International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Batch Bootstrapping II: Bootstrapping in Polynomial Modulus Only Requires $\tilde O(1)$ FHE Multiplications in Amortization

Feng-Hao Liu , Florida Atlantic University
Han Wang , Chinese Academy of Science
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-30620-4_12 (login may be required)
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Conference: EUROCRYPT 2023
Abstract: This work continues the exploration of the batch framework proposed in \emph{Batch Bootstrapping I} (Liu and Wang, Eurocrypt 2023). By further designing novel batch homomorphic algorithms based on the batch framework, this work shows how to bootstrap $\sep$ LWE input ciphertexts within a polynomial modulus, using $\tilde O(\sep)$ FHE multiplications. This implies an amortized complexity $\tilde O(1)$ FHE multiplications per input ciphertext, significantly improving our first work (whose amortized complexity is $\tilde O(\sep^{0.75})$) and another theoretical state of the art MS18 (Micciancio and Sorrell, ICALP 2018), whose amortized complexity is $O(3^{1/\epsilon} \cdot \sep^{\epsilon})$, for any arbitrary constant $\epsilon$. We believe that all our new homomorphic algorithms might be useful in general applications, and thus can be of independent interests.
  title={Batch Bootstrapping II: Bootstrapping in Polynomial Modulus Only Requires $\tilde O(1)$ FHE Multiplications in Amortization},
  author={Feng-Hao Liu and Han Wang},