Twelfth IACR Theory of Cryptography Conference
TCC 2015
March 23 to 25, 2015
Warsaw, Poland
TCC 2015: Program
The links in the program are to the extended versions of the papers (usually posted on the IACR eprint archive). To download a zipped file containing all these papers click [here].The online proceedings are also available on Springer's site here: [LNCS 9014,LNCS 9015].
A 2-page pdf version of the program is available here.
Conference Program
All events will take place at the Warsaw Sheraton Hotel.
Sunday, March 22
17:00–19:00 Welcome Reception
Monday, March 23
8:45–9:00 Opening Remarks
9:00–10:40 Foundations (Chair: Mohammad Mahmoody)
9:00-9:20 |
“On Basing Size-Verifiable One-Way Functions on NP-Hardness” |
Andrej Bogdanov (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Christina Brzuska (Tel Aviv University) |
9:20-9:40 |
“The Randomized Iterate Revisited - Almost Linear Seed Length PRGs from A Broader Class of One-way Functions” |
Yu Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Dawu Gu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Xiangxue Li (East China Normal University), Jian Weng (Jinan University) |
9:40-10:00 |
“The Power of Negations in Cryptography” |
Siyao Guo (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Tal Malkin (Columbia University), Igor C. Oliveira (Columbia University), Alon Rosen (IDC Herzliya, Israel) |
10:00-10:20 |
“From Weak to Strong Zero-Knowledge and Applications” |
Kai-Min Chung (Academia Sinica), Edward Lui (Cornell University), Rafael Pass (Cornell University) |
10:20-10:40 |
“An Efficient Transform from Sigma Protocols to NIZK with a CRS and Non-Programmable Random Oracle” |
Yehuda Lindell (Bar Ilan University) |
10:40–11:10 Coffee Break
Symmetric Key Cryptography (Chair: Yevgeniy Dodis)
“On the Indifferentiability of Key-Alternating Feistel Ciphers with No Key Derivation” |
Chun Guo (State Key Laboratory of Information Security (SKLOIS), Institute of Information Engineering (IIE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)), Dongdai Lin (State Key Laboratory of Information Security (SKLOIS), Institute of Information Engineering (IIE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)) |
11:30–12:30 Invited Talk I (Chair: Yevgeniy Dodis)
“Block Ciphers: From Practice back to Theory” |
John P. Steinberger (Tsinghua University) |
Lunch (provided)
14:00–15:40 Multiparty Computation (Chair: Martin Hirt)
14:00-14:20 |
“A Little Honesty Goes a Long Way: The Two-Tier Model for Secure Multiparty Computation” |
Juan Garay (Yahoo Labs), Ran Gelles (Princeton University), David Johnson (Columbia University), Aggelos Kiayias (University of Athens) and Moti Yung (Google, Columbia University) |
14:20-14:40 |
“Topology-Hiding Computation” |
Tal Moran (Herzliya IDC), Ilan Orlov (Herzliya IDC), Silas Richelson (UCLA) |
14:40-15:00 |
Physical Computation using Disposable Circuits” |
Ben Fisch (Columbia University), Daniel Freund (Cornell University), Moni Naor (Weizmann Institute) |
15:00-15:20 |
“Complete Characterization of Fairness in Secure Two-Party Computation of Boolean Functions” |
Gilad Asharov (School of Computer Science & Engineering, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel), Amos Beimel (Department of Computer Science, Ben Gurion University, Be’er Sheva, Israel), Nikolaos Makriyannis (Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain), Eran Omri (Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel) |
15:20-15:40 |
Efficiency/Security Trade-offs in 2PC” |
Vladimir Kolesnikov (Bell Labs), Payman Mohassel (Yahoo Labs), Ben Riva (Bar-Ilan University), Mike Rosulek (Oregon State University) |
15:40–16:10 Coffee Break
16:10–17:30 Concurrent and Resettable Security (Chair: Yuval Ishai)
16:10-16:30 |
“Round-Efficient Concurrently Composable Secure Computation via a Robust Extraction Lemma” |
Vipul Goyal (Microsoft Research), Huijia Lin (UCSB), Omkant Pandey (UIUC), Rafael Pass (Cornell Tech), Amit Sahai (UCLA) |
16:30-16:50 |
Alternative Approach to Non-black-box Simulation
in Fully Concurrent Setting” |
Susumu Kiyoshima (NTT) |
16:50-17:10 |
"General Statistically Secure Computation with Bounded-Resettable Hardware Tokens" |
Nico Döttling (Aarhus University, Denmark), Daniel Kraschewski (TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Munich, Germany), Jörn Müller-Quade (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Tobias Nilges (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) |
17:10-17:30 |
“Resettably Sound Zero-Knoweldge Arguments from OWFs - the (semi) Black-Box way” |
Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA, USA), Alessandra Scafuro (Boston University & Northeastern University, USA), Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam (University of Rochester, USA) |
Tuesday, March 24
Non-malleable Codes and Tampering (Chair: Nico Döttling)
9:00-9:20 |
“A Rate-Optimizing Compiler for Non-malleable Codes Against Bit-wise Tampering and Permutations” |
Shashank Agrawal (UIUC), Divya Gupta (UCLA), Hemanta K. Maji (UCLA), Omkant Pandey (UIUC), Manoj Prabhakaran (UIUC) |
9:20-9:40 |
“Leakage-resilient non-malleable codes” |
Divesh Aggarwal (EPFL), Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw), Tomasz Kazana (University of Warsaw), Maciej Obremski (University of Warsaw) |
9:40-10:00 |
“Locally Decodable and Updatable Non-Malleable Codes and Their Applications” |
Dana Dachman-Soled (UMD), Feng-Hao Liu (UMD), Elaine Shi (UMD), Hong-Sheng Zhou (VCU) |
10:00-10:20 |
“Tamper Detection and Continuous Non-Malleable Codes” |
Zahra Jafargholi (Northeastern University), Daniel Wichs (Northeastern University) |
10:20-10:40 |
“Optimal Algebraic Manipulation Detection Codes in the Constant-Error Model” |
Ronald Cramer (CWI Amsterdam & Mathematical Institute, Leiden University), Carles Padro (UPC Barcelona), Chaoping Xing (NTU Singapore) |
10:40–11:10 Coffee Break
Privacy Amplification (Chair: Yevgeniy Dodis)
“Non-Malleable Condensers for Arbitrary Min-Entropy, and Almost Optimal Protocols for Privacy Amplification” |
Xin Li, (Johns Hopkins University) |
11:30–12:30 Invited Talk II (Chair: Yevgeniy Dodis)
“Wyner's Wire-Tap Channel, Forty Years Later” |
Leonid Reyzin (Boston University) |
Lunch (provided)
14:00–15:40 Encryption and Key Exchange (Chair: Stefano Tessaro)
14:00-14:20 |
“From Single-Bit to Multi-Bit Public-Key Encryption via Non-Malleable Codes” |
Sandro Coretti (ETH Zurich), Ueli Maurer (ETH Zurich), Björn Tackmann (UC San Diego), Daniele Venturi (Sapienza University of Rome) |
14:20-14:40 |
and Understanding Chosen Ciphertext Security via
Puncturable Key Encapsulation Mechanisms” |
Takahiro Matsuda (RISEC, AIST, Japan), Goichiro Hanaoka (RISEC, AIST, Japan) |
14:40-15:00 |
encryption from Phi-hiding” |
Brett Hemenway (UPenn), Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA), Alon Rosen (IDC Herzliya) |
15:00-15:20 |
“On the Regularity of Lossy RSA: Improved Bounds and Applications to Padding-Based Encryption” |
Adam Smith, Ye Zhang (Penn State University) |
15:20-15:40 |
“Tightly-Secure Authenticated Key Exchange” |
Christoph Bader (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany), Dennis Hofheinz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Tibor Jager (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany), Eike Kiltz (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany), Yong Li (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) |
15:40–16:10 Coffee Break
16:10–17:50 Pseudorandom Functions and Applications (Chair: Benny Applebaum)
16:10-16:35 |
“Constrained Key-Homomorphic PRFs from LWE (Or) How to Secretly Embed a Circuit in Your PRF” |
Zvika Brakerski (Weizmann Institute of Science), Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT) |
joint slot with: |
Constrained Pseudorandom Functions” |
Abhishek Banerjee (Georgia Institute of Technology), Georg Fuchsbauer (IST Austria), Chris Peikert (Georgia Institute of Technology), Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria), Sophie Stevens (University of Bristol) |
16:35-16:55 |
“Aggregate Pseudorandom Functions and Connections to Learning” |
Aloni Cohen (MIT), Shafi Goldwasser (MIT & the Weizmann Institute of Science), Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT) |
16:55-17:15 |
“Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation and Secure Set-Intersection from Algebraic PRFs” |
Carmit Hazay (Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Israel) |
17:15-17:35 |
“Verifiable Random Functions from Weaker Assumptions” |
Tibor Jager (Ruhr-University Bochum) |
17:35–19:00 Break
Cocktail (Food and Drinks)
19:00-19:30 |
Business Meeting and Test of Time Award |
19:30-21:00 |
Rump Session (Chair: Krzysztof
Pietrzak), |
Wednesday, March 25
Proofs and Verifiable Computation (Chair: Carmit Hazay)
9:00-9:20 |
Verifiable Computation with Stronger Security
Guarantees” |
S. Dov Gordon (Applied Communication Sciences), Jonathan Katz (University of Maryland), Feng-Hao Liu (University of Maryland), Elaine Shi (University of Maryland), Hong-Sheng Zhou (Virginia Commonwealth University) |
9:20-9:40 |
“Public Verification of Private Effort” |
Giulia Alberini (McGill), Tal Moran (IDC Herzliya), Alon Rosen (IDC Herzliya) |
9:40-10:00 |
“Primary-Secondary-Resolver Membership Proof Systems” |
Moni Naor, Asaf Ziv (Weizmann Institute of Science) |
10:00-10:20 |
“Tight Parallel Repetition Theorems for Public-Coin Arguments using KL-divergence” |
Kai-Min Chung (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Rafael Pass (Cornell University) |
10:20-10:40 |
Groth-Sahai: NIZK Proofs of Partial
Satisfiability" |
Carla Ràfols (Ruhr-University Bochum) |
10:40–11:10 Coffee Break
11:10–11:30 Differential Privacy (Chair: Omer Paneth)
“Outlier Privacy” |
Edward Lui (Cornell University), Rafael Pass (Cornell University) |
11:30–12:30 Functional Encryption (Chair: Omer Paneth)
11:30-11:50 |
“Function-Private Functional Encryption in the Private-Key Setting” |
Zvika Brakerski (Weizmann Institute), Gil Segev (Hebrew University) |
11:50-12:10 |
“Functional Encryption for Randomized Functionalities” |
Vipul Goyal (Microsoft Research), Abhishek Jain (JHU), Venkata Koppula (UT-Austin), Amit Sahai (UCLA) |
12:10-12:30 |
“Functional Encryption for Randomized Functionalities in the Private-Key Setting from Minimal Assumptions” |
Ilan Komargodski (Weizmann institute of Science), Gil Segev (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Eylon Yogev (Weizmann institute of Science) |
Lunch (provided)
14:00–15:40 Obfuscation I (Chair: Shai Halevi)
14:00-14:20 |
“Separations in Circular Security for Arbitrary Length Key Cycles” |
Venkata Koppula, Kim Ramchen, Brent Waters (University of Texas, Austin) |
14:20-14:40 |
“ZAPs and Non-Interactive Witness Indistinguishability from Indistinguishability Obfuscation” |
Nir Bitansky (MIT), Omer Paneth (Boston University) |
14:40-15:00 |
“Random-Oracle Uninstantiability from Indistinguishability Obfuscation” |
Christina Brzuska (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK), Pooya Farshim (Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK), Arno Mittelbach (Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany) |
15:00-15:20 |
Obfuscation with Random Oracles” |
Ran Canetti (Boston University & Tel Aviv University), Yael Tauman Kalai (Microsoft Research), Omer Paneth (Boston University) |
15:20-15:40 |
"Obfuscation of Probabilistic Circuits and Applications" |
Ran Canetti (Boston University & Tel Aviv University), Huijia Lin (UC Santa Barbara), Stefano Tessaro (UC Santa Barbara), Vinod Vaikuntanathan (MIT) |
15:40–16:10 Coffee Break
16:10–17:40 Obfuscation II (Chair: Nir Bitansky)
16:10-16:30 |
“Graph-Induced Multilinear Maps from Lattices” |
Craig Gentry (IBM), Sergey Gorbunov (MIT), Shai Halevi (IBM) |
16:30-16:50 |
“Obfuscating Circuits via Composite-Order Graded Encoding” |
Benny Applebaum (Tel Aviv University), Zvika Brakerski (Weizmann Institute of Science) |
16:50-17:15 |
“Adaptively Secure Two-party Computation From Indistinguishability Obfuscation” |
Ran Canetti (Tel Aviv University & Boston University), Shafi Goldwasser (Weizmann Institute & MIT), Oxana Poburinnaya (Boston University) |
joint slot with: |
"Adaptively Secure, Universally Composable, Multi-Party Computation in Constant Rounds" |
Dana Dachman-Soled (UMD), Jonathan Katz (UMD), Vanishree Rao (UCLA) |
and |
“Two-Round Adaptively Secure MPC from Indistinguishability Obfuscation” |
Sanjam Garg (University of California, Berkeley), Antigoni Polychroniadou (Aarhus University) |
17:15-17:40 |
“Obfuscation-based Non-black-box Simulation and Four Message Concurrent Zero Knowledge for NP” |
Omkant Pandey (UIUC), Manoj Prabhakaran (UIUC), Amit Sahai (UCLA) |
17:15-17:40 |
“Public Coin Differing-Inputs Obfuscation and Its Applications” |
Yuval Ishai (Technion), Omkant Pandey (UIUC), Amit Sahai (UCLA) |
17:40 Farewell