International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Charlie Harrison


Don't Break the Web: APIs for Chrome's Privacy Sandbox
Michael Kleber Charlie Harrison
In January 2020, Chrome published a blog post detailing our strategy for removing third party cookies from the web. It's a two-pronged approach. First, we need to prevent other covert types of tracking that might replace cookies. But also, we need to provide a well-lit path to a new way to do things, so that web developers who use third-party cookies today — including the online advertising ecosystem — have other ways to accomplish their goals, with better privacy properties built in. Solutions here are both difficult and complex, as we try to squeeze out the maximum amount of utility with the minimum amount of trust in parties other than the client. In this talk we’ll outline specific challenges we’ve faced in designing APIs for ads targeting and ads measurement, as well as various cryptographic technologies we have explored.