International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Adaptively-Secure Big-Key Identity-Based Encryption

Jeffrey Champion , UT Austin
Brent Waters , UT Austin and NTT Research
David J. Wu , UT Austin
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Conference: PKC 2025
Abstract: Key-exfiltration attacks on cryptographic keys represent a significant threat to computer security. One proposed defense against such attacks is big-key cryptography which seeks to make cryptographic secrets so large that it is infeasible for an adversary to exfiltrate the key (without being detected). However, this also introduces an inconvenience to the user who must now store the large key on all of their different devices. The work of Döttling, Garg, Sekar and Wang (TCC 2022) introduces an elegant solution to this problem in the form of big-key identity-based encryption (IBE). Here, there is a large master secret key, but very short identity keys. The user can now store the large master secret key as her long-term key, and can provision each of her devices with short ephemeral identity keys (say, corresponding to the current date). In this way, the long-term secret key is protected by conventional big-key cryptography, while the user only needs to distribute short ephemeral keys to their different devices. Döttling et al. introduce and construct big-key IBE from standard pairing-based assumptions. However, their scheme only satisfies selective security where the adversary has to declare its challenge set of identities at the beginning of the security game. The more natural notion of security is adaptive security where the user can adaptively choose which identities it wants to challenge after seeing the public parameters (and part of the master secret key). In this work, we give the first adaptively-secure construction of big-key IBE from standard cryptographic assumptions. Our first construction relies on indistinguishability obfuscation (and one-way functions), while our second construction relies on witness encryption for NP together with standard pairing-based assumptions. To prove adaptive security, we rely on the dual-system methodology.
  title={Adaptively-Secure Big-Key Identity-Based Encryption},
  author={Jeffrey Champion and Brent Waters and David J. Wu},