International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen


Threshold Raccoon: Practical Threshold Signatures from Standard Lattice Assumptions
Threshold signatures improve both availability and security of digital signatures by splitting the signing key into $N$ shares handed out to different parties. Later on, any subset of at least $T$ parties can cooperate to produce a signature on a given message. While threshold signatures have been extensively studied in the pre-quantum setting, they remain sparse from quantum-resilient assumptions. We present the first efficient lattice-based threshold signatures with signature size 13~KiB and communication cost 40~KiB per user, supporting a threshold size as large as 1024~signers. We provide an accompanying high performance implementation. The security of the scheme is based on the same assumptions as Dilithium, a signature recently selected by NIST for standardisation which, as far as we know, cannot easily be made threshold efficiently. All operations used during signing are due to symmetric primitives and simple lattice operations; in particular our scheme does not need heavy tools such as threshold fully homomorphic encryption or homomorphic trapdoor commitments as in prior constructions. The key technical idea is to use _one-time additive masks_ to mitigate the leakage of the partial signing keys through partial signatures.
Accelerating SLH-DSA by Two Orders of Magnitude with a Single Hash Unit
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
We report on efficient and secure hardware implementation techniques for the FIPS 205 SLH-DSA Hash-Based Signature Standard. We demonstrate that very significant overall performance gains can be obtained from hardware that optimizes the padding formats and iterative hashing processes specific to SLH-DSA. A prototype implementation, SLotH, contains Keccak/SHAKE, SHA2-256, and SHA2-512 cores and supports all 12 parameter sets of SLH-DSA. SLotH also supports side-channel secure PRF computation and Winternitz chains. SLotH drivers run on a small RISC-V control core, as is common in current Root-of-Trust (RoT) systems. The new features make SLH-DSA on SLotH many times faster compared to similarly-sized general-purpose hash accelerators. Compared to unaccelerated microcontroller implementations, the performance of SLotH's SHAKE variants is up to 300× faster; signature generation with 128f parameter set is is 4,903,978 cycles, while signature verification with 128s parameter set is only 179,603 cycles. The SHA2 parameter sets have approximately half of the speed of SHAKE parameter sets. We observe that the signature verification performance of SLH-DSA's ``s'' parameter sets is generally better than that of accelerated ECDSA or Dilithium on similarly-sized RoT targets. The area of the full SLotH system is small, from 63 kGE (SHA2, Cat 1 only) to 155 kGe (all parameter sets). Keccak Threshold Implementation adds another 130 kGE. We provide sensitivity analysis of SLH-DSA in relation to side-channel leakage. We show experimentally that an SLH-DSA implementation with CPU hashing will rapidly leak the SK.seed master key. We perform a 100,000-trace TVLA leakage assessment with a protected SLotH unit.
RISC-V Cryptography Evolution: High Assurance and Post-Quantum Cryptography
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen G. Richard Newell Nicolas Brunie
Billions of devices running the RISC-V Open Source ISA have been shipped, and an increasing number of those implement cryptography instructions from the Cryptography Extensions Task Group (CETG). As a significant development, the RISC-V Android platform requires a CPU with vector cryptography extensions. We describe RISC-V extensions currently being developed for High Assurance and Post-Quantum Cryptography.
The design of scalar AES Instruction Set Extensions for RISC-V 📺
Secure, efficient execution of AES is an essential requirement on most computing platforms. Dedicated Instruction Set Extensions (ISEs) are often included for this purpose. RISC-V is a (relatively) new ISA that lacks such a standardized ISE. We survey the state-of-the-art industrial and academic ISEs for AES, implement and evaluate five different ISEs, one of which is novel. We recommend separate ISEs for 32 and 64-bit base architectures, with measured performance improvements for an AES-128 block encryption of 4x and 10x with a hardware cost of 1.1K and 8.2K gates respectively, when compared to a software-only implementation based on use of T-tables. We also explore how the proposed standard bit-manipulation extension to RISC-V can be harnessed for efficient implementation of AES-GCM. Our work supports the ongoing RISC-V cryptography extension standardisation process.
Related-Key Attacks Against Full Hummingbird-2 📺
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen
Cryptanalysis of Hummingbird
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen


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