Akin Ünal
On the Soundness of Algebraic Attacks against Code-based Assumptions
We study recent algebraic attacks (Briaud-Øygarden EC’23) on the Regular Syndrome Decoding (RSD) problem and the assumptions underlying the correctness of the attack’s complexity estimates. By relating these assumptions to interesting algebraic-combinatorial problems, we prove that they do not hold in full generality. However, we show that they are (asymptotically) true for most parameter sets, supporting the soundness of algebraic attacks on RSD. Further, we prove—without any heuristics or assumptions—that RSD can be broken in polynomial time whenever the number of error blocks times the square of the size of error blocks is larger than 2 times the square of the dimension of the code. Additionally, we use our methodology to attack a variant of the Learning With Errors problem where each error term lies in a fixed set of constant size. We prove that this problem can be broken in polynomial time, given a sufficient number of samples. This result improves on the seminal work by Arora and Ge (ICALP’11), as the attack’s time complexity is independent of the LWE modulus.
Compact Selective Opening Security From LWE
Selective opening (SO) security is a security notion for public-key
encryption schemes that captures security against adaptive corruptions of
senders. SO security comes in chosen-plaintext (SO-CPA) and chosen-ciphertext
(SO-CCA) variants, neither of which is implied by standard security notions
like IND-CPA or IND-CCA security.
In this paper, we present the first SO-CCA secure encryption scheme that
combines the following two properties: (1) it has a constant ciphertext
expansion (i.e., ciphertexts are only larger than plaintexts by a constant
factor), and (2) its security can be proven from a standard assumption.
Previously, the only known SO-CCA secure encryption scheme achieving (1) was
built from an ad-hoc assumption in the RSA regime.
Our construction builds upon LWE, and in particular on a new and surprisingly
simple construction of compact lossy trapdoor functions (LTFs). Our LTF can
be converted into an “all-but-many LTF” (or ABM-LTF), which is known to be
sufficient to obtain SO-CCA security. Along the way, we fix a technical
problem in that previous ABM-LTF-based construction of SO-CCA security.
Lower Bounds for Lattice-based Compact Functional Encryption
Functional encryption (FE) is a primitive where the holder of a master secret key
can control which functions a user can evaluate on encrypted data. It is a powerful
primitive that even implies indistinguishability obfuscation (iO), given sufficiently
compact ciphertexts (Ananth-Jain, CRYPTO'15 and Bitansky-Vaikuntanathan, FOCS'15).
However, despite being extensively studied, there are FE schemes,
such as function-hiding inner-product FE (Bishop-Jain-Kowalczyk, AC'15,
Abdalla-Catalano-Fiore-Gay-Ursu, CRYPTO’18) and compact quadratic FE
(Baltico-Catalano-Fiore-Gay, Lin, CRYPTO’17),
that can be only realized using pairings. This raises the question if there are some
mathematical barriers that hinder us from realizing these FE schemes from other assumptions.
In this paper, we study the difficulty of constructing lattice-based compact FE. We
generalize the impossibility results of Ünal (EC'20) for lattice-based function-hiding
FE, and extend it to the case of compact FE.
Concretely, we prove lower bounds for lattice-based compact FE schemes which meet
some (natural) algebraic restrictions at encryption and decryption, and have
ciphertexts of linear size and secret keys of minimal degree. We see our results as
important indications of why it is hard to construct lattice-based FE schemes for new
functionalities, and which mathematical barriers have to be overcome.
Evasive LWE Assumptions: Definitions, Classes, and Counterexamples
The evasive LWE assumption, proposed by Wee [Eurocrypt'22 Wee] for constructing a lattice-based optimal broadcast encryption, has shown to be a powerful assumption, adopted by subsequent works to construct advanced primitives ranging from ABE variants to obfuscation for null circuits. However, a closer look reveals significant differences among the precise assumption statements involved in different works, leading to the fundamental question of how these assumptions compare to each other. In this work, we initiate a more systematic study on evasive LWE assumptions:
(i) Based on the standard LWE assumption, we construct simple counterexamples against three private-coin evasive LWE variants, used in [Crypto'22 Tsabary, Asiacrypt'22 VWW, Crypto'23 ARYY] respectively, showing that these assumptions are unlikely to hold.
(ii) Based on existing evasive LWE variants and our counterexamples, we propose and define three classes of plausible evasive LWE assumptions, suitably capturing all existing variants for which we are not aware of non-obfuscation-based counterexamples.
(iii) We show that under our assumption formulations, the security proofs of [Asiacrypt'22 VWW] and [Crypto'23 ARYY] can be recovered, and we reason why the security proof of [Crypto'22 Tsabary] is also plausibly repairable using an appropriate evasive LWE assumption.
- Chris Brzuska (1)
- Dennis Hofheinz (1)
- Kristina Hostáková (1)
- Julia Kastner (1)
- Karen Klein (1)
- Simon-Philipp Merz (1)
- Miguel Cueto Noval (1)
- Patrick Stählin (1)
- Erkan Tairi (1)
- Akin Ünal (4)
- Ivy K. Y. Woo (1)