International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


General Linear Group Action on Tensors: A Candidate for Post-quantum Cryptography

Zhengfeng Ji
Youming Qiao
Fang Song
Aaram Yun
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36030-6_11
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Abstract: Starting from the one-way group action framework of Brassard and Yung (Crypto’90), we revisit building cryptography based on group actions. Several previous candidates for one-way group actions no longer stand, due to progress both on classical algorithms (e.g., graph isomorphism) and quantum algorithms (e.g., discrete logarithm).We propose the general linear group action on tensors as a new candidate to build cryptography based on group actions. Recent works (Futorny–Grochow–Sergeichuk Lin. Alg. Appl., 2019) suggest that the underlying algorithmic problem, the tensor isomorphism problem, is the hardest one among several isomorphism testing problems arising from areas including coding theory, computational group theory, and multivariate cryptography. We present evidence to justify the viability of this proposal from comprehensive study of the state-of-art heuristic algorithms, theoretical algorithms, hardness results, as well as quantum algorithms.We then introduce a new notion called pseudorandom group actions to further develop group-action based cryptography. Briefly speaking, given a group G acting on a set S, we assume that it is hard to distinguish two distributions of (s, t) either uniformly chosen from $$S\times S$$, or where s is randomly chosen from S and t is the result of applying a random group action of $$g\in G$$ on s. This subsumes the classical Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption when specialized to a particular group action. We carefully analyze various attack strategies that support instantiating this assumption by the general linear group action on tensors.Finally, we construct several cryptographic primitives such as digital signatures and pseudorandom functions. We give quantum security proofs based on the one-way group action assumption and the pseudorandom group action assumption.
  title={General Linear Group Action on Tensors: A Candidate for Post-quantum Cryptography},
  booktitle={Theory of Cryptography},
  series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  author={Zhengfeng Ji and Youming Qiao and Fang Song and Aaram Yun},