International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Christopher A. Wood


Password-Authenticated TLS via OPAQUE and Post-Handshake Authentication
OPAQUE is an Asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE) protocol being standardized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as a more secure alternative to the traditional ``password-over-TLS" mechanism prevalent in current practice. OPAQUE defends against a variety of vulnerabilities of password-over-TLS by dispensing with reliance on PKI and TLS security, and ensuring that the password is never visible to servers or anyone other than the client machine where the password is entered. In order to facilitate the use of OPAQUE in practice, integration of OPAQUE with TLS is needed. The main proposal for standardizing such integration uses the Exported Authenticators (TLS-EA) mechanism of TLS 1.3 that supports post-handshake authentication and allows for a smooth composition with OPAQUE. We refer to this composition as TLS-OPAQUE and present a detailed security analysis for it in the Universal Composability (UC) framework. Our treatment is more general and it includes the formalization of components that are needed in the analysis of TLS-EA but are of wider applicability as they are used in many protocols in practice. Specifically, we provide formalizations in the UC model of the notions of post-handshake authentication and channel binding. The latter, in particular, has been hard to implement securely in practice, resulting in multiple protocol failures, including major attacks against prior versions of TLS. Ours is the first treatment of these notions in a computational model with composability guarantees. We complement the theoretical work with a detailed discussion of practical considerations for the use and deployment of TLS-OPAQUE in real-world settings and applications.
A Fast and Simple Partially Oblivious PRF, with Applications 📺
We build the first construction of a partially oblivious pseudorandom function (POPRF) that does not rely on bilinear pairings. Our construction can be viewed as combining elements of the 2HashDH OPRF of Jarecki, Kiayias, and Krawczyk with the Dodis-Yampolskiy PRF. We analyze our POPRF’s security in the random oracle model via reduction to a new one-more gap strong Diffie-Hellman inversion assumption. The most significant technical challenge is establishing confidence in the new assumption, which requires new proof techniques that enable us to show that its hardness is implied by the q-DL assumption in the algebraic group model. Our new construction is as fast as the current, standards-track OPRF 2HashDH protocol, yet provides a new degree of flexibility useful in a variety of applications. We show how POPRFs can be used to prevent token hoarding attacks against Privacy Pass, reduce key management complexity in the OPAQUE password authenticated key exchange protocol, and ensure stronger security for password breach alerting services.