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TCC 2007

February 21-24 2007, Trippenhuis
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

TCC 2007 Call for Papers [pdf] [txt] [html]

Submission Deadline: August 18, 2006 (passed)

The fourth Theory of Cryptography Conference will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, organized by CWI and sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research. Papers presenting original research on theoretical and foundational aspects of cryptography are sought.

The Theory of Cryptography Conference deals with the paradigms, approaches, and techniques used to conceptualize, define and provide solutions to natural cryptographic problems. More specifically, research in this area includes the:

  • Study of known paradigms, approaches, and techniques, directed towards their better understanding and utilization,
  • Discovery of new approaches and techniques that overcome limitations of the existing paradigms,
  • Formulation and treatment of new cryptographic problems,
  • Study of notions of security and relations among them,
  • Modeling and analysis of cryptographic constructions, and
  • Study of the complexity assumptions used in cryptography.
The Theory of Cryptography Conference is dedicated to the dissemination of results in the area. The conference aims to provide a meeting place for researchers and to be instrumental in shaping the identity of the Theory of Cryptography community.

Important dates:
Conference February 21-24, 2007
Submission Deadline August 18 2006
(must be RECEIVED by 17:59 EDT)
Notification of decision October 18 2006
Proceedings version deadline November 20 2006

Instructions for authors: The submission should begin with a title page containing a title, the authors' names, affiliations, and contact information, and a short abstract. It should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques, and results, including motivation and a clear comparison with related work. Submissions should be typeset with 11pt or larger font and reasonable spacing and margins. They should not exceed 12 letter-sized pages, not counting the title page, bibliography and appendices. Committee members are not required to read appendices; the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that was published elsewhere, or work that any of the authors has submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop that has proceedings.

Submission instructions: Papers must be submitted electronically at the website https://s1.iacr.org/websubrev/tcc2007/. Electronic submissions must conform to the described procedure and must be received by the deadline indicated above. Electronic submission via the described interface is the only form of submission considered. (In particular, hardcopy or emailed submissions will not be considered.) Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference. (Thanks to Shai Halevi for writing the software, which is available here.)

Best student paper award (new for TCC `07): This prize is for the best paper authored solely by students, where a student is a person that is considered a student by the respective institution at the time of the paper's submission. Eligibility must be indicated in the "Comments to Chair" at the time of submission. The program committee may decline to make the award, or may split it among several papers.

Proceedings: Proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series and will be available at the conference. Instructions about the preparation of a final proceedings version will be sent to the authors of accepted papers. The final copies of the accepted papers will be due on November 20, 2006.

Program Committee Chair: Salil Vadhan, Harvard University.

Conference General Chair: Ronald Cramer, CWI Amsterdam and Leiden University.

Program Committee:

Mihir Bellare (U.C. San Diego)
Ran Canetti (IBM Research)
Ivan Damgard (University of Aarhus)
Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft Research)
Serge Fehr (CWI Amsterdam)
Yuval Ishai (The Technion)
Jonathan Katz (University of Maryland)


Rafael Pass (MIT and Cornell University)
Oded Regev (Tel-Aviv University)
Omer Reingold (Weizmann Institute)
Ronen Shaltiel (University of Haifa)
Victor Shoup (New York University)
Yael Tauman Kalai (MIT)
Bogdan Warinschi (INRIA-Lorraine)

TCC Steering Committee Members: Mihir Bellare, Ivan Damgard, Oded Goldreich (Chair), Shafi Goldwasser, Johan Hastad, Russell Impagliazzo, Ueli Maurer, Silvio Micali, Moni Naor, and Tatsuaki Okamoto.

The TCC Web site: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~tcc/