FSE 2005 - Call for Participation

FSE 2005
February 21-23, 2005
in Paris, France
Call for Participation
FSE 2005 is the 12th annual Fast Software Encryption workshop, for the fourth 
year sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). 
The workshop concentrates on all aspects of fast primitives for 
symmetric cryptography: the design and cryptanalysis of block and stream 
ciphers, as well as hash functions and message authentication codes (MACs).
The workshop will take place at the ENSTA, Paris. 
ENSTA is located in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, 
near the "Parc des Expositions" and the "Porte de Versailles". 
Details about workshop registration will be available on the FSE 2005 website 
starting mid-December. Hotel booking should be done separately and since Paris
is a quite busy city, early booking is strongly recommended. Forms for block booked 
rooms and contact information for additional possible hotels will be made available 
on the conference website as well.   
For any other information, please contact [email protected]

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