International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Simple Tests of Quantumness Also Certify Qubits

Zvika Brakerski , Weizmann Institute of Science
Alexandru Gheorghiu , Chalmers University of Technology
Gregory D. Kahanamoku-Meyer , University of California at Berkeley
Eitan Porat , Weizmann Institute of Science
Thomas Vidick , Weizmann Institute of Science
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-38554-4_6 (login may be required)
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: CRYPTO 2023
Abstract: A test of quantumness is a protocol that allows a classical verifier to certify (only) that a prover is not classical. We show that tests of quantumness that follow a certain template, which captures recent proposals such as [KCVY21,KLVY22], in fact can do much more. Namely, the same protocols can be used for certifying a qubit, a building-block that stands at the heart of applications such as certifiable randomness and classical delegation of quantum computation. Certifying qubits was previously only known to be possible based on the hardness of the Learning with Errors problem and the use of adaptive hardcore bits [BCM+21]. Our framework allows certification of qubits based only on the existence of post-quantum trapdoor claw-free functions, or on quantum fully homomorphic encryption. These can be instantiated, for example, from Ring Learning with Errors. This has the potential to improve the efficiency of qubit certification and derived functionalities. On the technical side, we show that the quantum soundness of any such protocol can be reduced to proving a bound on a simple algorithmic task: informally, answering “two challenges simultaneously” in the protocol. Our reduction formalizes the intuition that these protocols demonstrate quantumness by leveraging the impossibility of rewinding a general quantum prover. This allows us to prove tight bounds on the quantum soundness of [KCVY21] and [KLVY22], showing that no quantum polynomial-time prover can succeed with probability larger than cos2 π8 ≈ 0.853. Previously, only an upper bound on the success probability of classical provers, and a lower bound on the success probability of quantum provers, were known. We then extend this proof of quantum soundness to show that provers that approach the quantum soundness bound must perform almost anti-commuting measurements. This certifies that the prover holds a qubit.
  title={Simple Tests of Quantumness Also Certify Qubits},
  author={Zvika Brakerski and Alexandru Gheorghiu and Gregory D. Kahanamoku-Meyer and Eitan Porat and Thomas Vidick},