International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Pedro Branco


Black-Box Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge from Vector Trapdoor Hash
We present a new approach for constructing non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems from {\em vector trapdoor hashing} (VTDH) -- a generalization of trapdoor hashing [D\"ottling et al., Crypto'19]. Unlike prior applications of trapdoor hash to NIZKs, we use VTDH to realize the hidden bits model [Feige-Lapidot-Shamir, FOCS'90] leading to {\em black-box} constructions of NIZKs. This approach gives us the following new results: \begin{itemize} \item A {\em statistically-sound} NIZK proof system based on the hardness of decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) and learning parity with noise (LPN) over finite fields with inverse polynomial noise rate. This gives the first statistically sound NIZK proof system that is not based on either LWE, or bilinear maps, or factoring. \item A dual-mode NIZK satisfying statistical zero-knowledge in the common random string mode and statistical soundness in the common reference string mode assuming the hardness of learning with errors (LWE) with {\em polynomial} modulus-to-noise ratio. This gives the first {\it black-box} construction of such a dual-mode NIZK under LWE. This improves the recent work of Waters (STOC'24) which relied on LWE with super-polynomial modulus-to-noise ratio and required a setup phase with private coins. \end{itemize} The above constructions are black-box and satisfy single-theorem zero-knowledge property. Building on the works of Feige et al.(FOCS'90) and Fischlin and Rohrback (PKC'21), we upgrade these constructions (under the same assumptions) to satisfy multi-theorem zero-knowledge property at the expense of making non-black-box use of cryptography.
Two-Round Maliciously-Secure Oblivious Transfer with Optimal Rate
We give a construction of a two-round batch oblivious transfer (OT) protocol in the CRS model that is UC-secure against malicious adversaries and has (near) optimal communication cost. Specifically, to perform a batch of $k$ oblivious transfers where the sender's inputs are bits, the sender and the receiver need to communicate a total of $3k + o(k) \cdot \mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$ bits. We argue that $3k$ bits are required by any protocol with a black-box and straight-line simulator. The security of our construction is proven assuming the hardness of Quadratic Residuosity (QR) and the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN).
Rate-1 Fully Local Somewhere Extractable Hashing from DDH
Somewhere statistically binding (SSB) hashing allows us to sample a special hashing key such that the digest statistically binds the input at $m$ secret locations. This hash function is said to be somewhere extractable (SE) if there is an additional trapdoor that allows the extraction of the input bits at the $m$ locations from the digest. Devadas, Goyal, Kalai, and Vaikuntanathan (FOCS 22) introduced a variant of somewhere extractable hashing called rate-1 fully local SE hash functions. The rate-1 requirement states that the size of the digest is $m + \polyn(\lambda)$ (where $\lambda$ is the security parameter). The fully local property requires that for any index $i$, there is a ``very short" opening showing that $i$-th bit of the hashed input is equal to $b$ for some $b \in \bin$. The size of this opening is required to be independent of $m$ and in particular, this means that its size is independent of the size of the digest. Devadas et al. gave such a construction from Learning with Errors (LWE). In this work, we give a construction of a rate-1 fully local somewhere extractable hash function from Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) and BARGs. Under the same assumptions, we give constructions of rate-1 BARG and RAM SNARG with partial input soundness whose proof sizes are only matched by prior constructions based on LWE.
Traitor Tracing without Trusted Authority from Registered Functional Encryption
Traitor-tracing systems allow identifying the users who contributed to building a rogue decoder in a broadcast environment. In a traditional traitor-tracing system, a key authority is responsible for generating the global public parameters and issuing secret keys to users. All security is lost if the \emph{key authority itself} is corrupt. This raises the question: Can we construct a traitor-tracing scheme, without a trusted authority? In this work, we propose a new model for traitor-tracing systems where, instead of having a key authority, users could generate and register their own public keys. The public parameters are computed by aggregating all user public keys. Crucially, the aggregation process is \emph{public}, thus eliminating the need of any trusted authority. We present two new traitor-tracing systems in this model based on bilinear pairings. Our first scheme is proven adaptively secure in the generic group model. This scheme features a {\it transparent} setup, ciphertexts consisting of $6\sqrt{L}+4$ group elements, and a public tracing algorithm. Our second scheme supports a bounded collusion of traitors and is proven selectively secure in the standard model. Our main technical ingredients are new registered functional encryption (RFE) schemes for quadratic and linear functions which, prior to this work, were known only from indistinguishability obfuscation. To substantiate the practicality of our approach, we evaluate the performance a proof of concept implementation. For a group of $L = 1024$ users, encryption and decryption take roughly 50ms and 4ms, respectively, whereas a ciphertext is of size 6.7KB.
A Framework for Statistically Sender Private OT with Optimal Rate
Statistical sender privacy (SSP) is the strongest achievable security notion for two-message oblivious transfer (OT) in the standard model, providing statistical security against malicious receivers and computational security against semi-honest senders. In this work we provide a novel construction of SSP OT from the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) and the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) assumptions achieving (asymptotically) optimal amortized communication complexity, i.e. it achieves rate 1. Concretely, the total communication complexity for $k$ OT instances is $2k(1+o(1))$, which (asymptotically) approaches the information-theoretic lower bound. Previously, it was only known how to realize this primitive using heavy rate-1 FHE techniques [Brakerski et al., Gentry and Halevi TCC'19]. At the heart of our construction is a primitive called statistical co-PIR, essentially a a public key encryption scheme which statistically erases bits of the message in a few hidden locations. Our scheme achieves nearly optimal ciphertext size and provides statistical security against malicious receivers. Computational security against semi-honest senders holds under the DDH assumption.
Two-Round Oblivious Linear Evaluation from Learning with Errors 📺
Oblivious Linear Evaluation (OLE) is the arithmetic analogue of the well-know oblivious transfer primitive. It allows a sender, holding an affine function $f(x)=a+bx$ over a finite field or ring, to let a receiver learn $f(w)$ for a $w$ of the receiver's choice. In terms of security, the sender remains oblivious of the receiver's input $w$, whereas the receiver learns nothing beyond $f(w)$ about $f$. In recent years, OLE has emerged as an essential building block to construct efficient, reusable and maliciously-secure two-party computation. In this work, we present efficient two-round protocols for OLE over large fields based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption, providing a full arithmetic generalization of the oblivious transfer protocol of Peikert, Vaikuntanathan and Waters (CRYPTO 2008). At the technical core of our work is a novel extraction technique which allows to determine if a non-trivial multiple of some vector is close to a $q$-ary lattice.
Batch-OT with Optimal Rate 📺
We show that it is possible to perform $n$ independent copies of $1$-out-of-$2$ oblivious transfer in two messages, where the communication complexity of the receiver and sender (each) is $n(1+o(1))$ for sufficiently large $n$. Note that this matches the information-theoretic lower bound. Prior to this work, this was only achievable by using the heavy machinery of rate-$1$ fully homomorphic encryption (Rate-$1$ FHE, Brakerski et al., TCC 2019). To achieve rate-$1$ both on the receiver's and sender's end, we use the LPN assumption, with slightly sub-constant noise rate $1/m^{\epsilon}$ for any $\epsilon>0$ together with either the DDH, QR or LWE assumptions. In terms of efficiency, our protocols only rely on linear homomorphism, as opposed to the FHE-based solution which inherently requires an expensive ``bootstrapping'' operation. We believe that in terms of efficiency we compare favorably to existing batch-OT protocols, while achieving superior communication complexity. We show similar results for Oblivious Linear Evaluation (OLE). For our DDH-based solution we develop a new technique that may be of independent interest. We show that it is possible to ``emulate'' the binary group $\bbZ_2$ (or any other small-order group) inside a prime-order group $\bbZ_p$ \emph{in a function-private manner}. That is, $\bbZ_2$ operations are mapped to $\bbZ_p$ operations such that the outcome of the latter do not reveal additional information beyond the $\bbZ_2$ outcome. Our encoding technique uses the discrete Gaussian distribution, which to our knowledge was not done before in the context of DDH.
Universal Ring Signatures in the Standard Model 📺
Ring signatures allow a user to sign messages on behalf of an \emph{ad hoc} set of users - a ring - while hiding her identity. The original motivation for ring signatures was whistleblowing [Rivest et al. ASIACRYPT'01]: a high government employee can anonymously leak sensitive information while certifying that it comes from a reliable source, namely by signing the leak. However, essentially all known ring signature schemes require the members of the ring to publish a structured verification key that is compatible with the scheme. This creates somewhat of a paradox since, if a user does not want to be framed for whistleblowing, they will stay clear of signature schemes that support ring signatures. In this work, we formalize the concept of universal ring signatures (URS). A URS enables a user to issue a ring signature with respect to a ring of users, independently of the signature schemes they are using. In particular, none of the verification keys in the ring need to come from the same scheme. Thus, in principle, URS presents an effective solution for whistleblowing. The main goal of this work is to study the feasibility of URS, especially in the standard model (i.e. no random oracles or common reference strings). We present several constructions of URS, offering different trade-offs between assumptions required, the level of security achieved, and the size of signatures: \begin{itemize} \item Our first construction is based on superpolynomial hardness assumptions of standard primitives. It achieves compact signatures. That means the size of a signature depends only logarithmically on the size of the ring and on the number of signature schemes involved. \item We then proceed to study the feasibility of constructing URS from standard polynomially-hard assumptions only. We construct a non-compact URS from witness encryption and additional standard assumptions. \item Finally, we show how to modify the non-compact construction into a compact one by relying on indistinguishability obfuscation. \end{itemize}
Rate-1 Incompressible Encryption from Standard Assumptions
Incompressible encryption, recently proposed by Guan, Wichs and Zhandry (EUROCRYPT'22), is a novel encryption paradigm geared towards providing strong long-term security guarantees against adversaries with \emph{bounded long-term memory}. Given that the adversary forgets just a small fraction of a ciphertext, this notion provides strong security for the message encrypted therein, even if at some point in the future the entire secret key is exposed. This comes at the price of having potentially very large ciphertexts. Thus, an important efficiency measure for incompressible encryption is the message-to-ciphertext ratio (also called the rate). Guan et al. provided a low-rate instantiation of this notion from standard assumptions, and a rate-1 instantiation from indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). In this work, we propose a simple framework to build rate-1 incompressible encryption from standard assumptions. Our construction can be realized from e.g. the DDH and additionally the DCR or the LWE assumptions.
Multiparty Cardinality Testing for Threshold Private Set Intersection 📺
Pedro Branco Nico Döttling Sihang Pu
Threshold Private Set Intersection (PSI) allows multiple parties to compute the intersection of their input sets if and only if the intersection is larger than $n-t$, where $n$ is the size of the sets and $t$ is some threshold. The main appeal of this primitive is that, in contrast to standard PSI, known upper-bounds on the communication complexity only depend on the threshold $t$ and not on the sizes of the input sets. Current Threshold PSI protocols split themselves into two components: A Cardinality Testing phase, where parties decide if the intersection is larger than some threshold; and a PSI phase, where the intersection is computed. The main source of inefficiency of Threshold PSI is the former part. In this work, we present a new Cardinality Testing protocol that allows $N$ parties to check if the intersection of their input sets is larger than $n-t$. The protocol incurs in $\tilde{ \mathcal{O}} (Nt^2)$ communication complexity. We thus obtain a Threshold PSI scheme for $N$ parties with communication complexity $\tilde{ \mathcal{O}}(Nt^2)$.
Laconic Private Set Intersection and Applications 📺
Consider a server with a \emph{large} set $S$ of strings $\{x_1,x_2\ldots,x_N\}$ that would like to publish a \emph{small} hash $h$ of its set $S$ such that any client with a string $y$ can send the server a \emph{short} message allowing it to learn $y$ if $y \in S$ and nothing otherwise. In this work, we study this problem of two-round private set intersection (PSI) with low (asymptotically optimal) communication cost, or what we call \emph{laconic} private set intersection ($\ell$PSI) and its extensions. This problem is inspired by the recent general frameworks for laconic cryptography [Cho et al. CRYPTO 2017, Quach et al. FOCS'18]. We start by showing the first feasibility result for realizing $\ell$PSI~ based on the CDH assumption, or LWE with polynomial noise-to-modulus ratio. However, these feasibility results use expensive non-black-box cryptographic techniques leading to significant inefficiency. Next, with the goal of avoiding these inefficient techniques, we give a construction of $\ell$PSI~schemes making only black-box use of cryptographic functions. Our construction is secure against semi-honest receivers, malicious senders and reusable in the sense that the receiver's message can be reused across any number of executions of the protocol. The scheme is secure under the $\phi$-hiding, decisional composite residuosity and subgroup decision assumptions. Finally, we show natural applications of $\ell$PSI~to realizing a semantically-secure encryption scheme that supports detection of encrypted messages belonging to a set of ``illegal'' messages (e.g., an illegal video) circulating online. Over the past few years, significant effort has gone into realizing laconic cryptographic protocols. Nonetheless, our work provides the first black-box constructions of such protocols for a natural application setting.
Constant Ciphertext-Rate Non-Committing Encryption from Standard Assumptions 📺
Non-committing encryption (NCE) is a type of public key encryption which comes with the ability to equivocate ciphertexts to encryptions of arbitrary messages, i.e., it allows one to find coins for key generation and encryption which ``explain'' a given ciphertext as an encryption of any message. NCE is the cornerstone to construct adaptively secure multiparty computation [Canetti et al. STOC'96] and can be seen as the quintessential notion of security for public key encryption to realize ideal communication channels. A large body of literature investigates what is the best message-to-ciphertext ratio (i.e., the rate) that one can hope to achieve for NCE. In this work we propose a near complete resolution to this question and we show how to construct NCE with constant rate in the plain model from a variety of assumptions, such as the hardness of the learning with errors (LWE), the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH), or the quadratic residuosity (QR) problem. Prior to our work, constructing NCE with constant rate required a trusted setup and indistinguishability obfuscation [Canetti et al. ASIACRYPT'17].


Asiacrypt 2024 Program committee