TCC 2016-A: Program
Sunday, January 10
18:00—20:00    Welcome Reception ( Will be held at The Porter School of Environmental Studies Building)
Monday, January 11
08:50—09:00 Opening Remarks
09:00—10:40 Obfuscation I (Chair: Christina Brzuska)
Impossibility of VBB Obfuscation with Ideal Constant-Degree Graded Encodings
Joint slot with
On the Impossibility of Virtual Black-Box Obfuscation in Idealized Models
Mohammad Mahmoody, Ameer Mohammed, and Soheil Nematihaji
Lower Bounds on Assumptions behind Indistinguishability Obfuscation
Mohammad Mahmoody, Ameer Mohammed, Soheil Nematihaji, Rafael
Pass, and abhi shelat
Indistinguishability Obfuscation: from Approximate to Exact
Nir Bitansky and Vinod Vaikuntanathan
Output-Compressing Randomized Encodings and Applications
Huijia Lin, Rafael Pass, Karn Seth, and Sidharth Telang
Functional Encryption for Turing
Prabhanjan Ananth and Amit Sahai 10:40—11:10
Coffee Break 11:10—12:10
Invited Talk (Test of Time Award, Chair: Tal Malkin) Differential Privacy: Ten Years of Making Noise Cynthia Dwork, Frank McSherry, Kobbi Nissim, Adam Smith 12:10—13:40
Lunch Break 13:40—14:20
Differential Privacy (Chair: Adam Smith) 13:40—14:00 The Complexity of Computing the
Optimal Composition of Differential Privacy Jack Murtagh and Salil Vadhan 14:00—14:20 Order-Revealing Encryption and the
Hardness of Private Learning Mark Bun and Mark Zhandry 14:20—15:00
LWR and LPN (Chair: Vinod Vaikuntanathan) 14:20—14:40 On the Hardness of Learning with
Rounding over Small Modulus Andrej Bogdanov, Siyao Guo, Daniel Masny, Silas Richelson,
and Alon Rosen 14:40—15:00 Two-Round Man-in-the-Middle
Security from LPN David Cash, Eike Kiltz, and Stefano Tessaro 15:00—15:30
Coffee Break 15:30—16:50
Public Key Encryption, Signatures, and VRF (Chair: Nir Bitansky) 15:30—15:50 Algebraic partitioning: Fully
compact and (almost) tightly secure Cryptography 15:50—16:10 Standard Security Does Imply
Security Against Selective Opening for Markov Distributions Georg Fuchsbauer, Felix Heuer, Eike Kiltz, and Krzysztof
Pietrzak 16:10—16:30 Non-Malleable Encryption: Simpler,
Shorter, Stronger Sandro Coretti, Yevgeniy Dodis, Bjorn Tackmann, and Daniele
Venturi 16:30—16:50 Verifiable Random Functions from
Standard Assumptions Dennis Hofheinz and Tibor Jager 16:50—17:30
Complexity of Cryptographic Primitives (Chair:Amos Beimel) 16:50—17:10 Homomorphic evaluation requires
depth Andrej Bogdanov and Chin Ho Lee 17:10—17:30 On Basing Private Information
Retrieval on NP-Hardness Tianren Liu and Vinod Vaikuntanathan Tuesday, January 12 09:00—10:20
Obfuscation II (Chair: Zvika Brakerski) 09:00—09:20 On the Correlation Intractability
of Obfuscated Pseudorandom Functions Ran Canetti, Yilei Chen, and Leonid Reyzin 09:20—09:40 Reconfigurable Cryptography: A flexible
approach to long-term security Julia Hesse, Dennis Hofheinz, and Andy Rupp 09:40—10:00 Multilinear Maps from Obfuscation Martin R. Albrecht, Pooya Farshim, Dennis Hofheinz, Enrique Larraia,
and Kenneth G. Paterson 10:00—10:20 Perfect Structure on the Edge of
Chaos Nir Bitansky, Omer Paneth, and Daniel Wichs 10:20—10:50
Coffee Break 10:50—12:20
Cryptographic Assumptions: Invited Talk and Panel 10:50—11:10 Cryptographic Assumptions: A
Position Paper (Invited Talk) Shafi Goldwasser and Yael Tauman Kalai 11:10—12:20 Panel: Shai Halevi, Yael Tauman Kalai, Moni Naor 12:20—13:50
Lunch Break 13:50—15:10
Multiparty Computation (Chair: Yuval Ishai) 13:50—14:10 Adaptive Security with
Quasi-Optimal Rate Brett Hemenway, Rafail Ostrovsky, Silas Richelson, and Alon
Rosen 14:10—14:30 On the Complexity of Additively
Homomorphic UC Commitments Tore Kasper Frederiksen, Thomas P. Jakobsen, Jesper Buus
Nielsen, and Roberto Trifiletti 14:30—14:50 Simplified Universal Composability
Framework 14:50—15:10 Characterization of Secure
Multiparty Computation Without Broadcast Ran Cohen, Iftach Haitner, Eran Omri, and Lior Rotem 15:10—15:40
Coffee Break 15:40—17:20
Zero Knowledge and PCP (Chair: Masa Abe) 15:40—16:00 Making the Best of a Leaky
Situation: Zero-Knowledge PCPs from Leakage-Resilient Circuits Yuval Ishai, Mor Weiss, and Guang Yang 16:00—16:20 Quasi-Linear Size Zero Knowledge
from Linear-Algebraic PCPs Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Ariel Gabizon, and Madars
Virza 16:20—16:40 From Private Simultaneous Messages
to Zero-Information Arthur-Merlin Protocols and Back Benny Applebaum and Pavel Raykov 16:40—17:00 Michele Ciampi, Giuseppe Persiano, Luisa Siniscalchi, and
Ivan Visconti 17:00—17:20 Improved OR Composition of
Sigma-Protocols Michele Ciampi, Giuseppe Persiano, Alessandra Scafuro, Luisa
Siniscalchi, and Ivan Visconti 18:30—21:00
Business Meeting & Rump Session (Chair: Abhi Shelat) Wednesday, January 13 09:00—10:00
Oblivious RAM (Chair: Melissa Chase) 09:00—09:20 Onion ORAM: A Constant Bandwidth
Blowup Oblivious RAM Srinivas Devadas, Marten van Dijk, Christopher W. Fletcher,
Ling Ren, Elaine Shi, and Daniel Wichs 09:20—09:40 Oblivious Parallel RAM and
Applications Elette Boyle, Kai-Min Chung, and Rafael Pass 09:40—10:00 Oblivious Parallel RAM: Improved Efficiency
and Generic Constructions Binyi Chen, Huijia Lin, and Stefano Tessaro 10:00—10:40
ABE and IBE (Chair: Gil Segev) 10:00—10:20 10:20—10:40 A Study of Pair Encodings:
Predicate Encryption in Prime Order Groups Shashank Agrawal and Melissa Chase 10:40—11:10
Coffee Break 11:10—12:10
Invited Talk (Chair: Eyal Kushilevitz) Non-Malleable Codes 12:10—13:40
Lunch Break 13:40—15:20
Codes and Interactive Proofs (Chair: Guy Rothblum) 13:40—14:00 Optimal Amplification of Noisy
Leakages Stefan Dziembowski, Sebastian Faust, and Maciej Skórski 14:00—14:20 Siyao Guo, Pavel Hubacek, Alon Rosen, and Margarita Vald 14:20—14:40 Interactive Coding for Interactive
Proofs Allison Bishop and Yevgeniy Dodis 14:40—15:00 Information-theoretic Local
Non-malleable Codes and their Applications Nishanth Chandran, Bhavana Kanukurthi, and Srinivasan Raghuraman 15:00—15:20 Optimal Computational Split-state
Non-malleable Codes Divesh Aggarwal, Shashank Agrawal, Divya Gupta, Hemanta K. Maji,
Omkant Pandey, and Manoj Prabhakaran 15:20—15:50
Coffee Break 15:50—17:10
Obfuscation III (Chair: Nishanth Chandran) 15:50—16:10 How to Avoid Obfuscation Using
Witness PRFs Mark Zhandry Joint slot
with Cutting-Edge Cryptography Through
the Lens of Secret Sharing Ilan Komargodski and Mark Zhandry 16:10—16:30 Functional Encryption without
Obfuscation Sanjam Garg, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, and Mark Zhandry 16:30—16:50 On Constructing OWPs from
Indistinguishability Obfuscation 16:50—17:10 Contention in Cryptoland: Obfuscation,
Leakage and UCE Mihir Bellare, Igors Stepanovs, and Stefano Tessaro Joint slot
with Point-Function Obfuscation: A
Framework and Generic Constructions Mihir Bellare and Igors Stepanovs 17:10
(Chair Hugo Krawczyk), Rafi Ostrovsky