Phillip Nazarian
Stronger Security for Threshold Blind Signatures
Blind signatures allow a user to obtain a signature from an issuer in a privacy-preserving way: the issuer neither learns the signed message, nor can link the signature to its issuance. The threshold version of blind signatures further splits the secret key among n issuers, and requires the user to obtain at least t ≤ n of signature shares in order to derive the final signature. Security should then hold as long as at most t − 1 issuers are corrupt. Security for blind signatures is expressed through the notion of one-more unforgeability and demands that an adversary must not be able to produce more signatures than what is considered trivial after its interactions with the honest issuer(s). While one-more unforgeability is well understood for the single-issuer setting, the situation is much less clear in the threshold case: due to the blind issuance, counting which interactions can yield a trivial signature is a challenging task. Existing works bypass that challenge by using simplified models that do not fully capture the expectations of the threshold setting. In this work, we study the security of threshold blind signatures, and propose a framework of one-more unforgeability notions where the adversary can corrupt c < t issuers. Our model is generic enough to capture both interactive and non-interactive protocols, and it provides a set of natural properties with increasingly stronger guarantees, giving the issuers gradually more control over how their shares can be combined. As a point of comparison, we reconsider the existing threshold blind signature models and show that their security guarantees are weaker and less clearly comprehensible than they seem. We then re-assess the security of existing threshold blind signature schemes – BLS-based and Snowblind – in our framework, and show how to lift them to provide stronger security.
Threshold PAKE with Security against Compromise of all Servers
We revisit the notion of Threshold Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (tPAKE), and we extend it to augmented tPAKE (atPAKE), which protects password information even in case of compromise of all servers, except for allowing an (inevitable) offline dictionary attack. Compared to prior notions of tPAKE this is analogous to replacing symmetric PAKE, where the server stores the user’s password, with an augmented (or asymmetric) PAKE, like OPAQUE [39], where the server stores a password hash, which can be used only as a target in an offline dictionary search for the password. An atPAKE scheme also strictly improves on security of an aPAKE, by secret-sharing the password hash among a set of servers. Indeed, our atPAKE protocol is a natural realization of threshold OPAQUE.
We formalize atPAKE in the framework of Universal Composability (UC), and show practical ways to realize it. All our schemes are generic compositions which interface to any aPAKE used as a sub-protocol, making them easier to adopt. Our main scheme relies on threshold Oblivious Pseudorandom Function (tOPRF), and our independent contribution fixes a flaw in the UC tOPRF notion of [36] and upgrades the tOPRF scheme therein to achieve the fixed definition while preserving its minimal cost and round complexity. The technique we use enforces implicit agreement on arbitrary context information within threshold computation, and it is of general interest.
- Yanqi Gu (1)
- Stanislaw Jarecki (1)
- Paweł Kędzior (1)
- Anja Lehmann (1)
- Phillip Nazarian (2)
- Cavit Özbay (1)
- Jiayu Xu (1)