International Association for Cryptologic Research

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17 February 2025

Wei-Kai Lin, Ethan Mook, Daniel Wichs
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Can a sender commit to a long input without even reading all of it? Can a prover convince a verifier that an NP statement holds without even reading the entire witness? Can a set of parties run a multiparty computation (MPC) protocol in the RAM model, without necessarily even reading their entire inputs? We show how to construct such "doubly efficient" schemes in a setting where parties can preprocess their input offline, but subsequently they can engage in many different protocol executions over this input in sublinear online time. We do so in the plain model, without any common setup. Our constructions rely on doubly efficient private information retrieval (DEPIR) as a building block and can be instantiated based on Ring LWE.

In more detail, we begin by constructing doubly efficient (interactive) commitments, where the sender preprocesses the input offline, and can later commit to this input to arbitrary receivers in sublinear online time. Moreover, the sender can open individual bits of the committed input in sublinear time. We then use these commitments to implement doubly succinct (interactive) arguments, where the prover preprocesses the statement/witness offline, and can subsequently run many proof protocols to convince arbitrary verifiers of the statement's validity in sublinear online time. Furthermore, we augment these to get a doubly efficient "commit, prove and locally open" protocol, where the prover can commit to a long preprocessed input, prove that it satisfies some global property, and locally open individual bits, all in sublinear time. Finally, we leverage these tools to construct a RAM-MPC with malicious security in the plain model. Each party individually preprocesses its input offline, and can then run arbitrary MPC executions over this input with arbitrary other parties. The online run-time of each MPC execution is only proportional to the RAM run-time of the underlying program, that can be sublinear in the input size.
Joseph Bonneau, Jessica Chen, Miranda Christ, Ioanna Karantaidou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study append-only set commitments with efficient updates and inclusion proofs, or cryptographic accumulators. In particular, we examine how often the inclusion proofs (or witnesses) for individual items must change as new items are added to the accumulated set. Using a compression argument, we show unconditionally that to accumulate a set of $n$ items, any construction with a succinct commitment ($O(\lambda \text{ polylog} \ n)$ storage) must induce at least $\omega(n)$ total witness updates as $n$ items are sequentially added. In a certain regime, we strengthen this bound to $\Omega(n \log n/\log \log n)$ total witness updates. These lower bounds hold not just in the worst case, but with overwhelming probability over a random choice of the accumulated set. Our results show that a close variant of the Merkle Mountain range, an elegant construction that has become popular in practice, is essentially optimal.
Davide Carnemolla, Dario Catalano, Emanuele Giunta, Francesco Migliaro
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Anamorphic encryption (AE), introduced by Persiano, Phan and Yung at Eurocrypt 22, allows to establish secure communication in scenarios where users might be forced to hand over their decryption keys to some hostile authority. Over the last few years, several work have improved our understanding of the primitive by proposing novel realizations, new security notions and studying inherent limitations. This work makes progress, mainly, on this last line of research. We show concrete realizations of so-called Anamorphic Resistant Encryption (ARE, for short). These are (public key) encryption schemes that, provably, cannot be turned anamorphic. We also show that, under certain conditions, anamorphic encryption turns out to be equivalent to algorithm substitution attacks. This result allows to positively reinterpret our AREs as PKE schemes provably resistant to subversion attacks. To the best of our knowledge, these seem to be the first IND-CPA secure schemes that achieve subversion resistance without trust assumptions or non-black-box decomposition techniques. Our two AREs heavily rely, among other things, on a direct usage of extremely lossy functions: here the lossyness property is used in the constructions, rather than just in the proofs. The first construction is in the public parameters model and also requires iO. The second construction eliminates the need of both public parameters and iO, but is in the random oracle and relies on the novel concept of robust extremely lossy functions with group structure, a primitive that we define and (show how to) realize in this paper.
Hanlin Liu, Xiao Wang, Kang Yang, Yu Yu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In this paper, we present a constant-round actively secure two-party computation protocol with small communication based on the ring learning with errors (RLWE) assumption with key-dependent message security. Our result builds on the recent BitGC protocol by Liu, Wang, Yang, and Yu (Eurocrypt 2025) with communication of one bit per gate for semi-honest security. First, we achieve a different manner of distributed garbling, where the global correlation is secret-shared among the two parties. The garbler always and only holds the garbled labels corresponding to the wire values when all inputs are zero, while the evaluator holds the labels corresponding to the real evaluation. In the second phase, we run an authentication protocol that requires some extra communication, which allows two parties to check the correct computation of each gate by treating the ciphertext as commitments, now that the global key is distributed. For layered circuits, the extra communication for authentication is $o(1)$ bits per gate, resulting in total communication of $1+o(1)$ bits per gate. For generic circuits, the extra communication cost can be $1$ bit per gate in the worst case, and thus, the total communication cost would be 2 bits per gate.
Afonso Arriaga, Manuel Barbosa, Stanislaw Jarecki
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We show a generic compiler from KEM to (Universally Composable) PAKE in the Random Oracle Model (ROM) and without requiring an Ideal Cipher. The compiler is akin to Encrypted Key Exchange (EKE) by Bellovin-Merritt, but following the work of McQuoid et al. it uses only a 2-round Feistel to password-encrypt a KEM public key. The resulting PAKE incurs only insignificant cost overhead over the underlying KEM, and it is a secure UC PAKE if KEM is secure and key-anonymous under the Plaintext-Checking Attack (PCA).

Several KEM-to-PAKE compilers were shown recently, secure under the OW-PCA and ANO-PCA assumptions on KEM, but all used an Ideal Cipher in addition to ROM. While there are techniques for emulating ROM against quantum attackers, it is currently unknown how to extend many of such techniques to the Ideal Cipher Model. Consequently, doing without the Ideal Cipher in protocol design makes the resulting construction a more plausible candidate for post-quantum secure PAKE if instantiated with post-quantum PCA-secure and anonymous KEM, such as the ML-KEM standard itself.

Our construction and proofs build on many of the ideas underlying the KEM-to-PAKE compiler using 2-round Feistel given by McQuoid et al, but our protocol is more efficient and our proofs address limitations in the analysis therein.
Amik Raj Behera, Pierre Meyer, Claudio Orlandi, Lawrence Roy, Peter Scholl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A privately constrained pseudorandom function (pCPRF) is a PRF with the additional property that one can derive a constrained key that allows evaluating the PRF only on inputs satisfying a constraint predicate $C$, without revealing $C$ itself or leaking information about the PRF’s output on inputs that do not satisfy the constraint.

Existing privately constrained PRFs face significant limitations: either (1) they rely on assumptions known to imply fully-homomorphic encryption or indistinguishability obfuscation, (2) they support only highly restricted classes of constraints—for instance, no known group-based pCPRF even supports the simple class of puncturing constraints (where the constrained key permits evaluation on all but one point while hiding the punctured point), or (3) they are limited to polynomial-size input domains. A long-standing open question has been whether one can construct a privately constrained PRF from group-based assumptions for more expressive classes of constraints. In this work, we present a pCPRF based on the decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption that supports a highly expressive class of predicates, namely constraints with polynomially bounded Waring rank, which notably includes puncturing.

From a technical perspective, our work follows the general template of Couteau, Meyer, Passelègue, and Riahinia (Eurocrypt'23), who constructed a pCPRF from group-based homomorphic secret-sharing but were limited to inner-product constraints in the constraint-hiding setting. Leveraging novel techniques for computing with distributed discrete logarithms (DDLog), we enable the non-interactive authentication of powers of linear combinations of shares of some value. This, in turn, allows us to express constraints with polynomially bounded Waring rank.

Our construction is single-key, selectively secure, and supports an exponential-size domain.
Cas Cremers, Esra Günsay, Vera Wesselkamp, Mang Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Messaging Layer Security protocol MLS is standardized in IETF’s RFC 9420 and allows a group of parties to securely establish and evolve group keys even if the servers are malicious. Its core mechanism is based on the TreeKEM protocol, but has gained many additional features and modifications during the development of the MLS standard. Over the last years, several partial security analyses have appeared of incomplete drafts of the protocol. One of the major additions to the TreeKEM design in MLS RFC 9420 (the final version of the standard) are the external operations, i.e., external commits and proposals, which interact deeply with the core TreeKEM protocol. These operations have not been considered in any previous security analysis, leaving their impact on the protocol’s overall security unclear.

In this work, we formalize ETK: External-Operations TreeKEM that includes external commits and proposals. We develop a corresponding ideal functionality $F_\mathit{ECGKA}$ and prove that ETK indeed realizes $F_\mathit{ECGKA}$.

Our work is the first cryptographic analysis that considers both the final changes to the standard’s version of TreeKEM as well as external proposals and external commits. Compared to previous works that considered MLS draft versions, our ETK protocol is by far the closest to the final MLS RFC 9420 standard. Our analysis implies that the core of MLS’s TreeKEM variant as defined in RFC 9420 is an ETK protocol that realizes $F_\mathit{ECGKA}$, when used with an SUF-CMA secure signature scheme, such as the IETF variant of Ed25519. We show that contrary to previous claims, MLS does not realize $F_\mathit{ECGKA}$ [Crypto2022] when used with signature schemes that only guarantee EUF-CMA, such as ECDSA.

Moreover, we show that the security of the protocol could be further strengthened by adding a functionality to insert PSKs, allowing another form of healing, and give a corresponding construction ETK-PSK and ideal functionality $F_{\mathit{ECGKA}^\mathit{PSK}}$ .
Simon Holmgaard Kamp, Julian Loss, Jesper Buus Nielsen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Network agnostic protocols (Blum, Katz, Loss TCC `19) are consensus or MPC protocols that strike a balance between purely synchronous and asynchronous protocols. Given thresholds $t_a,t_s$ that satisfy $t_a
In this work, we introduce a new paradigm to construct network agnostic consensus (and MPC) that, for the first time overcome this barrier. Using this new design pattern we first present simple protocols for reliable broadcast (RB) and binary agreement (BA) that are responsive when no more than $t_a$ parties are corrupted and run in expected constant time regardless of the network conditions. We then extend our results to asynchronous common subset (ACS) and MPC. Notably, our approach reverses the order of the synchronous and asynchronous path by designing protocols that are first and foremost asynchronous and only fall back to the synchronous execution path when more than $t_a$ parties are corrupted.
Alessandro Budroni, Andre Esser, Ermes Franch, Andrea Natale
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The Linear Code Equivalence ($\mathsf{LCE}$) problem asks, for two given linear codes $\mathcal{C}, \mathcal{C}'$, to find a monomial $\mathbf{Q}$ mapping $\mathcal{C}$ into $\mathcal{C}'$. Algorithms solving $\mathsf{LCE}$ crucially rely on a (heuristic) subroutine, which recovers the secret monomial from $\Omega(\log n)$ pairs of codewords $(\mathbf{v}_i, \mathbf{w}_i)\in \mathcal{C} \times \mathcal{C}'$ satisfying $\mathbf{w}_i = \mathbf{v}_i\mathbf{Q}$. We greatly improve on this known bound by giving a constructive (heuristic) algorithm that recovers the secret monomial from any \emph{two} pairs of such codewords for any $q\geq 23$. We then show that this reduction in the number of required pairs enables the design of a more efficient algorithm for solving the $\mathsf{LCE}$ problem. Our asymptotic analysis shows that this algorithm outperforms previous approaches for a wide range of parameters, including all parameters proposed across the literature. Furthermore, our concrete analysis reveals significant bit security reductions for suggested parameters. Most notably, in the context of the LESS signature scheme, a second-round contender in the ongoing NIST standardization effort for post-quantum secure digital signatures, we obtain bit security reductions of up to 24 bits.
Jesús-Javier Chi-Domínguez
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Isogeny-based cryptography relies its security on the hardness of the supersingular isogeny problem: finding an isogeny between two supersingular curves defined over a quadratic field.

The Delfs-Galbraith algorithm is the most efficient procedure for solving the supersingular isogeny problem with a time complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(p^{1/2})$ operations. The bottleneck of the Delfs-Galbraith algorithm is the so-called subfield curve search (i.e., finding an isogenous supersingular elliptic curve defined over the base field), which determines the time complexity.

Given that, for efficiency, most recent isogeny-based constructions propose using finite fields with field characteristics equal to $p = 2^a \cdot f - 1$ for some positive integers $a$ and $f$. This work focuses on primes of that particular form, and it presents two new algorithms for finding subfield curves with a time complexity of $\mathcal{O}(p^{1/2})$ operations and a memory complexity polynomial in $\log_2{p}$. Such algorithms exploit the existence of large torsion-$2^a$ points and extend the subfield root detection algorithm of Santos, Costello, and Shi (Crypto 2022) to our case study. In addition, it is worth highlighting that these algorithms easily extend to primes of the form $p =2^a \cdot f + 1$ and $p = \ell^a \cdot f - 1$ with $\ell$ being a small integer.

This study also examines the usage of radical $3$-isogenies with the proposed extended subfield root detection algorithm. In this context, the results indicate that the radical $3$-isogeny approach is competitive compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms.
Jiajun Xin, Dimitrios Papadopoulos
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Time-lock puzzles are cryptographic primitives that guarantee to the generator that the puzzle cannot be solved in less than $\mathcal{T}$ sequential computation steps. They have recently found numerous applications, e.g., in fair contract signing and seal-bid auctions. However, solvers have no a priori guarantee about the solution they will reveal, e.g., about its ``usefulness'' within a certain application scenario. In this work, we propose verifiable time-lock puzzles (VTLPs) that address this by having the generator publish a succinct proof that the solution satisfies certain properties (without revealing anything else about it). Hence solvers are now motivated to ``commit'' resources into solving the puzzle. We propose VTLPs that support proving arbitrary NP relations $\mathcal{R}$ about the puzzle solution. At a technical level, to overcome the performance hurdles of the ``naive'' approach of simply solving the puzzle within a SNARK that also checks $\mathcal{R}$, our scheme combines the ``classic'' RSA time-lock puzzle of Rivest, Shamir, and Wagner, with novel building blocks for ``offloading'' expensive modular group exponentiations and multiplications from the SNARK circuit. We then propose a second VTLP specifically for checking RSA-based signatures and verifiable random functions (VRFs). Our second scheme does not rely on a SNARK and can have several applications, e.g., in the context of distributed randomness generation. Along the road, we propose new constant-size proofs for modular exponent relations over hidden-order groups that may be of independent interest. Finally, we experimentally evaluate the performance of our schemes and report the findings and comparisons with prior approaches.
Jian Liu, Kui Ren, Chun Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
It is well-known that any single-server PIR scheme with sublinear communication necessitates public-key cryptography. Several recent studies, which we collectively refer to as lightweight PIR, demonstrate that this limitation can be circumvented to some extent. However, all such schemes require at least $O(n^{1/2})$ communication per-query, where $n$ is the size of the database. Indeed, the celebrated result provided by Ishai et al. (Crypto '24) implies that, with solely symmetric-key cryptography, achieving per-query communication below $O(n^{1/2})$ necessitates more than $O(n^{1/2})$ client storage. Whether this barrier can be overcome with limited use of public-key cryptography remains an open question. In this paper, we tackle this question by presenting the first lightweight single-server PIR scheme with $O_\lambda(n^{1/3})$ communication while allowing arbitrary (non-zero) client storage.

16 February 2025

Clemson University
Job Posting Job Posting
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences is recruiting for one Post Doctoral Scholar position. This is a 12 month research position. The appointment is initially for one year August 15, 2025 - August 14, 2026 and may be renewed for one additional year, contingent upon funding and performance. The start date may be deferred until January 1, 2026. The targeted research area is Post-Quantum Cryptography. The postdoctoral scholar will collaborate closely with the Savannah River National Laboratory SRNL to address critical security and cryptographic challenges. Candidates with strong potential for collaboration with faculty in the Division of Mathematics will receive the highest consideration.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Ryann Cartor, [email protected]

More information:

University of Surrey, UK
Job Posting Job Posting
The School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering is seeking to recruit a full-time Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security to expand our team of dynamic and highly skilled security researchers. It is part of a strategic investment in cyber security, alongside a Lecturer position in cyber security.

The Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS), within the School, has an international reputation in cyber security and resilience research excellence in applied and post-quantum cryptography, security verification and analysis, security and privacy, distributed systems, and networked systems. SCCS is recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre as an Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research and Education. Its research was also a core contributor to Surrey’s 7th position in the UK for REF2021 outputs within Computer Science. Surrey was recognised as Cyber University of the Year 2023 at the National Cyber Awards.

Surrey has an internationally leading track record in security and communications research and runs the newly formed Doctoral Training centre in Future Open Secure and Resilient Communications in collaboration with Queens University Belfast with funding for 50 PhD students.

This post sits within SCCS and this role encourages applications in the areas of systems security, web security, cyber-physical systems, cyber resilience, ethical hacking, machine learning for security, with application in various domains with preference in communications, space, banking, and autonomous systems. Candidates with practical security experience and skills will complement our strengths in cryptography and formal verification.

This post will support the growing cohort of students across all undergraduate Computer Science programmes and support students in the highly successful MSc in Cyber Security.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Professor Steve Schneider ([email protected])

More information:

University of Surrey, UK
Job Posting Job Posting
The School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering is seeking to recruit a full-time Lecturer in Cyber Security to expand our team of dynamic and highly skilled security researchers. It is part of a strategic investment in cyber security alongside a Senior Lecturer position in cyber security.

The Surrey Centre for Cyber Security (SCCS), within the School, has an international reputation in cyber security and resilience research excellence in applied and post-quantum cryptography, security verification and analysis, security and privacy, distributed systems, and networked systems. SCCS is recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre as an Academic Centre of Excellence for Cyber Security Research and Education. Its research was also a core contributor to Surrey’s 7th position in the UK for REF2021 outputs within Computer Science. Surrey was recognised as Cyber University of the Year 2023 at the National Cyber Awards.

Surrey has an international leading track record in security and communications research and runs the newly formed Doctoral Training centre in Future Open Secure and Resilient Communications in collaboration with Queens University Belfast with funding for 50 PhD students.

This post sits within SCCS and this role encourages applications in the areas of systems security, web security, cyber-physical systems, cyber resilience, ethical hacking, machine learning for security, with application in various domains with preference in communications, space, banking, and autonomous systems. Candidates with practical security experience and skills will complement our strengths in cryptography and formal verification.

This post will support the growing cohort of students across all undergraduate Computer Science programmes and support students in the highly successful MSc in Cyber Security.

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Professor Steve Schneider

More information:

Adva Network Security; Munich, Germany
Job Posting Job Posting
Adva Network Security is a German-based company and was funded by leading security experts to help operators of critical infrastructure, government agencies and enterprises security-harden their networks. We are currently looking for a highly motivated Cryptography/Security Engineer (PhD track) (M/F/D) to join our Advanced Technology team in Munich. The position will allow to focus on research and innovation in cryptography with a high relevance for our cryptographic products. In cooperation with a University, we’ll support to pursue a PhD degree in the field.

• Research and develop innovative and secure solutions for key-exchange, encryption and authentication in optical networks.
• Analyze the security of cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
• Collaborate with the research community in national and international projects.
• Demonstrate technical excellence at conferences or workshops.

• Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics or a related field.
• Good knowledge of cryptographic concepts and information security principles.
• Solid programming skills in (C and Python preferred).
• Good presentation, communication, and scientific writing skills.
• Fluent in oral and written English, fluency in German is a plus.

Apply here:

Closing date for applications:

Contact: Dr. Helmut Griesser [Helmut'Griesser(a)advasecurity'com]

More information:


14 February 2025

Yael Eisenberg, Christopher Havens, Alexis Korb, Amit Sahai
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We establish the following theorem: Let $\mathsf{O}_0, \mathsf{O}_1, \mathsf{R}$ be random functions from $\{0,1\}^n$ to $\{0,1\}^n$, $n \in \mathbb{N}$. For all polynomial-query-bounded distinguishers $\mathsf{D}$ making at most $q=\mathsf{poly}(n)$ queries to each oracle, there exists a poly-time oracle simulator $\mathsf{Sim}^{(\cdot)}$ and a constant $c>0$ such that the probability is negligible, that is $$\left|\Pr\left[{\mathsf{D}^{(\mathsf{O}_0+\mathsf{O}_1),(\mathsf{O}_0,\mathsf{O}_1,\mathsf{O}_0^{-1},\mathsf{O}_1^{-1})}(1^n)=1}\right]-\Pr\left[{\mathsf{D}^{\mathsf{R},\mathsf{Sim}^\mathsf{R}}(1^n)=1}\right]\right| = negl(n).$$
Tim Beyne, Yu Long Chen, Michiel Verbauwhede
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD scheme is widely used as an alternative for AES-GCM on platforms without AES hardware instructions. Although recent analysis by Degabriele et al. shows that ChaCha20-Poly1305 provides adequate security in the conventional multiuser model, the construction is totally broken when a single nonce is repeated – a real-word scenario that can occur due to faulty implementations or the desire to use random nonces.

We present a new nonce-misuse resistant and key-committing authenticated encryption scheme, called ChaCha20-Poly1305-PSIV, that is based on carefully combining the ChaCha20-Poly1305 building blocks into the NSIV paradigm proposed by Peyrin and Seurin (CRYPTO 2016) without performance loss. We analyze the security of the underlying mode PSIV in the multi-user faulty-nonce model assuming that the underlying permutation is ideal, and prove its key-committing security in the cmt-1 model. Rust and C implementations are provided, and benchmarks confirm that performance is comparable to the ChaCha20-Poly1305 implementation in libsodium.

In terms of security and efficiency (without hardware support), our proposal compares favorably to AES-GCM-SIV. Since we reuse the ChaCha20-Poly1305 building blocks, we expect ChaCha20-Poly1305-PSIV to benefit from existing analysis and to be easy to deploy in practice.
Brandon Goodell, Rigo Salazar, Freeman Slaughter
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a general, low-cost, low-power statistical test for transactions in transaction protocols with small anonymity set authentication (TPSASAs), such as Monero. The test classifies transactions as ad hoc (spontaneously constructed to spend a deterministically selected key) or self-churned (constructed from a probability distribution very close to that of the default wallet software, and with the same sender and receiver). The test is a uniformly most powerful (UMP) likelihood ratio tests (LRT) from the Neyman-Pearson Lemma, and makes no assumptions about user behavior. We extend these tests to expoit prior information about user behavior. We discuss test parameterization, as well as how anonymity set cardinality and user behavior impact test performance. We also describe a maximum-likelihood de-anonymization attack on Monero based on our test.
Nico Döttling, Alexander Koch, Sven Maier, Jeremias Mechler, Anne Müller, Jörn Müller-Quade, Marcel Tieplet
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Quantum cryptography allows to achieve security goals which are unobtainable using classical cryptography alone: it offers the promise of everlasting privacy. Thatis, an adversary trying to attack a protocol must succeed during the run of the protocol. After the protocol has terminated, security holds unconditionally. In this work, we initiate the study of a new model which we call the quantum decoherence model (QDM). In a nutshell, this model captures adversaries that are computationally bounded during the run of a protocol (and some time after), but become computationally unbounded long after the protocol terminates. Importantly, once the adversary becomes computationally unbounded, he can only remember a bounded number of qubits from before the computational bound was lifted. We provide a variant of the Universal Composability framework which captures the new notion of quantum decoherence and augment it with quantum random oracles. As our main contribution, we construct a non-interactive commitment scheme achieving unconditional and statistical security against malicious senders and everlasting security against malicious receivers under our new security notion. Such commitments imply general secure multiparty computation with everlasting security. Finally, we show that our core technique can be applied to a broader spectrum of problems. We show that it gives rise to everlasting public key encryption and OT in the QDM. Finally, we also consider the weaker notion of incompressible encryption in the setting of quantum decoherence, and show that post-quantum IND-CPA secure public key encryption is sufficient to realize this notion without resorting to random oracles. At the technical core of our constructions is a new, conceptually simple yet powerful reverse entropic uncertainty relation.
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