International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Black-Box Constant-Round Secure 2PC with Succinct Communication

Michele Ciampi , University of Edinburgh
Ankit Kumar Misra , UCLA
Rafail Ostrovsky , UCLA
Akash Shah , UCLA
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Conference: EUROCRYPT 2025
Abstract: The most fundamental performance metrics of secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols are related to the number of messages the parties exchange (i.e., round complexity), the size of these messages (i.e., communication complexity), and the overall computational resources required to execute the protocol (i.e., computational complexity). Another quality metric of MPC protocols is related to the black-box or non-black-box use of the underlying cryptographic primitives. Indeed, the design of black-box MPC protocols, other than being of theoretical interest, usually can lead to protocols that have better computational complexity. In this work, we aim to optimize the round and communication complexity of black-box secure multi-party computation in the plain model, by designing a constant-round two-party computation protocol in the malicious setting, whose communication complexity is only polylogarithmic in the size of the function being evaluated. We successfully design such a protocol, having only black-box access to fully homomorphic encryption, trapdoor permutations, and hash functions. To the best of our knowledge, our protocol is the first to make black-box use of standard cryptographic primitives while achieving almost asymptotically optimal communication and round complexity.
  title={Black-Box Constant-Round Secure 2PC with Succinct Communication},
  author={Michele Ciampi and Ankit Kumar Misra and Rafail Ostrovsky and Akash Shah},