Laura Shea
Public-Algorithm Substitution Attacks: Subverting Hashing and Verification
Algorithm-Substitution Attacks (ASAs) have traditionally targeted secretly-keyed algorithms (for example, symmetric encryption or signing) with the goal of undetectably exfiltrating the underlying key. We initiate work in a new direction, namely ASAs on algorithms that are public, meaning contain no secret-key material. Examples are hash functions, and verification algorithms of signature schemes or non-interactive arguments. In what we call a PA-SA (Public-Algorithm Substitution Attack), the big-brother adversary replaces the public algorithm $f$ with a subverted algorithm, while retaining a backdoor to the latter. Since there is no secret key to exfiltrate, one has to ask what a PA-SA aims to do. We answer this with definitions that consider big-brother's goal for the PA-SA to be three-fold: it desires utility (it can break an $f$-using scheme or application), undetectability (outsiders can't detect the substitution) and exclusivity (nobody other than big-brother can exploit the substitution). We start with a general setting in which $f$ is arbitrary, formalizing strong definitions for the three goals, and then give a construction of a PA-SA that we prove meets them. We use this to derive, as applications, PA-SAs on hash functions, signature verification and verification of non-interactive arguments, exhibiting new and effective ways to subvert these. As a further application of the first two, we give a PA-SA on X.509 TLS certificates. Our constructions serve to help defenders and developers identify potential attacks by illustrating how they might be built.
Intermundium-DL: Assessing the Resilience of Current Schemes to Discrete-Log-Computation Attacks on Public Parameters
We consider adversaries able to perform a nonzero but small number of discrete logarithm computations, as would be expected with near-term quantum computers. Schemes with public parameters consisting of a few group elements are now at risk; could an adversary knowing the discrete logarithms of these elements go on to easily compromise the security of many users? We study this question for known schemes and find, across them, a perhaps surprising variance in the answers. In a first class are schemes, including Okamoto and Katz-Wang signatures, that we show fully retain security even when the discrete logs of the group elements in their parameters are known to the adversary. In a second class are schemes like Cramer-Shoup encryption and the SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange protocol that we show retain some partial but still meaningful and valuable security. In the last class are schemes we show by attack to totally break. The distinctions uncovered by these results shed light on the security of classical schemes in a setting of immediate importance, and help make choices moving forward.
- Mihir Bellare (2)
- Doreen Riepel (2)
- Laura Shea (2)