International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Michiel Verbauwhede


Ultrametric integral cryptanalysis
Tim Beyne Michiel Verbauwhede
A systematic method to analyze divisibility properties is proposed. In integral cryptanalysis, divisibility properties interpolate between bits that sum to zero (divisibility by two) and saturated bits (divisibility by $2^{n - 1}$ for $2^n$ inputs). From a theoretical point of view, we construct a new cryptanalytic technique that is a non-Archimedean multiplicative analogue of linear cryptanalysis. It lifts integral cryptanalysis to characteristic zero in the sense that, if all quantities are reduced modulo two, then one recovers the algebraic theory of integral cryptanalysis. The new technique leads to a theory of trails. We develop a tool based on off-the-shelf solvers that automates the analysis of these trails and use it to show that many integral distinguishers on Present and Simon are stronger than expected.
Integral Cryptanalysis Using Algebraic Transition Matrices
Tim Beyne Michiel Verbauwhede
In this work we introduce algebraic transition matrices as the basis for a new approach to integral cryptanalysis that unifies monomial trails (Hu et al., Asiacrypt 2020) and parity sets (Boura and Canteaut, Crypto 2016). Algebraic transition matrices allow for the computation of the algebraic normal form of a primitive based on the algebraic normal forms of its components by means of wellunderstood operations from linear algebra. The theory of algebraic transition matrices leads to better insight into the relation between integral properties of F and F−1. In addition, we show that the link between invariants and eigenvectors of correlation matrices (Beyne, Asiacrypt 2018) carries over to algebraic transition matrices. Finally, algebraic transition matrices suggest a generalized definition of integral properties that subsumes previous notions such as extended division properties (Lambin, Derbez and Fouque, DCC 2020). On the practical side, a new algorithm is described to search for these generalized properties and applied to Present, resulting in new properties. The algorithm can be instantiated with any existing automated search method for integral cryptanalysis.


Tim Beyne (2)
Michiel Verbauwhede (2)