International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


General Practical Cryptanalysis of the Sum of Round-Reduced Block Ciphers and ZIP-AES

Antonio Florez Gutierrez , NTT Social Informatics Laboratories
Lorenzo Grassi , Ruhr-University Bochum
Gregor Leander , Ruhr-University Bochum
Ferdinand Sibleyras , NTT Social Informatics Laboratories
Yosuke Todo , NTT Social Informatics Laboratories
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: ASIACRYPT 2024
Abstract: We introduce a new approach between classical security proofs of modes of operation and dedicated security analysis for known crypt- analysis families: General Practical Cryptanalysis. This allows us to ana- lyze generically the security of the sum of two keyed permutations against known attacks. In many cases (of course, not all), we show that the se- curity of the sum is strongly linked to that of the composition of the two permutations. This enables the construction of beyond-birthday bound secure low-latency PRFs by cutting a known-to-be-secure block cipher into two equal parts. As a side result, our general analysis shows an in- evitable difficulty for the key recovery based on differential-type attacks against the sum, which leads to a correction of previously published at- tacks on the dedicated design Orthros
  title={General Practical Cryptanalysis of the Sum of Round-Reduced Block Ciphers and ZIP-AES},
  author={Antonio Florez Gutierrez and Lorenzo Grassi and Gregor Leander and Ferdinand Sibleyras and Yosuke Todo},