From Theory to Practice to Theory: Lessons Learned from Multi-Party Schnorr Signatures
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Abstract: | At RWC in 2019, Gregory Neven presented seminal work on a range of two-round multisignature schemes, all of which proved to be insecure against ROS attacks. At that time, it appeared doubtful if concurrently secure two-round multi-party Schnorr signatures could exist. In 2020, this research question was answered in the affirmative, and we saw the emergence of several two-round multi-party Schnorr signature scheme secure under concurrent sessions, namely FROST on the threshold side, MuSig2 (presented at RWC 2021) and DWMS on the multisignature side. Three years have passed since these schemes were first published, and we have learned a lot in their transition from theory to practical use. In this talk, we will review these lessons learned, and how the field has since progressed. We will then introduce a range of open research questions that, if solved, would dramatically improve the practicality and applicability of these schemes in real-world systems. |
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@misc{rwc-2023-35471, title={From Theory to Practice to Theory: Lessons Learned from Multi-Party Schnorr Signatures}, note={Video at \url{}}, howpublished={Talk given at RWC 2023}, author={Elizabeth Crites and Chelsea Komlo and Tim Ruffing}, year=2023 }