Marc Joye
Drifting Towards Better Error Probabilities in Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
There are two security notions for FHE schemes the traditional notion of IND-CPA, and a more stringent notion of IND-CPA^D. The notions are equivalent if the FHE schemes are perfectly correct, however for schemes with negligible failure probability the FHE parameters needed to obtain IND-CPA^D security can be much larger than those needed to obtain IND-CPA security. This paper uses the notion of ciphertext drift in order to understand the practical difference between IND-CPA and IND-CPA^D security in schemes such as FHEW, TFHE and FINAL. This notion allows us to define a modulus switching operation (the main culprit for the difference in parameters) such that one does not require adapting IND-CPA cryptographic parameters to meet the IND-CPA^D security level. Further, the extra cost incurred by the new techniques has no noticeable performance impact in practical applications. The paper also formally defines a stronger version for IND-CPA^D security called sIND-CPA^D, which is proved to be strictly separated from the IND-CPA^D notion. Criterion for turning an IND-CPA^D secure public-key encryption into an sIND-CPA^D one is also provided.
Advanced FHE Protocols for the Blockchain
This talk will outline the cryptographic protocols which are needed to implement private smart contracts (over and above that of basic FHE encryption and evaluation operations). Our motivation is the Zama fhEVM protocol, but the cryptographic primitives we will outline will be of general interest and apply to many FHE-enabled applications.
SoK: Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the [Discretized] Torus
First posed as a challenge in 1978 by Rivest et al., fully homomorphic encryption—the ability to evaluate any function over encrypted data—was only solved in 2009 in a breakthrough result by Gentry (Commun. ACM, 2010). After a decade of intense research, practical solutions have emerged and are being pushed for standardization.This paper explains the inner-workings of TFHE, a torus-based fully homomorphic encryption scheme. More exactly, it describes its implementation on a discretized version of the torus. It also explains in detail the technique of the programmable bootstrapping. Numerous examples are provided to illustrate the various concepts and definitions.
Balanced Non-Adjacent Forms
Integers can be decomposed in multiple ways. The choice of a recoding technique is generally dictated by performance considerations. The usual metric for optimizing the decomposition is the Hamming weight. In this work, we consider a different metric and propose new modified forms (i.e., integer representations using signed digits) that satisfy minimality requirements under the new metric. Specifically, we introduce what we call balanced non-adjacent forms and prove that they feature a minimal Euclidean weight. We also present efficient algorithms to produce these new minimal forms. We analyze their asymptotic and exact distributions. We extend the definition to modular integers and show similar optimality results. The balanced non adjacent forms find natural applications in fully homomorphic encryption as they optimally reduce the noise variance in LWE-type ciphertexts.
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- Giuseppe Ateniese (1)
- Fabrice Benhamouda (1)
- Olivier Bernard (1)
- Eric Brier (1)
- Jan Camenisch (1)
- Benoît Chevallier-Mames (1)
- Christophe Clavier (1)
- Jean-Sébastien Coron (3)
- Morten Dahl (1)
- Clement Danjou (1)
- Daniel Demmler (1)
- Reza Rezaeian Farashahi (1)
- Raveen R. Goundar (1)
- Helena Handschuh (1)
- Javier Herranz (1)
- Peter Ivanov (1)
- Marc Joye (35)
- Arjen K. Lenstra (1)
- Benoît Libert (9)
- Atsuko Miyaji (1)
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- Nigel P. Smart (1)
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