International Association for Cryptologic Research

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18 February 2025

Bohan Wang, Juelin Zhang, Yu Yu, Weijia Wang
ePrint Report ePrint Report
To counteract side-channel attacks, a masking scheme splits each intermediate variable into $n$ shares and transforms each elementary operation (e.g., field addition and multiplication) to the masked correspondence called gadget, such that intrinsic noise in the leakages renders secret recovery infeasible in practice. A simple and efficient security notion is the probing model ensuring that any $n-1$ shares are independently distributed from the secret input. One requirement of the probing model is the noise in the leakages should increase with the number of shares, largely restricting the side-channel security in the low-noise scenario. Another security notion for masking, called the random probing model, allows each variable to leak with a probability $p$. While this model reflects the physical reality of side channels much better, it brings significant overhead. At Crypto 2018, Ananth et al. proposed a modular approach that can provide random probing security for any security level by expanding small base gadgets with $n$ share recursively, such that the tolerable leakage probability $p$ decreases with $n$ while the security increases exponentially with the recursion depth of expansion. Then, Belaïd et al. provided a formal security definition called Random Probing Expandability (RPE) and an explicit framework using the modular approach to construct masking schemes at Crypto 2020.

In this paper, we investigate how to tighten the RPE definition via allowing the dependent failure probabilities of multiple inputs, which results in a new definition called related RPE. It can be directly used for the expansion of multiplication gates and reduce the complexity of the base multiplication gadget from $\mathcal{O}(n^2\log n)$ proposed at Asiacrypt 2021 to $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ and maintain the same security level. Furthermore, we describe a method to expand any gates (rather than only multiplication) with the related RPE gadgets. Besides, we denote another new RPE definition called Multiple inputs RPE used for the expansion of multiple-input gates composed with any gates. Utilizing these methods, we reduce the complexity of 3-share circuit compiler to $\mathcal{O}(|C|\cdot\kappa^{3.2})$, where $|C|$ is the size of the unprotected circuit and the protection failure probability of the global circuit is $2^{-\kappa}$. In comparison, the complexity of the state-of-the-art work, proposed at Eurocrypt 2021, is $\mathcal{O}(|C|\cdot\kappa^{3.9})$ for the same value of $n$. Additionally, we provide the construction of a 5-share circuit compiler with a complexity $\mathcal{O}(|C|\cdot\kappa^{2.8})$.
Liqiang Liu, Tianren Liu, Bo Peng
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Garbled Circuit (GC) is a fundamental tool in cryptography, especially in secure multiparty computation. Most garbling schemes follow a gate-by-gate paradigm. The communication cost is proportional to the circuit size times the security parameter $\lambda$.

Recently, Heath, Kolesnikov and Ng (Eurocrypt 2024) partially transcend the circuit size barrier by considering large gates. To garble an arbitrary $n$-input $m$-output gate, their scheme requires $O(nm\lambda) + 2^nm$ bits of communication. The security relies on circular correlation robust hash functions (CCRH).

We further improve the communication cost to $O(n \lambda_{\sf DCR} + m\lambda)$, removing the exponential term. The computation cost is $O(2^n (\lambda_{\sf DCR})^2)$, dominated by $O(2^nn)$ exponentiations. Our construction is built upon recent progress in DCR-based Homomorphic Secret Sharing (HSS), so it additionally relies on the decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption.

As an intermediate step, we construct programmable distributed point functions with decomposable keys, relying on the DCR assumption. Previously, such primitive can only be constructed from multilinear maps or sub-exponential lattice assumptions.
Weidan Ji, Zhedong Wang, Lin Lyu, Dawu Gu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Current adaptively secure identity-based encryption (IBE) constructions from lattices are unable to achieve a good balance among the master public key size, secret key size, modulus and reduction loss. All existing lattice-based IBE schemes share a common restriction: the modulus is quadratic in the trapdoor norm. In this work, we remove this restriction and present a new adaptively secure IBE scheme from lattices in the standard model, which improves the state-of-the-art construction proposed by Abla et al. (TCC 2021) and achieves asymptotically better efficiency. More precisely, we achieve the asymptotically minimal number of public vectors among all the existing schemes, along with a significantly smaller modulus compared to the scheme by Abla et al. (TCC 2021). Furthermore, our scheme enjoys the smallest Gaussian width of the secret key among all existing schemes and has the same tightness as Abla et al.'s scheme. We propose a novel cross-multiplication design for our IBE scheme, along with several novel tools and techniques, including: (a) a homomorphic computation algorithm that outputs BGG+-style encoding with two distinct-norm trapdoors; (b) a sampling algorithm with hybrid Gaussian outputs; and (c) a partial rerandomization algorithm. These new tools and techniques are general and could find rich applications in lattice-based cryptography.
Florian Hirner, Florian Krieger, Sujoy Sinha Roy
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper presents a high-performance architecture for accelerating Multi-Scalar Multiplication (MSM) on ASIC platforms, targeting cryptographic applications with high throughput demands. Unlike prior MSM accelerators that focus solely on efficient processing elements (PEs), our chiplet-based design optimally balances area, power, and computational throughput. We identify a mixed window configuration of 12- and 13-bit windows that enables an efficient multi-PE integration of 10 PEs per chiplet. Our single-PE design achieves a 1.37x speedup and 1.3x area reduction over prior works, while the multi-PE chiplet design improves the area-time product by 2.2x, offering scalability, lower production costs, and higher manufacturing yields.
Abtin Afshar, Rishab Goyal
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We propose a new incrementally computable proof system, called Incrementally Verifiable $\textit{Streaming}$ Computation (IVsC). IVsC enables computing incremental proofs of correct execution for any RAM program $\mathcal{M}$ on a $\textit{streaming}$ input $x$. Input $x$ is called a $\textit{streaming}$ input if it is only available on-the-fly as part of an ongoing data generation/streaming process, and not available at once. We also propose a new notion of zero-knowledge features for IVsC that guarantees the proof can be incrementally verified w.r.t.~an encrypted digest, where the proof and digest hide the full data stream. We design zero-knowledge IVsC from a wide variety of standard falsifiable assumptions (such as decision-linear/sub-exponential DDH/LWE).

We also introduce a new notion of non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, that we call $\textit{step-by-step}$ zero-knowledge protocols. Such protocols have strong zero-knowledge guarantees, wherein the prover's entire internal memory is simulatable at any point during proof generation. That is, unlike standard zero-knowledge proofs, where only the final proof is simulatable, we can also simulate prover's state at every step of the computation. Such proof systems will be useful in settings where an adversary could corrupt an honest prover even before it generates the full proof. We show that a zero-knowledge IVsC system can be used (almost) as a black-box to design step-by-step zero-knowledge proof systems, therefore secure under standard assumptions.
Rohit Chatterjee, Xiao Liang, Omkant Pandey, Takashi Yamakawa
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We study the round-complexity of secure multi-party computation (MPC) in the post-quantum regime where honest parties and communication channels are classical but the adversary can be a quantum machine. Our focus is on the $\mathit{fully}$ black-box setting where both the construction as well as the security reduction are black-box in nature. In this context, Chia, Chung, Liu, and Yamakawa [FOCS'22] demonstrated the infeasibility of achieving standard simulation-based security within constant rounds, unless $\mathbf{NP} \subseteq \mathbf{BQP}$. This outcome leaves crucial feasibility questions unresolved. Specifically, it remains unknown whether black-box constructions are achievable within polynomial rounds; additionally, the existence of constant-round constructions with respect to $\epsilon$-$\mathit{simulation}$, a relaxed yet useful alternative to the standard simulation notion, remains unestablished.

This work provides positive answers to the aforementioned questions. We introduce the first black-box construction for post-quantum MPC in polynomial rounds, from the minimal assumption of post-quantum semi-honest oblivious transfers. In the two-party scenario, our construction requires only $\omega(1)$ rounds. These results have already found application in the oracle separation between classical-communication quantum MPC and $\mathbf{P} = \mathbf{NP}$ in the recent work of Kretschmer, Qian, and Tal [STOC'25].

As for $\epsilon$-simulation, Chia, Chung, Liang, and Yamakawa [CRYPTO'22] resolved the issue for the two-party setting, leaving the general multi-party setting as an open question. We complete the picture by presenting the first black-box and constant-round construction in the multi-party setting. Our construction can be instantiated using various standard post-quantum primitives including lossy public-key encryption, linearly homomorphic public-key encryption, or dense cryptosystems.

En route, we obtain a black-box and constant-round post-quantum commitment that achieves a weaker version of the standard 1-many non-malleability, from the minimal assumption of post-quantum one-way functions. Besides its utility in our post-quantum MPC construction, this commitment scheme also reduces the assumption used in the lower bound of quantum parallel repetition recently established by Bostanci, Qian, Spooner, and Yuen [STOC'24]. We anticipate that it will find more applications in the future.
Wenqian Li, Hanyu Wei, Shiyu Shen, Hao Yang, Wangchen Dai, Yunlei Zhao
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The rapid advancement of quantum computing has ushered in a new era of post-quantum cryptography, urgently demanding quantum-resistant digital signatures to secure modern communications and transactions. Among NIST-standardized candidates, Falcon—a compact lattice-based signature scheme—stands out for its suitability in size-sensitive applications. In this paper, we present cuFalcon, a high-throughput GPU implementation of Falcon that addresses its computational bottlenecks through adaptive parallel strategies. At the operational level, we optimize Falcon key components for GPU architectures through memory-efficient FFT, adaptive parallel ffSampling, and a compact computation mode. For signature-level optimization, we implement three versions of cuFalcon: the raw key version, the expanded key version, and the balanced version, which achieves a trade-off between efficiency and memory usage. Additionally, we design batch processing, streaming mechanisms, and memory pooling to handle multiple signature tasks efficiently. Ultimately, performance evaluations show significant improvements, with the raw key version achieving 172k signatures per second and the expanded key version reaching 201k. Compared to the raw key version, the balanced version achieves a 7% improvement in throughput, while compared to the expanded key version, it reduces memory usage by 70%. Furthermore, our raw key version implementation outperforms the reference implementation by 36.75 $\times$ and achieves a 2.94$\times$ speedup over the state-of-the-art GPU implementation.

17 February 2025

Hanbeom Shin, Seonkyu Kim, Dongjae Lee, Deukjo Hong, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong
ePrint Report ePrint Report
In block ciphers, the attacker should not be able to distinguish a block cipher from a random permutation, making the existence of a distinguisher important. Cryptanalysis of the reduced-round variants of block ciphers is also important in cryptographic design. AES is the most widely used block cipher, and currently, the best-known distinguisher for 5-round AES has a data and time complexity of $2^{29.95}$ with a success probability of 55\%. In this paper, we propose the fully active exchanged boomerang and multiple exchanged boomerang distinguishers for 5-round AES, based on the retracing boomerang key-recovery attack. The fully active exchanged boomerang distinguisher utilizes the probability that either each byte of the diagonal of the returned plaintext pair is fully active, or the diagonal is inactive for all diagonals. This probability is very high, but we enhance it using the friends pair technique to distinguish a block cipher from a random permutation. The multiple exchanged boomerang distinguisher utilizes the fact that there are three trails where the probability of one diagonal of the returned plaintext pair being inactive is higher than the random probability, and one trail where it is equal to the random probability. This 5-round distinguisher has a complexity of $2^{27.08}$ and a success probability of 82\%, which represents a new best-known result for the secret-key distinguisher on 5-round AES.
Dan Boneh, Binyi Chen
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Folding is a technique for building efficient succinct proof systems. Many existing folding protocols rely on the discrete-log based Pedersen commitment scheme, and are therefore not post-quantum secure and require a large (256-bit) field. Recently, Boneh and Chen constructed LatticeFold, a folding protocol using lattice-based commitments which is plausibly post-quantum secure and can operate with small (64-bit) fields. For knowledge soundness, LatticeFold requires the prover to provide a range proof on all the input witnesses using bit-decomposition, and this slows down the prover. In this work we present LatticeFold+, a very different lattice-based folding protocol that improves on LatticeFold in every respect: the prover is five to ten times faster, the verification circuit is simpler, and the folding proofs are shorter. To do so we develop two novel lattice techniques. First, we develop a new purely algebraic range proof which is much more efficient than the one in LatticeFold, and may be of independent interest. We further shrink the proof using double commitments (commitments of commitments). Second, we show how to fold statements about double commitments using a new sumcheck-based transformation.
Fatima Elsheimy, Julian Loss, Charalampos Papamanthou
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Early stopping agreement protocols guarantee termination based on the actual number of malicious parties, $f \leq t$, encountered during execution, rather than assuming the worst-case scenario of $t
Pierre Meyer, Claudio Orlandi, Lawrence Roy, Peter Scholl
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce a general template for building garbled circuits with low communication, under the decisional composite residuosity (DCR) assumption. For the case of layered Boolean circuits, we can garble a circuit of size $s$ with communication proportional to $O(s/\log\log s)$ bits, plus an additive factor that is polynomial in the security parameter. For layered arithmetic circuits with $B$-bounded integer computation, we obtain a similar result: the garbled arithmetic circuit has size $O(s/\log\log s) \cdot (\lambda + \log B)$ bits, where $\lambda$ is the security parameter. These are the first constructions of general-purpose, garbled circuits with sublinear size, without relying on heavy tools like indistinguishability obfuscation or attribute-based and fully homomorphic encryption.

To achieve these results, our main technical tool is a new construction of a form of homomorphic secret sharing where some of the inputs are semi-private, that is, known to one of the evaluating parties. Through a new relinearisation technique that allows performing arbitrary additions and multiplications on semi-private shares, we build such an HSS scheme that supports evaluating any function of the form $C(x) \cdot C'(y)$, where $C$ is any polynomially-sized circuit applied to the semi-private input $y$, and $C'$ is a restricted-multiplication (or, NC1) circuit applied to the private input $x$. This significantly broadens the expressiveness of prior known HSS constructions.
Jianwei Li
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We point out if assuming every local block appearing in the slide reduction algorithms [ALNS20] is `random' (as usual in the cryptographic background), then the combination of the slide reduction algorithms [ALNS20] and Pouly-Shen 's algorithm [PoSh24] yields exponentially faster provably correct algorithms for $\delta$-approximate SVP for all approximation factors $n^{1/2+\varepsilon} \leq \delta \leq n^{O(1)}$, which is the regime most relevant for cryptography.
Wonseok Choi, Xinagyu Liu, Lirong Xia, Vassilis Zikas
ePrint Report ePrint Report
$\textit{Linkable ring signatures}$ (LRS) allow a user to sign anonymously on behalf of a ring, while maintaining linkability—two signatures from the same signer are publicly identified, i.e., linked. This linkability makes LRS suitable to prevent double-voting in classical, $\textit{plurality}$ voting protocols—each voter casts one vote and the candidate with the most votes wins the election.

Several voting scenarios rely on (generalized) rules rather than plurality. For example, in $\textit{ranked voting}$, voters submit a ranking of the candidates, and the outcome is a function of these rankings. Such generalized voting rules are common in social choice theory, and have recently found their way into blockchain governance, e.g., for prioritizing (voting on) proposed (candidate) projects. However, unlike plurality voting, using LRS for voters to sign their votes (rankings) does not guarantee vote privacy as one can observe the rankings of each individual voter, which, depending on the scoring rule, is more information than what the outcome of the election offers.

We introduce $k$-$\textit{linkable ring signatures}$ ($k$-LRS) as a primitive for simultaneously achieving anonymity and privacy in generalized voting. A $k$-LRS scheme has the following properties: ($k$-)$\textit{Anonymity}$: a user can sign anonymously (on behalf of the ring) up to $k$ times, so that even an unbounded adversary cannot link his signatures. ($k$-)$\textit{Linkability}$: If any signer signs more than $k$ times, all his signatures are publicly linked $\textit{(individual $k$-linkability)}$; and, any set of $c$ signers cannot generate more than $k\cdot c$ unlinked signatures $\textit{(collective $k$-linkability)}$.

We provide two constructions of $k$-LRS: one is from the DDH, and the other is from SIS (hence post-quantum). Finally, we show how $k$-LRS can be applied to a broad range of voting rules, including $\textit{score voting}$, $\textit{multi-voting}$, and $\textit{Borda}$. Our protocols are non-interactive voting—each voter just posts a message on a bulletin board—which highlights the potential of $k$-LRS in blockchain-governance scenarios.
Tiantian Gong, Zeyu Liu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
The rational secret sharing problem (RSS) considers incentivizing rational parties to share their received information to reconstruct a correctly shared secret. Halpern and Teague (STOC'04) demonstrate that solving the RSS problem deterministically with explicitly bounded runtime is impossible, if parties prefer learning the secret than not learning, and they prefer fewer other parties to learn.

To overcome this impossibility result, we propose RSS with competition. We consider a slightly different yet sensible preference profile: Each party prefers to learn the secret early and prefers fewer parties learning before them. This preference profile changes the information-hiding dynamics among parties in prior works: First, those who have learned the secret are indifferent towards or even prefer informing others later; second, the competition to learn the secret earlier among different access groups in the access structure facilitates information sharing inside an access group. As a result, we are able to construct the first deterministic RSS algorithm that terminates in at most two rounds. Additionally, our construction does not employ any cryptographic machinery (being fully game-theoretic and using the underlying secret-sharing scheme as a black-box) nor requires the knowledge of the parties' exact utility function. Furthermore, we consider general access structures.
Peyman Momeni, Fig Smith
ePrint Report ePrint Report
This paper introduces a decentralized and leaderless sealed bid auction model for dynamic pricing of intents across blockchain networks. We leverage Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) to improve pricing while ensuring fairness and decentralization. By addressing the vulnerabilities of current centralized or static pricing mechanisms, our approach fosters transparent, secure, and competitive price discovery. We further enhance the confidentiality of intents through Multi-Party Computation (MPC), Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), and Trusted Execution Environments (TEE). Our novel methodology mitigates the risks of frontrunning and centralization while preserving the rapid settlement times essential to decentralized finance (DeFi).
Michele Ciampi, Lorenzo Magliocco, Daniele Venturi, Yu Xia
ePrint Report ePrint Report
A $t$-out-of-$n$ robust non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) combiner is a construction that, given access to $n$ candidate instantiations of a NIZK for some language, itself implements a NIZK for the same language. Moreover, the combiner is secure, assuming at least $t$ of the given candidates are secure. In this work, we provide the first definition of combiners for NIZK, and prove that no robust NIZK combiner exists assuming $t \le \lfloor n/2 \rfloor$ (unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses).

On the positive side, we provide different constructions of robust NIZK combiners for $t > \lfloor n/2 \rfloor$. In particular, we show how to obtain:

1) A black-box combiner working for a special class of {\em homomorphic} languages where $n,t$ are polynomial and $t > \lfloor n/2 \rfloor$.

2) A non-black-box combiner working for any language, where $n,t$ are constant and $t > \lfloor n/2 \rfloor$.

3) A non-black-box combiner working for any language, where $n,t$ are polynomial and $t > \lfloor 2n/3 \rfloor$.
Amirreza Sarencheh, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Alireza Kavousi, Aggelos Kiayias
ePrint Report ePrint Report
We introduce DART, a fully anonymous, account-based payment system designed to address a comprehensive set of real-world considerations, including regulatory compliance, while achieving constant transaction size. DART supports multiple asset types, enabling users to issue on-chain assets such as tokenized real-world assets. It ensures confidentiality and anonymity by concealing asset types, transaction amounts, balances, and the identities of both senders and receivers, while guaranteeing unlinkability between transactions. Our design provides a mechanism for asset-specific auditing. Issuers can designate asset-specific auditors for the assets they issue, with the system preserving the privacy of the auditor’s identity to achieve asset type privacy. Only the designated auditor is authorized to decrypt transactions related to their associated asset, and users efficiently prove the association between the (hidden) asset type and the (hidden) designated auditor in their transactions.

DART supports non-interactive payments, allowing an online sender to submit a transaction even when the receiver is offline, while still incorporating a receiver affirmation mechanism that captures the real-world compliance consideration where the receiver must confirm (or deny) an incoming transaction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scheme of this kind in the permissionless setting. To accommodate all eventualities, DART also incorporates a reversibility mechanism, enabling senders to reclaim funds from pending transactions if the receiver’s affirmation is not yet provided. Finally, it offers a privacy-preserving proof of balance (per asset type) mechanism.

Our system achieves full anonymity while supporting concurrent incoming and outgoing transactions, resolving a common issue that plagues many account-based anonymous systems. We further demonstrate how our system supports multi-party transactions, allowing payment to multiple receivers in one transaction efficiently. We provide a full formal model in the Universal Composition (UC) setting, as well as a UC protocol realization.
Matteo Campanelli, Mario Carrillo, Ignacio Cascudo, Dario Fiore, Danilo Francati, Rosario Gennaro
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Cryptographic proof systems enable a verifier to be convinced of of a computation's correctness without re-executing it; common efficiency requirements include both succinct proofs and fast verification. In this work we put forth the general study of cryptographic proof systems with sublinear proving time (after a preprocessing). Prior work has achieved sublinear proving only for limited computational settings (e.g., vector commitments and lookup arguments), relying on specific assumptions or through non-black-box use of cryptographic primitives. In this work we lift many of these limitations through the systematic study of a specific object: polynomial commitments (PC) with sublinear proving time, a choice motivated by the crucial role that PC play in the design of efficient cryptographic schemes. Our main result is a simple construction of a PC with sublinear prover based on any vector commitment scheme (VC) and any preprocessing technique for fast polynomial evaluation. We prove that this PC satisfies evaluation binding, which is the standard security notion for PC, and show how to expand our construction to achieve the stronger notion of knowledge soundness (extractability). The first application of our result is a construction of "index-efficient" SNARKs meaning that the prover is sublinear, after preprocessing, in the size of the index (i.e., the NP-relation describing the proven statement). Our main technical contribution is a method to transform a class of standard Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proofs (PIOPs) into index-efficient PIOPs. Our construction of index-efficient SNARKs makes black-box use of such index-efficient PIOPs and a PC with sublinear prover. As a corollary, this yields the first lookup argument for unstructured tables in which the prover is sublinear in the size of the table, while making only black-box use of a VC and thus allowing instantiations from generic assumptions such as collision-resistant hash functions. Prior lookup arguments with sublinear provers were only known with non-black-box use of cryptographic primitives, or from pairings. Finally, our last application is a transformation that builds UC-secure SNARKs from simulation-extractable ones, with an approximately linear overhead in proving time (as opposed to quadratic in prior work).
Jiayu Xu
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) is a type of key exchange protocols secure against man-in-the-middle adversaries, in the setting where the two parties only agree upon a low-entropy "password" in advance. The first and arguably most well-studied PAKE protocol is Encrypted Key Exchange (EKE) (Bellovin and Marritt, 1992), and the standard security notion for PAKE is in the Universal Composability (UC) framework (Canetti et al., 2005). While the UC-security of EKE has been "folklore" knowledge for many years, a satisfactory formal proof has long been elusive.

In this work, we present a UC-security proof for the most common instantiation of EKE, which is based on hashed Diffie–Hellman. Our proof is in the random oracle + ideal cipher models, and under the computational Diffie–Hellman assumption. We thoroughly discuss the UC-security definition for PAKE, subtleties and pitfalls in the security proof, how to write a UC proof, and flaws in existing works; along the way we also present some philosophical discussions on security definitions and security proofs in general. In this way, we hope to draw attention to several understudied, underexplained or underappreciated aspects of the UC-security of EKE.

This tutorial can be viewed as a simplified version of the recent work by Januzelli, Roy and Xu (2025); however, we completely rewrite most of the materials there to make them much more approachable to beginners who have just learned the UC framework.
Sora Suegami, Enrico Bottazzi
ePrint Report ePrint Report
Indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) has seen remarkable theoretical progress, yet it remains impractical due to its high complexity and inefficiency. A common bottleneck in recent iO schemes is the reliance on bootstrapping techniques from functional encryption (FE) into iO, which requires recursively invoking the FE encryption algorithm for each input bit—creating a significant barrier to practical iO schemes.

In this work, we propose diamond iO, a new lattice-based iO construction that replaces the costly recursive encryption process with lightweight matrix operations. Our construction is proven secure under the learning with errors (LWE) and evasive LWE assumptions, as well as our new assumption—all-product LWE—in the pseudorandom oracle model. By leveraging the FE scheme for pseudorandom functionalities introduced by Agrawal et al. (ePrint’24) in a non-black-box manner, we remove the reliance on prior FE-to-iO bootstrapping techniques and thereby significantly reduce complexity. A remaining challenge is to reduce our new assumption to standard assumptions such as LWE, further advancing the goal of a practical and sound iO construction.
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