Gennaro Avitabile
Signature-based Witness Encryption with Compact Ciphertext
Signature-based witness encryption (SWE) is a recently proposed notion that allows to encrypt a message with respect to a tag $T$ and a set of signature verification keys. The resulting ciphertext can only be decrypted by a party who holds at least $k$ different valid signatures w.r.t. $T$ and $k$ different verification keys out of the $n$ keys specified at encryption time. Natural applications of this primitive involve distributed settings (e.g., blockchains), where multiple parties sign predictable messages, such as polling or randomness beacons. However, known SWE schemes without trusted setup have ciphertexts that scale linearly in the number of verification keys. This quickly becomes a major bottleneck as the system gets more distributed and the number of parties increases.
Towards showing the feasibility of SWE with ciphertext size sub-linear in the number of keys, we give a construction based on indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) for Turing machines and a new flavour of puncturable signatures that we call \emph{strongly} puncturable signatures (SPS). SPS allows to generate key pairs which are strongly punctured at a message $T$, meaning that with overwhelming probability no valid signature exists for message $T$ under the punctured key pair. Moreover, punctured keys are indistinguishable from standard non-punctured keys.
Black-Box Timed Commitments from Time-Lock Puzzles
A Timed Commitment (TC) with time parameter $t$ is hiding for time at most $t$, that is, commitments can be force-opened by any third party within time $t$. In addition to various cryptographic assumptions, the security of all known TC schemes relies on the sequentiality assumption of repeated squarings in hidden-order groups. The repeated squaring assumption is therefore a security bottleneck.
In this work, we give a black-box construction of TCs from any time-lock puzzle (TLP) by additionally relying on one-way permutations and collision-resistant hashing.
Currently, TLPs are known from (a) the specific repeated squaring assumption, (b) the general (necessary) assumption on the \emph{existence of worst-case non-parallelizing languages} and indistinguishability obfuscation, and (c) any iteratively sequential function and the hardness of the circular small-secret LWE problem. The latter admits a plausibly post-quantum secure instantiation.
Hence, thanks to the generality of our transform, we get i) the first TC whose \emph{timed} security is based on the the existence of non-parallelizing languages and ii) the first TC that is plausibly post-quantum secure.
We first define \emph{quasi publicly-verifiable} TLPs (QPV-TLPs) and construct them from any standard TLP in a black-box manner without relying on any additional assumptions. Then, we devise a black-box commit-and-prove system to transform any QPV-TLPs into a TC.
Extendable Threshold Ring Signatures with Enhanced Anonymity
Threshold ring signatures are digital signatures that allow $t$ parties to sign a message while hiding their identity in a larger set of $n$ users called ``ring''.
Recently, Aranha et al. [PKC 2022] introduced the notion of \emph{extendable} threshold ring signatures ($\etrs$).
$\etrs$ allow one to update, in a non-interactive manner, a threshold ring signature on a certain message so that the updated signature has a greater threshold, and/or an augmented set of potential signers.
An application of this primitive is anonymous count me in.
A first signer creates a ring signature with a sufficiently large ring announcing a proposition in the signed message. After such cause becomes \emph{public}, other parties can anonymously decide to support that proposal by producing an updated signature. Crucially, such applications rely on partial signatures being posted on a \emph{publicly accessible} bulletin board since users may not know/trust each other.
In this paper, we first point out that even if anonymous count me in was suggested as an application of $\etrs$, the anonymity notion proposed in the previous work is insufficient in many application scenarios. Indeed, the existing notion guarantees anonymity only against adversaries who just see the last signature, and are not allowed to access the ``full evolution" of an $\etrs$. This is in stark contrast with applications where partial signatures are posted in a public bulletin board.
We therefore propose stronger anonymity definitions and construct a new $\etrs$ that satisfies such definitions. Interestingly, while satisfying stronger anonymity properties, our $\etrs$ asymptotically improves on the two $\etrs$ presented in prior work [PKC 2022] in terms of both time complexity and signature size.
Our $\etrs$ relies on extendable non-interactive witness-indistinguishable proof of knowledge ($\ps$ PoK), a novel technical tool that we formalize and construct, and that may be of independent interest. We build our constructions from pairing groups under the SXDH assumption.
- Hamza Abusalah (1)
- Gennaro Avitabile (3)
- Vincenzo Botta (1)
- Nico Döttling (1)
- Dario Fiore (1)
- Bernardo Magri (1)
- Christos Sakkas (1)
- Stella Wohnig (1)