Conference Program

All talks will be held at the Hotel Villa Diodoro

Sunday, March 18

19:00–20:30 Welcome Reception and Registration

Monday, March 19

8:00–8:55 Registration

8:55–9:00 Opening Remarks

9:00–10:35 Secure Computation (Chair: Eyal Kushilevitz)

Computing on Authenticated Data
Jae Hyun Ahn and Dan Boneh and Jan Camenisch and Susan Hohenberger and abhi shelat and Brent Waters

Identifying Cheaters Without an Honest Majority
Yuval Ishai and Rafail Ostrovsky and Hakan Seyalioglu

On the Security of the "Free-XOR" Technique
Seung Geol Choi and Jonathan Katz and Ranjit Kumaresan and Hong-Sheng Zhou

Secure Two-Party Computation with Low Communication
Ivan Damgård and Sebastian Faust and Carmit Hazay

10:35–11:00 Break

11:00–12:00 Invited Talk I (Chair: Ronald Cramer)

Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge
Jens Groth (University College London)

12:00–2:00 Lunch

2:00–3:35 (Blind) Signatures and Threshold Encryption (Chair: Ueli Maurer)

Non-Interactive CCA-Secure Threshold Cryptosystems with Adaptive Security: New Framework and Constructions
Benoît Libert and Moti Yung

Round-Optimal Privacy-Preserving Protocols with Smooth Projective Hash Functions
Olivier Blazy and David Pointcheval and Damien Vergnaud

On the Instantiability of Hash-and-Sign RSA Signatures
Yevgeniy Dodis and Iftach Haitner and Aris Tentes

Beyond the Limitation of Prime-Order Bilinear Groups, and Round Optimal Blind Signatures
Jae Hong Seo and Jung Hee Cheon

3:35–4:05 Break

4:05–5:40 Zero Knowledge and Security Models (Chair: Ivan Damgaard)

On Efficient Zero-Knowledge PCPs
Yuval Ishai and Mohammad Mahmoody and Amit Sahai

Progression-Free Sets and Sublinear Pairing-Based Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments
Helger Lipmaa

Point Obfuscation and 3-round Zero-Knowledge
Nir Bitansky and Omer Paneth

Confidentiality and Integrity: A Constructive Perspective
Ueli Maurer and Andreas Rűedlinger and Bjőrn Tackmann

Tuesday, March 20

9:00–10:10 Leakage-Resilience (Chair: Tatsuaki Okamoto)

Leakage-Resilient Circuits without Computational Assumptions
Stefan Dziembowski and Sebastian Faust

A Parallel Repetition Theorem for Leakage Resilience
Zvika Brakerski and Yael Tauman Kalai

Leakage-Tolerant Interactive Protocols
Nir Bitansky and Ran Canetti and Shai Halevi

10:10–10:40 Break

10:40–11:30 Hash Functions (Chair: Hugo Krawczyk)

On the Public Indifferentiability and Correlation Intractability of the 6-Round Feistel Construction
Avradip Mandal and Jacques Patarin and Yannick Seurin

Collisions are not Incidental: A Compression Function Exploiting Discrete Geometry
Dimitar Jetchev and Onur Őzen and Martijn Stam

11:30–12:15 Differential Privacy (Chair: Amos Beimel)

Lower bounds in Differential Privacy
Anindya De

Iterative Constructions and Private Data Release
Anupam Gupta and Aaron Roth and Jonathan Ullman

12:15–2:00 Lunch

2:00–3:10 Pseudorandomness I (Chair: Yevgeniy Dodis)

From Non-Adaptive to Adaptive Pseudorandom Functions
Itay Berman and Iftach Haitner

Hardness Preserving Constructions of Pseudorandom Functions
Abhishek Jain and Krzysztof Pietrzak and Aris Tentes

Computational Extractors and Pseudorandomness
Dana Dachman-Soled and Rosario Gennaro and Hugo Krawczyk and Tal Malkin

3:10–3:40 Break

3:40–4:50 Encryption with Extended Functionality I (Chair: Tal Malkin)

Functional Re-encryption and Collusion-Resistant Obfuscation
Nishanth Chandran and Melissa Chase and Vinod Vaikuntanathan

How to Delegate and Verify in Public: Verifiable Computation from Attribute-based Encryption
Bryan Parno and Mariana Raykova and Vinod Vaikuntanathan

On Black-Box Reductions between Predicate Encryption Schemes
Vipul Goyal and Virendra Kumar and Satya Lokam and Mohammad Mahmoody

4:50–5:35 Security Amplification (Chair: Yehuda Lindell)

Lossy Functions Do Not Amplify Well
Krzysztof Pietrzak and Alon Rosen and Gil Segev

Counterexamples to Hardness Amplification Beyond Negligible
Yevgeniy Dodis and Abhishek Jain and Tal Moran and Daniel Wichs

8:00–8:10 Business Meeting (Chair: Oded Goldreich)

8:10 Rump Session (Chair: Tal Malkin)

Location: Hotel Villa Diodoro

Wednesday, March 21

9:00–10:10 Resettable and Parallel Zero Knowledge (Chair: Ran Canetti)

Resettable Statistical Zero Knowledge
Sanjam Garg and Rafail Ostrovsky and Ivan Visconti and Akshay Wadia

The Knowledge Tightness of Parallel Zero-Knowledge
Kai-Min Chung and Rafael Pass and Wei-Lung Dustin Tseng

Simultaneously Resettable Arguments of Knowledge
Chongwon Cho and Rafail Ostrovsky and Alessandra Scafuro and Ivan Visconti

10:10–10:40 Break

10:40–11:40 Invited Talk II (Chair: Ronald Cramer)

Locally Decodable Codes
Sergey Yekhanin (Microsoft Research)

11:40–1:45 Lunch

1:45–2:55 Encryption with Extended Functionality II (Chair: Daniel Wichs)

Subspace LWE
Krzysztof Pietrzak

Bounded-Collusion IBE from Key Homomorphism
Shafi Goldwasser and Allison Lewko and David A. Wilson

A Unified Approach to Deterministic Encryption: New Constructions and a Connection to Computational Entropy
Benjamin Fuller and Adam O'Neill and Leonid Reyzin

2:55–3:30 Break

3:30–4:40 Pseudorandomness II (Chair: Dario Catalano)

A Dichotomy for Local Small-Bias Generators
Benny Applebaum and Andrej Bogdanov and Alon Rosen

Randomness Condensers for Efficiently Samplable, Seed-Dependent Sources
Yevgeniy Dodis and Thomas Ristenpart and Salil Vadhan

Uniqueness is a Different Story: Impossibility of Verifiable Random Functions from Trapdoor Permutations
Dario Fiore and Dominique Schrőder

4:40–4:45 Farewell