The Brave New World of Global Generic Groups and UC-Secure Zero-Overhead SNARKs
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Conference: | TCC 2024 |
Abstract: | The universal composability (UC) model provides strong security guarantees for protocols used in arbitrary contexts. While these guarantees are highly desirable, in practice, schemes with a standalone proof of security, such as the Groth16 proof system, are preferred. This is because UC security typically comes with undesirable overhead, sometimes making UC-secure schemes significantly less efficient than their standalone counterparts. We establish the UC security of Groth16 without any significant overhead. In the spirit of global random oracles, we design a global (restricted) observable generic group functionality that models a natural notion of observability: computations that trace back to group elements derived from generators of other sessions are observable. This notion turns out to be surprisingly subtle to formalize. We provide a general framework for proving protocols secure in the presence of global generic groups, which we then apply to Groth16. |
@inproceedings{tcc-2024-34768, title={The Brave New World of Global Generic Groups and UC-Secure Zero-Overhead SNARKs}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, author={Jan Bobolz and Pooya Farshim and Markulf Kohlweiss and Akira Takahashi}, year=2024 }