Qiang Tang
Crooked Indifferentiability of the Feistel Construction
The Feistel construction is a fundamental technique for building pseudorandom permutations and block ciphers. This paper shows that a simple adaptation of the construction is resistant, even to algorithm substitution attacks---that is, adversarial subversion---of the component round functions. Specifically, we establish that a Feistel-based construction with more than $337n/\log(1/\epsilon)$ rounds can transform a subverted random function---which disagrees with the original one at a small fraction (denoted by $\epsilon$) of inputs---into an object that is \emph{crooked-indifferentiable} from a random permutation, even if the adversary is aware of all the randomness used in the transformation. Here, $n$ denotes the length of both the input and output of the round functions that underlie the Feistel cipher. We also provide a lower bound showing that the construction cannot use fewer than $2n/\log(1/\epsilon)$ rounds to achieve crooked-indifferentiable security.
Verifiable Capacity-bound Functions: A New Primitive from Kolmogorov Complexity (Revisiting space-based security in the adaptive setting)
We initiate the study of verifiable capacity-bound function (VCBF). The main VCBF property imposes a strict lower bound on the number of bits read from memory during evaluation (referred to as minimum capacity). No adversary, even with unbounded computational resources, should produce an output without spending this minimum memory capacity. Moreover, a VCBF allows for an efficient public verification process: Given a proof-of-correctness, checking the validity of the output takes significantly fewer memory resources, sublinear in the target minimum capacity. Finally, it achieves soundness, i.e., no computationally bounded adversary can produce a proof that passes verification for a false output. With these properties, we believe a VCBF can be viewed as a “space” analog of a verifiable delay function. We then propose the first VCBF construction relying on evaluating a degree-$d$ polynomial $f$ from $F_p[x]$ at a random point. We leverage ideas from Kolmogorov complexity to prove that sampling $f$ from a large set (i.e., for high-enough d) ensures that evaluation must entail reading a number of bits proportional to the size of its coefficients. Moreover, our construction benefits from existing verifiable polynomial evaluation schemes to realize our efficient verification requirements. In practice, for a field of order $O(2^\lambda)$ our VCBF achieves $O((d + 1)\lambda)$ minimum capacity, whereas verification requires just $O(\lambda)$. The minimum capacity of our VCBF construction holds against adversaries that perform a constant number of random memory accesses during evaluation. This poses the natural question of whether a VCBF with high minimum capacity guarantees exists when dealing with adversaries that perform non-constant (e.g., polynomial) number of random accesses.
Efficient Secure Storage with Version Control and Key Rotation
Periodic key rotation is a widely used technique to enhance key compromise resilience. Updatable encryption (UE) schemes provide an efficient approach to key rotation, ensuring the post compromise security for both confidentiality and integrity. However, these UE techniques cannot be directly applied to frequently updated databases due to the risk of a malicious server inducing the client to accept an outdated version of a file instead of the latest one.
To address this issue, we propose a scheme called Updatable Secure Storage (USS), which provides a secure and updatable solution for dynamic databases. The USS scheme ensures both data confidentiality and integrity, even in the presence of key compromises. By using efficient key rotation and file update procedures, the communication costs of these operations are independent of the size of the database. This makes the USS scheme particularly well-suited for managing large and frequently updated databases with secure version control. Unlike existing UE schemes, the integrity provided by USS holds even when the server learns the current secret key and intentionally violates the key update protocol.
Predicate Aggregate Signatures and Applications
Motivated by applications in anonymous reputation system and blockchain governance, we initiate the study of predicate aggregate signatures (PAS), which is a new primitive that enables users to sign multiple messages, and these individual signatures can be aggregated by a combiner, preserving the anonymity of the signers. The resulting PAS discloses only a brief description of signers for each message and provides assurance that both the signers and their description satisfy the specified public predicate.
We formally define PAS and give a construction framework to yield a logarithmic size signature, and further reduce the verification time also to logarithmic. We also give several instantiations for several concrete predicates that may be of independent interests.
To showcase its power, we also demonstrate its applications to multiple settings including multi-signatures, aggregate signatures, threshold signatures, (threshold) ring signatures, attribute-based signatures, etc, and advance the state of the art in all of them.
Witness Authenticating NIZKs and Applications
We initiate the study of witness authenticating NIZK proof systems (waNIZKs), in which one can use a witness $w$ of a statement $x$ to identify whether a valid proof for $x$ is indeed generated using $w$. Such a new identification functionality enables more diverse applications, and it also puts new requirements on soundness that: (1) no adversary can generate a valid proof that will not be identified by any witness; (2) or forge a proof using her valid witness to frame others. To work around the obvious obstacle towards conventional zero-knowledgeness, we define entropic zero-knowledgeness that requires the proof to leak no partial information, if the witness has sufficient computational entropy.
We give a formal treatment of this new primitive. The modeling turns out to be quite involved and multiple subtle points arise and particular cares are required. We present general constructions from standard assumptions. We also demonstrate three applications in non-malleable (perfect one-way) hash, group signatures with verifier-local revocations and plaintext-checkable public-key encryption. Our waNIZK provides a new tool to advance the state of the art in all these applications.
Hierarchical Integrated Signature and Encryption
In this work, we introduce the notion of hierarchical integrated signature and encryption (HISE),
wherein a single public key is used for both signature and encryption, and one can derive a secret key used only for decryption from the signing key, which enables secure delegation of decryption capability. HISE enjoys the benefit of key reuse, and admits individual key escrow. We present two generic constructions of HISE. One is from (constrained) identity-based encryption. The other is from uniform one-way function, public-key encryption, and general-purpose public-coin zero-knowledge proof of knowledge. To further attain global key escrow, we take a little detour to revisit global escrow PKE, an object both of independent interest and with many applications. We formalize the syntax and security model of global escrow PKE, and provide two generic constructions. The first embodies a generic approach to compile any PKE into one with global escrow property. The second establishes a connection between three-party non-interactive key exchange and global escrow PKE. Combining the results developed above, we obtain HISE schemes that support both individual and global key escrow.
We instantiate our generic constructions of (global escrow) HISE and implement all the resulting concrete schemes for 128-bit security. Our schemes have performance that is comparable to the best Cartesian product combined public-key scheme, and exhibit advantages in terms of richer functionality and public key reuse. As a byproduct, we obtain a new global escrow PKE scheme that outperforms the best prior work in speed by several orders of magnitude, which might be of independent interest.
Computational Robust (Fuzzy) Extractors for CRS-dependent Sources with Minimal Min-entropy
Robust (fuzzy) extractors are very useful for, e.g., authenticated key exchange from a shared weak secret and remote biometric authentication against active adversaries. They enable two parties to extract the same uniform randomness with a ``helper'' string. More importantly, they have an authentication mechanism built in that tampering of the ``helper'' string will be detected. Unfortunately, as shown by Dodis and Wichs, in the information-theoretic setting, a robust extractor for an $(n,k)$-source requires $k>n/2$, which is in sharp contrast with randomness extractors which only require $k=\omega(\log n)$. Existing works either rely on random oracles or introduce CRS and work only for CRS-independent sources (even in the computational setting).
In this work, we give a systematic study about robust (fuzzy) extractors for general CRS {\em dependent} sources. We show in the information-theoretic setting, the same entropy lower bound holds even in the CRS model; we then show we {\em can} have robust extractors in the computational setting for general CRS-dependent source that is only with minimal entropy. We further extend our construction to robust fuzzy extractors. Along the way, we propose a new primitive called $\kappa$-MAC, which is unforgeable with a weak key and hides all partial information about the key (both against auxiliary input); it may be of independent interests.
CCA Updatable Encryption Against Malicious Re-Encryption Attacks
Updatable encryption (UE) is an attractive primitive, which allows the secret key of the outsourced encrypted data to be updated to a fresh one periodically. Several elegant works exist studying various security properties. We notice several major issues in existing security models of (ciphertext dependent) updatable encryption, in particular, integrity and CCA security. The adversary in the models is only allowed to request the server to re-encrypt {\em honestly} generated ciphertext, while in practice, an attacker could try to inject arbitrary ciphertexts into the server as she wishes. Those malformed ciphertext could be updated and leveraged by the adversary and cause serious security issues.
In this paper, we fill the gap and strengthen the security definitions in multiple aspects: most importantly our integrity and CCA security models remove the restriction in previous models and achieve standard notions of integrity and CCA security in the setting of updatable encryption. Along the way, we refine the security model to capture post-compromise security and enhance the re-encryption indistinguishability to the CCA style.
Guided by the new models, we provide a novel construction \recrypt, which satisfies our strengthened security definitions. The technical building block of homomorphic hash from a group may be of independent interests. We also study the relations among security notions; and a bit surprisingly, the folklore result in authenticated encryption that IND-CPA plus ciphertext integrity imply IND-CCA security does {\em not} hold for ciphertext dependent updatable encryption.
Let a Non-barking Watchdog Bite: Cliptographic Signatures with an Offline Watchdog
We study how to construct secure digital signature schemes in the presence of kleptographic attacks. Our work utilizes an offline watchdog to clip the power of subversions via only one-time black-box testing of the implementation. Previous results essentially rely on an online watchdog which requires the collection of all communicating transcripts (or active re-randomization of messages).We first give a simple but generic construction, without random oracles, in the partial-subversion model in which key generation and signing algorithms can be subverted. Then, we give the first digital signature scheme in the complete-subversion model in which all cryptographic algorithms can be subverted. This construction is based on the full-domain hash. Along the way, we enhance the recent result of Russell et al. (CRYPTO 2018) about correcting a subverted random oracle.
Correcting Subverted Random Oracles
The random oracle methodology has proven to be a powerful tool for designing and reasoning about cryptographic schemes, and can often act as an effective bridge between theory and practice. In this paper, we focus on the basic problem of correcting faulty—or adversarially corrupted—random oracles, so that they can be confidently applied for such cryptographic purposes.We prove that a simple construction can transform a “subverted” random oracle—which disagrees with the original one at a negligible fraction of inputs—into a construction that is indifferentiable from a random function. Our results permit future designers of cryptographic primitives in typical kleptographic settings (i.e., with adversaries who may subvert the implementation of cryptographic algorithms but undetectable via blackbox testing) to use random oracles as a trusted black box, in spite of not trusting the implementation. Our analysis relies on a general rejection re-sampling lemma which is a tool of possible independent interest.
Making Public Key Functional Encryption Function Private, Distributively
We put forth a new notion of distributed public key functional encryption. In such a functional encryption scheme, the secret key for a function f will be split into shares
$$\mathsf {sk}_i^f$$
skif. Given a ciphertext
$$\mathsf {ct} $$
ct that encrypts a message x, a secret key share
$$\mathsf {sk}_i^f$$
skif, one can evaluate and obtain a shared value
yi. Adding all the shares up can recover the actual value of f(x), while partial shares reveal nothing about the plaintext. More importantly, this new model allows us to establish function privacy which was not possible in the setting of regular public key functional encryption. We formalize such notion and construct such a scheme from any public key functional encryption scheme together with learning with error assumption.We then consider the problem of hosting services in the untrusted cloud. Boneh, Gupta, Mironov, and Sahai (Eurocrypt 2014) first studied such application and gave a construction based on indistinguishability obfuscation. Their construction had the restriction that the number of corrupted clients has to be bounded and known. They left an open problem how to remove such restriction. We resolve this problem by applying our function private (distributed) public key functional encryption to the setting of hosting service in multiple clouds. Furthermore, our construction provides a much simpler and more flexible paradigm which is of both conceptual and practical interests.Along the way, we strengthen and simplify the security notions of the underlying primitives, including function secret sharing.
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- Giuseppe Ateniese (1)
- Yu Chen (1)
- Long Chen (3)
- Sherman S. M. Chow (1)
- Xiong Fan (1)
- Hanwen Feng (2)
- Danilo Francati (1)
- Hui Guo (1)
- Joseph Jaeger (1)
- Ya-Nan Li (2)
- Dimitrios Papadopoulos (1)
- Tian Qiu (1)
- Thomas Ristenpart (1)
- Alexander Russell (4)
- Qiang Tang (13)
- Yuyu Wang (1)
- Moti Yung (3)
- Yongjun Zhao (1)
- Hong-Sheng Zhou (3)
- jiadong zhu (1)