

* Proceedings: * Proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag's
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series and will be available at
the conference. Instructions about the preparation of a final
proceedings version will be sent to the authors of accepted papers. The
final copies of the accepted papers will be due on November 29, 2004.

* Program Committee Chair: Joe Kilian, NEC Labs America

* Conference General Chair: Shafi Goldwasser, MIT and Weizmann Institute

* Program Committee:

Boaz Barak (IAS)
Amos Beimel (Ben-Gurion)
Rosario Gennaro (IBM)
Joe Kilian (NEC)
Anna Lysyanskaya (Brown)
Tal Malkin (Columbia)
Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA)
Erez Petrank (Technion)
Tal Rabin (IBM)
Leonid Reyzin (BU)
Alon Rosen (MIT)
Amit Sahai (UCLA and Princeton)
Louis Salvail (Aarhus)
TCC Steering Committee Members: Mihir Bellare (Chair), Ivan Damgard,
Oded Goldreich, Shafi Goldwasser, Johan Hastad, Russell Impagliazzo,
Ueli Maurer, Silvio Micali, Moni Naor, and Tatsuaki Okamoto.

The TCC Web site:

SHARCS - Special-purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems

			   Call for Contributions
  SHARCS -- Special-Purpose Hardware for Attacking Cryptographic Systems

			February 24 -25, 2005, Paris 

The SHARCS Workshop is the first open meeting ever devoted entirely to
the challenging subject of special-purpose cryptanalytical machines. 

Much of the earlier work in this area was done on key searches for
symmetric-key algorithms, with a particular emphasis on attacks
against DES. More recently there has been interest in hardware
architectures for sieving methods for attacking the RSA
scheme. However, it seems that much work remains to be done
including, for instance, special purpose hardware crackers for:

   * index calculus algorithms
   * elliptic curve based schemes
   * lattice based schemes
   * specific block and stream ciphers   

In addition to algorithmic issues, it is also the workshop's goal to make
advances on implementational issues such as:

   * optical devices for cryptanalysis
   * analog computers for cryptanalysis
   * digital architecture for cryptanalysis

The ultimate objective of SHARCS is to determine whether 
special purpose hardware poses a real threat for today's cryptographic 
algorithms, and whether there are advantages over software-based attacks. 
Since this is an intrinsically interdisciplinary subject, it is hoped that
the workshop can bring together researchers with different backgrounds
for discussing and advancing this exciting field.

The workshop will consist of invited keynote presentations and some
contributed presentations. We welcome submissions of extended
abstracts (at least 3 pages.) We would like to stress that we do *not*
aim at receiving contributions on side channel attacks nor on attacks
carried out on conventional computer platforms with conventional
attack algorithms. Furthermore, at this point we exclude quantum
cryptologic devices.  Theoretical papers analyzing the feasibility and
costs of attacks using specialized hardware are, however, very much

For more information on the workshop visit:
The workshop is organized by ECRYPT, the European Network of
Excellence in Cryptography ( The workshop is an
activity of ECRYPT's VAMPIRE - Virtual Application and Implementation
Research Lab.

There will be no formal proceedings, but a handout with abstracts will be
provided to all participants. (This avoids submissions to SHARCS from
conflicting with submissions to forthcoming conferences with

Important dates:
	January 3, 2005:         submission of abstracts
	January 24, 2005:        notification of acceptance or rejection
	February 10, 2005:       revised version of accepted papers
	February 24 & 25, 2005:  SHARCS workshop

The dates were chosen to have SHARCS immediately after Fast Software
Encryption (FSE) 2005, which runs from February 21-23. Most likely,
SHARCS will be held in ENSTA, the same location that is used for FSE.

The submission should start with a title, a list of the authors
together with their affiliations and a short abstract describing the
content of the paper. This should be followed by an extended abstract
of at least 3 and at most 12 pages. The authors of accepted papers
must guarantee to present their paper at the workshop.

To submit send your contribution to

      [email protected]

no later than January 3, 2005, in ps or pdf format. You should 
receive an acknowledgment of submission no later than one day 
after submission.

Program Committee: 

	* Gerhard Frey (Essen)			* Elisabeth Oswald (Graz)
	* Tanja Lange (Bochum)			* Christof Paar	(Bochum)   
	* Arjen Lenstra	(Lucent/Eindhoven)	* Nigel Smart (Bristol)

So far the following speakers have confirmed giving invited talks:

	* Dan Bernstein		   * Adi Shamir
	* Arjen Lenstra		   * Eran Tromer
	* Jean-Jacques Quisquater  * Mike Wiener 	
	* Tony Sale 		

ICALP 2005 - Call for Papers (New Track C on Security and Cryptography Foundations)

                              The 32nd
                      International Colloquium on
                   Automata, Languages and Programming

                   July 11-15, 2005, Lisboa, Portugal


Call for Papers

   As a complement to the established Tracks on Algorithms, Automata,
   Complexity and Games (A), and on Logic, Semantics, and Theory of
   Programming (B), corresponding to the two main streams of the journal
   Theoretical Computer Science, ICALP'05 innovates on the structure of
   its traditional scientific program with the inauguration of a new
   special Track (C). The aim of Track C is to allow a deeper coverage of
   a particular topic, to be specifically selected for each year's
   edition of ICALP on the basis of its timeliness and relevance for the
   theoretical computer science community.

   Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than 12
   pages in LNCS style presenting original research on the theory of
   Computer Science. Submissions should indicate to which track (A, B, or
   C) the paper is submitted. No simultaneous submission to other
   publication outlets (either a conference or a journal) is allowed. The
   proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
   Series by Springer-Verlag.

Track A Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games

   Giuseppe F. Italiano
   Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy (PC Chair)
     * Algorithmic Aspects of Networks
     * Algorithms and Data Structures
     * Automata Theory and Formal Languages
     * Combinatorics in Computer Science
     * Computational Biology
     * Computational Complexity
     * Computational Geometry
     * Internet Algorithmics
     * Machine Learning
     * Parallel and Distributed Computing
     * Quantum Computing

Track B Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming

   Catuscia Palamidessi
   INRIA Futurs and LIX, France (PC Chair)
     * Algebraic and Categorical Models
     * Databases, Semi-Structured Data and Finite Model Theory
     * Principles of Programming Languages
     * Logics, Formal Methods and Model Checking
     * Models of Concurrent, Distributed, and Mobile Systems
     * Models of Reactive, Hybrid and Stochastic Systems
     * Program Analysis and Transformation
     * Specification, Refinement and Verification
     * Type Systems and Typed Calculi

Track C Security and Cryptography Foundations

   Moti Yung
   Columbia University, USA (PC Chair)

     * Cryptographic Notions, Mechanisms, Systems and Protocols
     * Cryptographic Proof Techniques, Lower bounds, Impossibilities
     * Foundations of Secure Systems and Architectures
     * Logic and Semantics of Security Protocols
     * Number Theory and Algebraic Algorithms in Cryptography
     * Pseudorandomness, Randomness, and Complexity Issues
     * Secure Data Structures, Storage, Databases and Content
     * Security Modeling: Combinatorics, Graphs, Games, Economics
     * Specifications, Verifications and Secure Programming
     * Theory of Privacy and Anonymity
     * Theory of Security in Networks and Distributed Computing
     * Quantum Cryptography and Information Theory

More information available at

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